Chapter 1. Oh, Commander.

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An enormous city, built near the shore of Ironblood. Hundreds of tall buildings all painted in black and red. Walls built around the city to prevent any unwelcome visitors to enter their kingdom. A city filled with soldiers, generals and their ships. The goal of the city was simple: To serve as the first and last line of defense against the enemies of the Ironblood.

In mid of the city was the biggest building of them all. It looks almost like a castle. In it resides the Commander of Crimson Axis, a faction made by different nations around the world with a common goal. Defeat those who oppose their supremacy.

A man sat on his office. His chair was of a black leather. Behind him was a wide open window for him to appreciate the views of his city. Around the room you could see portraits of him and the shipgirls he commands. Flags with the logo of the faction he leads.

This man wore the usual Commander outfit. A black suit with red stripes on the sleeves. Medals adorned the commander's chest. A way of showing the many feats and accomplishments he achieved the time he's been leading his faction. This man is Y/N. Around his 28 years old, Y/N was writting a couple of reports concerning his worries by the sudden increase of Siren activity on Sakura Empire seas.

A knock was heard. Y/N finished writting the report and stared at the door.

Y/N:"Come in."

A girl came inside the room. One Y/N knows pretty well. His secretary.

Y/N:"Bismarck. How was your expedition to the Northern Parliament?"

Bismarck:"Not as good as I'd like it to be. They do not have a clue where my sister could be." *Sighs* "I fear she..."

Y/N:"We will find her. I swear it on my name."

Bismarck:"Danke." (Thanks.) "That aside I came here to continue my duties as your secretary."

Y/N:"If you want to have another free week I would gladly give you one Bismarck."

Bismarck:"No need Kommandant. My tracking skills are no match for yours. I can only hope you decide to help me find her."

Y/N:"Of course. It is in my great interest to find Tirpitz too. I'll see it done yet you must understands I currently have other priorities. Sadly, Azur Lane is demands a meeting."

Bismarck:"What do they want?"

Y/N:"I heard rumors of Sirens also visiting their territory, far more than expected. They want to exchange information."

Bismarck:"Something tells me it'll be a waste of time."

Y/N:"Most likely."

Bismarck:"When will the meeting begin?"

Y/N:"No need to rush. It's tomorrow. Today I wanted to go and explore one of the islands under our control. It seems the Sirens wanted to pay a visit."

Bismarck:"Want me to give them a proper welcome Kommandant?"

Y/N:"Correct. Bring Eugen, Hipper and Z23 with us. I'm sure it'll be enough."

Bismarck nodded and left. She was going to reunite the ships previously mentioned by the Commander to start their mission.

Y/N left his room and walked out of the enormous castle he calls home, entering the streets of his city. Every ship, engineer and soldier around the place immediately stood at attention upon seeing him, knowing what could happen if they anger him.

Suddenly, a small shipgirl approached the Commander with a drawing on her hands. She hugged the commander's leg surprising everyone, fearful of what his reaction may be. Y/N stared at the small girl and listened to her words.

U-110:"Kommandant, schauen Sie, was ich gemacht habe!" (Commander look what I made!)

Surprising everyone even further Y/N got on one knee and rubbed the girl's head taking the drawing and looking at it. In it, U-110 drew herself holding Y/N's and Bismarck's hand. He noticed how there were still places not properly colored.

Y/N:"Eine wunderschöne Zeichnung. Wenn du auf meine Rückkehr wartest, können wir es gemeinsam zu Ende bringen. (A beautiful drawing. If you wait for my return we could finish it together.)

The small girl nodded happy she can pass time with their commander. Y/N handed back the drawing and she walked into the castle to wait for the commander. Once she dissappeared Y/N resumed his walk with the serious and scary face he had before.

Everyone thinks they know Y/N. A ruthless yet smart Commander that makes no prisioners. When they were at war with Azur Lane, his strategies and tactics gave them many victories. They managed to sink so many ships Crimson Axis managed to extend their influence. If it wasn't for the Sirens Y/N would've slain them all.

Or that's what everyone thinks. Y/N's tactics and strategies are almost perfect if not perfect indeed. Perhaps he would've erased Azur Lane from history. But he would never kill innocents. He fights for what he believes, not to become a mass murderer. The real reason Y/N didn't gave Azur Lane the killing blow was the many casualties it would take to do so.

Y/N quickly arrived at the docks. Even if he can't directly fight Y/N leads his ships in battle. Bismarck is always present whenever Y/N wants to join a fight, protecting the Commander at all costs.

