Chapter 2. The meeting.

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The Commander peacefully slept on his bed. It was a new day and soon it will be time for him to wake up. Now, Y/N realises how something layed next to him. He can feel someone sleeping next to him, their head pressed on his left arm. When the Commander open his eyes to see who was the individual next to him he wasn't too surprised.

Y/N:"Eugen I built you a room for you to enjoy. What the hell are you doing here?"

Prinz Eugen open one eye, still a little drowsy.

Prinz Eugen:"...sleeping?"

Y/N:"That much I can see. I mean why here in particular."

Prinz Eugen:"Because you're also here... I love you Kommandant⁓"

Y/N:"Stop playing around you-"

Bismarck opens the door carrying a trail of food. As soon as she saw Eugen sleeping partially naked next to Y/N she got very, very angry. She left the trail of food on Y/N's table and stood in front of the bed.

Bismarck:"Was zum Teufel denkst du denn da?" (What the hell you think you're doing?)

Prinz Eugen:"Wovor du Angst hast⁓" (What you're scared to do⁓)

Annoyed, Bismarck grabbed Eugen by her ears along with the pants and panties from the ground and kicked her out of Y/N's room. Eugen laughed, amused by her friend reaction. She got dressed and left, happy.

As for Bismarck she grunted and sat on Y/N's leather chair patiently waiting for him to sat up and be ready for the day.

Bismarck:"Gutten morgen Kommandant. Ready for the day?"

Y/N:"Mhm. What is that I smell? It's tasty."

Bismarck:"Sausages along with toast. Coffee made by Z23. I also made some for me."

Y/N:"Thank you Bismarck. I appreciate it."

Bismarck smiled and nodded. As soon as Y/N stood up she also stood up, letting the leather chair to Y/N while she sits on an office chair laying around. Bismarck was smart enough to bring food for the two of them to enjoy so they immediately started having breakfast.

Although the usual thing is to have breakfast in the canteen Y/N did not mind having breakfast. Y/N can still remember the first day Bismarck started to show this behaviour around him. The day after she was sunk by Dorsetshire Y/N did everything in his power to recover her. Something Bismarck will never forget.

Bismarck:"Is the food of your liking Kommandant?"

Y/N:"You always make the same question Bismarck."

Bismarck:"Just to be sure."

Y/N:"It is. Don't worry. How are the guests doing?"

Bismarck:"They are all awake. Enterprise too. Quite the heavy sleeper..."

Y/N*Chuckles* "You'll get to know her. You two have a lot in common."



The two kept their mouth shuts, enjoying their meals until Bismarck decided to ask Y/N something that has crossed her mind a couple of times already.

Bismarck:"Y/N, I have something I'd like to ask you."

Y/N:"I'm all ears."

Bismarck:"Tirpitz... she is one of your favourite ships right?"

Y/N:"Indeed. I liked the many chats we had. If I were to die I'd like her to be your right hand."

Bismarck:"My right hand? What do you mean?"

Y/N:"If anyone has to lead our faction to victory it's you Bismarck. You are my pride and my most beloved ship. You will one day take the crown."

Bismarck looked at Y/N, shocked. A small pink blush crept on her cheeks. She quickly regained her composure. Even if she didn't had time to ask what she wanted, that's all she needed to hear.

Y/N:"So that was all? You still haven't asked what you wanted."

Bismarck:"No need. I have what I need. Thank you Y/N. For everything."

Y/N:"No need."

They kept eating in peace, Bismarck in a better mood than earlier. In fact Y/N was a little confused at how happy she seems to be.

Bismarck:"Oh, almost forgot. We recieved news from Graf Zeppelin. They will arrive in an hour."

Y/N:"Then let's make haste with the breakfast dear. We must attend to our guests."

"D-Dear?" Bismarck thought. Soon after they finished their breakfast and decided it was time to leave. Bismarck grabbed the trail of food and Y/N walked towards the door. As soon as he open it he saw Roon on the other side about to grab the doorknob. She was surprised Y/N open it before her. Her surprise was quickly replaced by happiness.

Roon:"Kommandant~ I came here to pass some time with you~"

As soon as she heard Roon's voice Bismarck immediately raised her guard standing next to Y/N just in case. Roon wasn't amused by seeing Bismarck in the Commander's dorm. Even less when her mind wondered what they could've done in there.

Y/N:"We are recieving a visit from our other faction friends. Feel free to tag alone if you wish."

Roon:"Kommandant while I won't question your authority is it truly a good idea to let the Americans and British run free on our land? Hell, even the Japanese can be considered a threat."

Y/N:"Roon. We are at peace. Every year we celebrate the day we all signed the peace treaty. This year it's our turn to celebrate the party on our land. Please don't cause a ruckus in such an important day."

Y/N left the room with Bismarck very close to the Commander still cautious of what Roon may do. Said ship followed Y/N, confused.

Roon:"Sie zwingen uns, eine Sprache zu sprechen, die wir nicht mögen. Wir sollten sie töten." (They force us to speak a language we don't like. We should kill them.)

Y/N:"It was one of the conditions in the treaty. English will be the universal language. We all learnt it for that purpose. You should know that."