Soon after said girl appeared along with the fleet Y/N wants to take with him.

Admiral Hipper:"Of course that you need me Kommandant, Eugen cannot compete with me!"

Prinz Eugen:"Kommandant~ Finally came to play with me?"

Bismarck glared at her best friend, unamused by her behaviour.

A destroyer approached Y/N, standing at attention.

Z23:"Z23 reporting for duty Kommandant. The fleet is combat ready sir."

Y/N:"Good. Bismarck we're taking your ships. Get your riggings ready girls, we're hunting Sirens today."

Riggings. The shipgirls weapons. The various weapons a ship would normally have strapped on a human. Not only can they walk and run on water as if it was a normal surface they can fire the guns much faster and with far more precision than a normal ship. Further proving these girls are not human.

The Ironblood, Y/N's nation, has a very strict way of deciding how the riggings are attached to a ship. The more enemies you slay the more weapons you can get attached to your rig. Z23 per example, upon taking her rigging out has Destroyer guns around her shoulders and hips. Her new incorporation was AA guns on her back to help her fight any Carriers.

As for Eugen, she has Heavy cruiser cannons on her shoulders and hips with the addition of two powerful robotic snakes with the head of a shark appearing on her back she uses to float and to shield herself from enemy projectiles. Hipper had the same riggings but without the sharks.

As for Bismarck, her rigging was the current most powerful one. Enormous cannons on her shoulders, arms, hips and back capable of firing a barrage after the other. Loaded with AP and HE shells there's nothing that cannot survive Bismarck's firepower. The AP shells are a gift from a... "friend" she made on the Royal Navy.

Bismarck approached the limit of the docks and clicked her fingers, a battleship appearing right in front of her eyes. Everyone got aboard the ship, Bismarck standing next to her Commander.

The ship took off on it's own almost as if it had a mind of it's own. Y/N stood on the ship's prow staring at the distance. Bismarck, still standing next to him, looked at Y/N.

Bismarck:"What are you thinking Kommandant?"

Y/N:"Nothing really. Just wondering if I can finally reason with Wales."

Bismarck:"The Royal Navy are not known for their wits sir."

Y/N:"Yet we still need them. As much as I'd like to charge at the Siren's HQ wherever it is we cannot do it without them."

Bismarck:"Ich bin sicher, dass du gewinnen würdest. Du machst immer." (I'm sure you would win. You always do.)

Y/N:"Thank you. I have my doubts I would but your confidence it's appreciated."

The two kept their mouth shut after their small chat, enjoying their small adventure. They can hear Hipper and Eugen arguing in the back. Z23 walking around the ship making sure everything was how it should be, even though Bismarck would've noticed it before her.

After half an hour Bismarck spotted smoke in the distance. It came from a civilian ship. The island was also in sight along with the sirens. Y/N took some binoculars and scouted the enemy fleet.

Y/N:"Mass produced ships. Dozens of'em. It's gonna be a massacre."

Bismarck:"For them of course." *Summons riggings* "My cannons are ready Kommandant."

The other shipgirls approached Y/N and awaited his command.

Y/N:"Z23, approach the civilian ships. Look for survivors. Eugen, Hipper, go and have fun with the sirens. Bismarck open fire and give those two cover fire."

Everyone nodded and went to do as the Commander said. Bismarck jumped out of the water and immediately open fire at the enemy ships. Her cannons were so powerful that upon being shot they made a huge boom sound, creating enormous seawaves around herself. Everytime a shell fell around the enemy ships it exploded, taking 4 or 5 with a single shell. Truly a massacre.

The ships turned around firing at Hipper and Eugen. Hipper initiated defensive manuevers while Eugen used her sharks to either block the shells or simply pushed them away. She even managed to grab one and throw it back at the enemy ships.

Y/N looked at his right to see Z23 going out of the civilian ships on her own. She stared at Y/N from the distance and negated with her head. Y/N sighed, understanding what she meant. Y/N ordered Z23 to return to which she immediately did. Once she was near Bismarck's ship she jumped, boarding the ship.

Z23:"No survivors. It was an atrocious sight sir."

Y/N:"The cargo?"

Z23:"Destroyed aswell."

Y/N:"Then let's give them the same treatment. Bismarck!"

She looked up to meet the Commander's eyes.

Y/N:"No survivors."

Bismarck:"Gern." (Gladly.)

Bismarck now open fire with every cannon at once forcing Y/N to shield his ears with his hands. Even Z23 had to cover herself too from the sheer firepower Bismarck had. When Y/N looked at the distance he can only see explosions in the distance. The enemy was wiped out almost instantly. Eugen and Hipper could only watch as Bismarck steals all the kills.

Z23:"L-Lieber Gott..." (Dear god...)

Y/N:"The wrath of a queen indeed. Mission accomplished. Let's return."

Bismarck looked at the island, feeling something was off.

Bismarck:"Nein. Something's wrong sir."

Y/N looked at the island aswell, trying to spot what made Bismarck so cautious. Suddenly, two Sirens with riggins appeared charging at Hipper and Eugen. More of them stood on the island firing at them.

Y/N:"Bismarck. Open fire directly at the island. Destroy it if you must."

Bismarck:"As you wish."

She open fire directly at the island. The explosions were now much bigger since they fell on ground. The amount of chaos she created was truly a sight to behold. Corpses of Sirens decimated by Bismarck's shells were thrown around like ragdolls.

As for the two Sirens that dared to charge at Eugen and Hipper they also shared the fate of their sisters. The first one tried to explode Hipper from a close distance. Hipper dodged the shell and grabbed the Siren's arm throwing her over her shoulders. The Siren fell on the water and looked at Hipper's eyes.

If the Ironblood was known for something... is for their brutality.

Hipper smirked, aiming her cannons at different parts of the Siren body. Although Sirens cannot have emotions this one did discover an emotion. Fear.

Hipper open fire, blowing the siren into very tiny pieces. Oil was splattered over Hipper's face.

As for the remaining Siren, it was trying to slay Eugen by constantly firing her Destroyer cannons at Eugen who simply used her sharks as shields. The sharks stared at the Siren with hunger. They mocked the Siren, laughing at the ticklish shells.

The Siren launched torpedos at Eugen. She quickly used her sharks to grab them from underneath the water and threw them at the Destroyer. The torpedos exploded, ripping one of the Siren's legs. It fell to the ground, unable to move.

Eugen grabbed the Siren with her sharks. One shark grabbed the upper torso while the other grabbed the lower part. They eventually tore the Siren in half, oil falling on Eugen's head. She seems to be in ecstasy by that.

Z23:"All threats have been neutralised sir."

Bismarck ceased firing. The island was in a very bad shape. The water around it was black due to the amount of oil in it. You can only see the remains of Siren corpses floating around, all dead.

Y/N:"Good job. Tell those two to come back. We're going home."

Z23 nodded and jumped out of the water. Bismarck got on board as soon as Z23 left. She stood next to Y/N, staring at the chaos they made.

Y/N:"You always make quite the spectacle."

Bismarck:"Those creatures deserve it."

Y/N:"Didn't said otherwise."

Bismarck:"I assume you enjoyed it sir?"

Y/N:"Trust me, I did. Prepare our ship, we're leaving."

Bismarck nodded turning the ship around. The remaining three shipgirls boarded Bismarck's ship. Y/N stared at Eugen.

Y/N:"You're getting a shower once we hit home. You reek."

Prinz Eugen:"Want to join me Kommandant?"


Prinz Eugen:"Aww. As cold as ever. Bismarck is being a bad influence. I'm going to miss the fun we had this last week..."

Bismarck glanced at Eugen with rage and a little bit of jealousy, unaware that her friend teases are just that. Teases.

Y/N sighed. He was used to the behaviour of his ships.

Bismarck's ship sailed back to the docks of the Ironblood HQ. The Commander has many things to take care of and cannot spare much time. Once they returned, Hipper and Eugen left to get themselves clean. Z23 and Bismarck followed the Commander around.

He walked to the labs, a place where the shipgirls are built. He wasn't interested in seeing the Mass Produced ships nor the other ships. He was interested in the PR ships. Special and extremely ships they built for the war, yet they require a lot of resources to be built.

Azur Lane ain't aware of the ship Y/N is currently developing. One powerful enough to defend the Vanguard while his Main fleet causes havoc. Y/N was about to enter the PR development but first he wanted to advise his other two ships.

Y/N:"Before we continue I want to tell you girls something. Roon can be a little bit overprotective of her 'creator' as she calls me. Riggings ready girls."

Z23 gulped and readied her cannons. Bismarck had a bored expression on her face. She didn't even summon hers, confident on her skills. Y/N went inside to see two shipgirls staring at a window. They were looking at a test chamber made to test Roon's skills. They were scared beyond belief.

Köln:"W-What is this monster?!

Karlsruhe:"I-I'm scared..."