Roon:"We could use translators! Force everyone to learn a foreign language?! That's a condition worth killing for!"

Bismarck:"No. You are simply a blood-thirsty maniac. We are not going to declare war on half of the world for such a trivial matter. You wish to become the Kommandant's secretary yet you know so little of him."

Roon:"Vielleicht sollte ich mit Gewalt den Posten des Sekretärs übernehmen." (Perhaps I should take the position by force.)

Bismarck:"Ich möchte sehen wie du das anstellen willst." (I'd like to see you try.)

Silence was all that followed after Bismarck's sentence. Y/N ignored the two ships glaring at one another, waiting for the other to make a move. Eventually Y/N reached the docks. Every shipgirl was a little scared of approaching their Commander due to the two dangerous ships around him.

To make things even worse Hood appeared in scene. The only thing Roon and Bismarck have in common is the hatred they share for the one that just appeared. She walked straight towards Y/N with a smile. The girl made a respectful bow, one that Y/N copied.

Hood:"Greetings Commander. Ready to greet her highness?"

Y/N:"Eli? I think the Destroyers will be more happy to see her than I will. So will Ark Royal."

Hood:"W-We don't speak about Ark Royal..."

Y/N:"Roon. There is a certain shipgirl called Ark Royal. She has a perverted nature towards our innocent Destroyers. Make sure she behaves. That doesn't mean you can kill her tho."

Roon blushed. The mere thought of having access to beat that girl to a bloody pulp made her be in ecstasy. Hood was slightly disgusted by her behaviour but she couldn't deny she will be a good protector... in a certain way.

Roon:"Ah! I can assure you she will not put a single finger on the Destroyers! Unless she doesn't mind loosing one~"

Bismarck:*Whispers* "I'll keep an eye on both. Just in case."

Before Y/N could say something else many ships appeared. Both Mass produced ships and shipgirls alike. They were from different factions both from Crimson Axis and Azur Lane.

Y/N:"They arrived but..."

Bismarck:"...they won't fit inside the dock."

Y/N:"Hey everyone! Open the walls! Let the ships dock wherever they fill like."

The many engineers around the place started to open the walls around the city to let the ships dock. They all scattered being on different places.

The ones that docked inside the dock where Graf Zeppelin herself along with some Eagle Union and Royal Navy ships. Graf Zeppelin walked out of her ship and towards Y/N standing in front of Y/N.

Graf Zeppelin:"I completed your request as promised Kommandant. Now if you excuse me I'd like to return to my dorm for the upcoming party. Feel free to pass by~"

Graf Zeppeling winked at Y/N and left. Bismarck rolled her eyes, Roon added her to the "list of people I want to kill" and Hood simply giggled. Soon after came the moment Y/N wanted to, if possible, avoid. Meeting Prince of Wales.

The ship approached Y/N with a face filled with anger. The same could be said for Y/N. It's been a long time since Bismarck has seen such an expresion in Y/N's face.

Prince of Wales:"Y/N."


The two stared at one another in silence. Even Roon was starting to get a little nervous.

Prince of Wales:"I see you haven't changed much."

Y/N:"Same can be said of you."

Prince of Wales:"You keep killing innocents by the hundreds I presume?"

Y/N:"I must assume you also keep loosing ships every time you engage in a fight. Am I correct or you finally learned how to lead a fleet?"

Bismarck:"L-Look Kommandant! The maid is also here!"

Y/N's eyes moved to a ship behind Queen Elizabeth. She looked at Y/N and smiled, walking towards him. The maid made a respectful bow, happy to see Y/N unlike Wales.

Belfast:"Master Y/N."

Y/N:"You do not have to address me as such Belfast. You were dissmissed of your duty as a maid quite a long time ago."

Belfast:"I'm in my right of addressing the people I like the way I want so long they're not offended by it, right? I liked working with you."

Wales glanced at Belfast who chosed to ignore it.

Y/N:"Mind doing something for me?"

Belfast:"Of course."

Y/N:"Grey Ghost is-"

Belfast:"Say no more."

Belfast made one last bow and left going straight towards the castle. She still remembers how the layout of the city.

Two ships appeared. One that caught Y/N's attention and another that caught Roon's attention, almost knowing it's the target Y/N told her to look out for.

Author notes: Glasses are cannon now btw.

Y/N:"Roon, come over here."

She happily obliged. Y/N told her to get very close to which she placed her head close to the boy's torso.

Y/N:"See the black-hair girl? The one with the long sniper?"


Y/N:"That's your target."

Roon widened her eyes. She licked her lips, her eyes almost changing to a red color. Even Y/N got a little intimidated. She walked towards Ark Royal, staying in the shadows to make sure she cannot be spotted. As for the other girl she approached Y/N and took his hand, shaking it.

Washington:"USS Washington. Nice to finally meet you Commander."

Y/N:"I heard quite the stories about you Washington. Never heard the day I would meet you."

Bismarck noticed the smile in Y/N's face. In a way it made her jealous. She wanted that same smile, all for her.