Y/N:"You two can leave."

Hearing the Commander's voice telling them to leave was all they needed to flee. The three reamining looked through the window. There she was, Roon, destroying every robot they throw at her for her training purposes. She was far more brutal that any other ship not caring in the slightest if she gets hit or not, almost as if she couldn't feel pain or even worse... she enjoyed it.

Bismarck:"She fights like an animal sir. And those sharks... they are enormous. It's a miracle they can fit inside the lab."

Y/N:"I want someone who can put fear in the enemy. Even more than you already do. She's what we need."

Y/N pressed a button to make the robots stop, retreating to their chambers. Roon looked above to see Y/N staring at her. Feeling the Commander's eyes on her made Roon extremely happy, joy all around her body. Seeing Bismarck standing next to him, not so much.

Y/N:"Roon, leave the test chamber. It's time for you to meet your sisters."

Roon:"Your wish my command creator."

She walked towards the exit and went up some stairs to meet Y/N and the rest. She can finally stand in front of Y/N without a window or a wall standing in between the two. The first thing she did was sprint towards the Commander, giving him a long hug. Bismarck stared at Roon, ready in case she tries something funny. As for Z23 she was slightly intimidated.

Roon:"Commander~ Now that I'm here you no longer need anyone else than me⁓ I'll be your secretary from now-"

Bismarck:"The Kommandant does not need another secretary. I'm his only secretary. Now if you please follow the Kommandant's orders. To the docks. Now."

Roon stared at Bismarck. Her eyes show anger, fury and even killing intent. Bismarck wasn't fased in the slightest. She simply stared back, her blue eyes showing the same if not more killing intent.

Y/N:"Do as Bismarck says. To the docks. Present yourself to your sisters. Behave."

Roon:"If that's what you wish then I'll follow your orders creator."

Roon left the labs, ready to explore her new home.

Bismarck:"Is it wise to release her?"

Y/N:"Only time will tell. If she dares to pose a threat to another ship I'll have her dismantled. Z23, what's next in the agenda?"

Z23 snapped out of her fear, shaking her head. She looked at her small notepad to see what was the next thing Y/N has to do.

Z23:"O-Of course Kommandant, let me see..." *Reads* "Ah yes! We have to make the preparations for the meeting with Azur Lane! The anual party will be held in the Ironblood territory this time. It's our turn to impress. Next year will be held in the Royal Navy's HQ."

Bismarck:"May that year never come..."

Y/N:"Then to the castle we go. Let's make sure everything goes according to the plan."

Z23:"Also, Brünhilde and her fleet should return in a couple of minutes with the representants of the other factions sir."

Y/N:"I see. Then let's greet them first. Why don't you go to the castle first and make sure everything goes as we planned?"

Z23 nodded and walked away. Y/N decided to walk back to the docks. On their way, he noticed Bismarck's bad mood as soon as they were to greet Brünhilde.

You see, Bismarck and Brünhilde were built with one goal in mind. To be the Commander's secretary and second leader of the Ironblood. This made the two girls develop a huge rivalry for one another. Since it was Bismarck who won their final confrontation, Brünhilde was given her own fleet to lead yet forever she will stay as third in command. Brünhilde does not hold any bad feeling for Bismarck yet she still considers her a rival.

Y/N:"What's the matter Bismarck?"

Bismarck:"Brünhilde is a grown girl. Can't she entertain our guests on her own?"

Y/N:"I can't see you doing it either. Specially when Hood is one of them."

Bismarck:"Scheisse." (Shit)

Y/N:"I'll find a way to compensate you for the trouble caused."

Bismarck:"Your presence is all I need Kommandant."

Y/N looked at Bismarck, confused. She refused to let her face be seen by the Commander, embarrassed by what she just said.

They quickly arrived at the docks yet Brünhilde hasn't arrived yet. Suddenly, a ship was seen sailing towards the dock. That was her. Y/N could see her standing on the ship's prow similar to how he did it back on their mission. She also has the same threatening expression the Commander has.

The ship docked and she was the first one to leave it. Brünhilde walked towards the Commander and got on one knee.

Brünhilde:"Mission erfüllt. Unsere Gäste sind Kommandanten." (Mission accomplised. Our guests are hear Commander.)

Y/N:"Gut gemacht." (Good job.)

Slowly, a representant of a different faction went down the stairs all of the standing in front of Y/N. First, Eagle Union's Enterprise. She made a small nod at Y/N who did the same.

The next one was Hood of the Royal Navy. She couldn't help but glance at Bismarck a couple of times who did the same thing. Both looked at each other with venom in their eyes. Once she was over Hood looked at Y/N and smiled.

Hood:"I'm happy to see you're still the one leading the Ironblood Commander. Who knows what would happen if... a murderer were to take your place."

Bismarch:"Britische Hure. Ich habe dich versenkt, sobald ich es wieder tun werde." (British whore. I sank you once I'll do it again.)

Hood:"Was auch immer Sie zu sagen haben, tun Sie es auf Englisch. Ich verachte deine barbarische Sprache." (Whatever you have to say do it in English. I despise your barbaric language.)

Y/N:"At ease both of you. If you want to fight do it on the seas. There are many innocents here."

Bismarck:"Ja Kommandant." (Yes Commander.)

Hood:"Of course. I apologise for the offensive term."

Y/N:"No need."

Once the argument was over their last guest took a step forward. The one from the Sakura Empire, their closest ally.

Y/N:"Years pass yet you still look as young as ever Mikasa. Welcome to my home."

Mikasa:"I'm flattered Y/N."

Y/N:"Brünhilde, where are the other factions? Northren Parliament? Sardegna Empire?"

Brünhilde:"Graf Zeppelin kümmert sich darum, Kommandant." (Graf Zeppelin is taking care of it Commander.)

Y/N*Whispers* "I think I made a mistake letting Zeppelin look for the rest of our guests..." *Normal Tone* "Now girls if you please I'd like to guide you to the place we will hold the party. Please follow me."

Bismarck heard the comment he made of Graf Zeppelin and giggled. Y/N started moving towards his castle. Enterprise quickly caught up with Y/N, standing next to him. There's something she wanted to speak with him. Brünhilde and Bismarck stood back to watch over the guests yet they didn't say anything to one another. As for Hood and Mikasa they walked together.

Enterprise:"Commander I wanted to chat about the meeting."

Y/N:"What is it Enterprise?"

Enterprise:"Our efforts against the Sirens are futile. Their main fleets are pushing towards Eagle Union territory. They will arrive in a couple of months. I fear I may not be enough to push them back."

Y/N:"The Ironblood shall taint the seas in black then. My fleets are at your disposal."

Enterprise:"I cannot express my relief Commander. You have my gratitude."

Y/N:"I want something in return."


Y/N:"Try not to escape the party this time. Enjoy yourself. There will be time for battle."

Enterprise smiled and sighed. She nodded, accepting the Commander's conditions.

Quickly they arrived at Y/N's castle. It was enormous as they expected and also far more colorful than the rest of the city, a big contrast. It was built that way for the small Destroyers amusement. He guided the girls to the meeting room, a small room with two couches, a fireplace and a small coffee table in mid of the two couches. Inside the meeting room awaited Z23, ready to assist Y/N.

Y/N sat in one of the couches, Bismarck and Brünhilde sitting next to him. Enterprise, Mikasa and Hood sat in front of him. Z23 immediately started making coffee and tea for everyone to enjoy. She didn't even need to hear Y/N's words to know he wanted some.

Y/N:"Very well. Let's begin with the meeting. Hood why don't you start?"

Hood:"Of course. The Royal Navy is pleased with the trading routes we managed to establish between the Ironblood and us. Although we heard rumors of... questionable ships being built we wanted to ensure we look forwards in working with you."

Y/N:"Funny that you mention the questionable ships Hood for we have also heard quite the rumors. We thought Monarch was a discarded ship?"

Hood:"Then we all have our fair share of skeletons inside the closet, right Commander?"

Y/N:"I agree. We in the Ironblood are also looking forward for the years of peace to come."

Z23 gave everyone a cup of coffee except Hood who recieved one of tea instead, made in the exact way she likes. Z23 is aware of how she wants tea to be made something that didn't go unnoticed by the british ship.

Hood:"Why thank you dear."

Z23:"No need to thank me ma'am. Just doing my job."

Hood:"Do you know your friends Laffey and Javelin are coming here to visit you?"

Z23:"I did not know. Thank you ma'am."

While Z23 tried to be professional and not express her feelings to let the adults speak, she was very happy to hear that. No matter how much she tried to hide her feelings everyone noticed her happiness right away and smiled.

Hood:"Back to business, we would like to increase the amount of Siren materials exchanged between us. We will pay as much as needed."

Y/N:"Can I know why? The only reason you could use Siren materials are to build even more questionable ships."

Hood:"Then I think you already know the answer Commander."

Y/N:"Very well yet I'd like something more in return. Our ship require far more oil than the one we previously used."

Hood:"Then you shall recieve more."

Y/N:"Very well. I think everything is settled then. I'm happy that you were the one to come here."

Hood:"Agreed. If it were Wales..."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "I know." *Looks at Enterprise* "You have access to my fleet for the Siren threat. Unless there's something else you'd like to discuss..."

Enterprise:"There is. A fleet leaded by Baltimore was sent to help our Iris Libre allies against the Sirens. Although we won they are in a bad shape. I order them to come here to ressuply if you do not mind."

Y/N:"Of course not. Yet you must know we are low on oil so-"

Enterprise grabbed a couple of Wisdom Cubes. 10 in total. She dropped them in the coffee table.

Enterprise:"I'll pay."

Y/N:"This is far more than the oil needed to ressuply."

Enterprise:"It doesn't matter. We are desesperated for help Y/N. The war we had... and the constant aggresions of the Siren left us weakened."

Y/N:"Do not worry. Our truce was made for the better future. We will aid you."

Enterprise nodded. Y/N can see in her eyes how she was truly relieved to hear him say that. Lastly Y/N looked at Mikasa.

Y/N:"So? What is it that you need my friend?"

Mikasa:"To be fair not much. I came here just to not be rude and leave. I'd like to exchange information of our latest moves, that's all."

Y/N:"I'm all ears."

Mikasa:"Akagi and Kaga are doing their best to aid the Saradegna Empire and Northern Parliament. They are also under assault of the Sirens."

Bismarck:"I can confirm. I had a couple of encounters with Sirens. Nothing I couldn't handle."

Mikasa:"Also some of our scout fleets spotted high Siren activity in mid of the Pacific Ocean."

Brünhilde:"There's nothing there."

Y/N:"Then I think we both know what that means."

Mikasa:"Correct. We believe that could be one of their outposts."

Y/N:"Let me guess, you also need our help to decimate them."


Y/N:"Then we will be there when the time arrives."

Mikasa:"Thanks Commander."

Y/N:"As for us, we are in a perfect spot right now despite our low oil. The Siren threat is so low on our territory to the point a small fleet can decimate dozens of theirs. We are willing to give our fleets to the rest of the other factions to ensure the same safety levels in exchange of resources of course."

Hood:"Have you had any encounters with a singularity Commander?"

Y/N:"I'm sorry but you have me at a disadvantage."

Hood:"We call them Singularities. We are not sure of what they are yet they appear at random around the world, jamming our comms and visuals of any base we had in that location. Sometimes our bases are the ones getting destroyed. Other times, hundreds of Siren bases and fleets."

Y/N:"No, I do not recall a single time were we had an event as such."

Y/N looked at Bismarck for confirmation. She was as confused as him.

Enterprise:"I can confirm her story Commander. We haven't seen one in person yet we know of their existence. We need to investigate what causes them or what exactly are these singularities yet they can prove to be benefitial for the war."

Brünhilde:"Hood mentioned how they also attack our own forces. You must be desesperated to get something like that on our side whatever it is."

Enterprise:"Sadly, we are."

Y/N:"We'll be in the lookout for those 'singularities' you mentioned. Now, if there's nothing else to chat for I'd like to rest. It's been a long day."

Hood:"Not at all Commander. We're over here."

Mikasa:"Same with me."

Enterprise:"Everything was said and done. We will have more chances to speak tomorrow."

Y/N:"Then we are all dismissed. Z23 will take you three to your personal rooms. Brünhilde go and make sure Eugen and Regensburg are not making a scene in the canteen."

Brünhilde:"Yes sir."

Everyone stood up and left the room, walking their own paths. The guests followed Z23 towards their own room while Y/N walked towards his personal dormitory followed by Bismarck. He went inside and so did her. The man sat on his bed, slightly exhausted. He glanced at the many reports still to be written. Bismarck followed the Commander's eyes to the table, seeing them.

Bismarck:"Let me finish them for you Kommandant. Please, rest a bit. You must be tired."

Y/N:"Thank you Bismarck."

Y/N took his shoes off and layed on his bed, closing his eyes. Due to exhaustion he fell asleep rather quickly. In the meantime Bismarck decided to finish the reports as she said. It took her around 20 minutes to do so.

Once she was over she organised the Commander's table and make sure everything was clean. Then she stared at Y/N. Bismarck could not help but smile upon seeing his sleeping face. The girl was about to leave the room but not before whispering some words to herself.

I'll be here for you Commander. I'll always will.

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