Y/N:"Now if everyone's ready please follow me. I'll take you to the meeting room where we can start the meeting." *Looks at Wales* "I'm sure you'll find it just like home. After all, it's a place where you don't have to fire a single gun. Safe and sound. Perfect for civilians."

Y/N started walking with everyone following him. Washington was a little confused at why did he say such a thing. That was until Prince of Wales decided to fire back.

Prince of Wales:"Are you going to gas us?"

Y/N:"Go to a private room and I might think of it."

Prince of Wales:"Oh I'd like to have you all for myself on a 'private room' alright."

Y/N looked back at Wales with a surprised expression just like the same. Wales looked at Y/N. By looking at her face you know she's saying "really?" in her mind.

Prince of Wales:"To execute you."


The arrived at the castle and went inside the dinning room. The first thing they would do to celebrate the peace is an enormous meal.

Everyone was there. Ark Royal was stripped to a chair with Roon next to her, smiling. The poor girl was caught trying to hug a Destroyer. Z23 was on the Destroyer's table along with Javelin, Laffey and Ayanami. They all smiled and laughed, enjoying their  friend's presence. There was another table for the light and heavy cruisers. Y/N can see Portland showing "classified" photos of Indianapolis to every shipgirl present. Graf Spee was also there, falling asleep due to the food not being present.

The Battleships and cruisers shared a table. They all started arguing with one another. Shoukaku initiated an argument with Gangut and Hiei about who was the best Vanguard fleet. Mikasa, Zuikaku and Nagato tried to calm down the girls. Everyone was in a similar mood as them.

Y/N and Prince of Wales walked towards the table meant for the leaders. Bismarck decided to go aswell since Y/N is considered leader of Crimson Axis and her leader of Ironblood. She sat next of Y/N. Sadly, she was in front of Hood who sat next to Wales.

Y/N looked at the other members of the table, beggining with his closest ally. Akagi and Kaga.

Y/N:"I suppose you're having fun Akagi?"

Akagi:"Ah, Indeed I am Commander. Please don't ignore my beautiful sister. She's been aplying make up all day to impress you~"

Kaga:"Nee-san please, do not try to-"

Y/N:"You didn't had to Kaga. You're natural beauty is something to behold."


Akagi:*Giggles* "Told you~"

Bismarck grunted, slightly annoyed. Y/N noticed the mood of his secretary. The man grabbed Bismarck's hand taking her by surprise.

Y/N:"Is everything okay?"

Bismarck:"Y-Yes Kommandant. You don't need to worry about me. Enjoy the party."

Y/N:"I won't if you do not. What's wrong?"

Bismarck:"...I feel out of my element."

Y/N:"Well I can talk to you whenever you want to. You're the one I care the most. Even tho you should make new friends. Why don't you start with someone that doesn't want to be here either?"

Y/N looked at the entrance, seeing Enterprise going in almost forced by Belfast. Bismarck looked at the scene they were making aswell and nodded, standing up to try and make a new friend.

The seat besides Y/N was now free yet it was taken by yet another of Y/N's friends. One that was an enemy in the past. No longer.

Rossiya:"Greetings comrade. Enjoying the party?"

Y/N:"So far so good."

Rossiya:"I see your secretary made it safe and sound from her trip to our land."

Y/N:"I can only hope she didn't cause trouble."

Rossiya:"Not at all. Was Tirpitz found? I cannot see her and you usually pick her for the dance."

Y/N:"Sadly no, we did not. I wanted to talk about that same subject with you. I'd like to go to your territory. Tomorrow if possible. I'm going to find that girl. Dead or alive she's coming back home."

Rossiya:"Of course but now that you're going to be there I wouldn't mind getting some help. The Sirens are making quite the scene on some of our outposts. They could overwhelm us at any moment."

Y/N:"I'm not taking my best fleet with me for a small vacation to a snowy place Rossiya. We'll be ready for battle."

Rossiya:"I appreciate it my friend. I'm sure you'll like our land. It fits you. A cold place for a cold man."

Y/N:"You shouldn't believe all the rumors Rossiya."

Rossiya:"True. It's hard not to when I've seen what you're capable of."

Y/N:"I thought you hold no remorse for our past?"

Rossiya:"And I don't. Yet it's hard to forget. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

Y/N stared at the ground, remembering their past. Nowdays Y/N wouldn't try to do many of the things he did but still he does not regret his actions. In times of war sometimes, you lose your humanity for your people's sake.

The food finally arrived. The maids from the Royal Navy along with a couple of different ships from other factions came and gave each shipgirl on the room a trail of food, including Y/N of course. Everyone started having dinner while still chatting with one another. One girl grabbed Y/N's attention. She was annoyed by something although she's always in a similar mood.

Jean:"Commander. When are we going to have our little spar, eh?"

Y/N:"What are you doing on this table Jean? Pirates and criminals eat in the prision not here. Please, leave that seat. Someone else might use it."

Jean grunted. She looked at the one in front of her, Richelieu who was laughing at the Commander's comment.

Jean:"Hey stop laughing! I can also make jokes about you y'know?!"

Richelieu:"Please amuse me."

Jean:"Well how about you explain to us what do you do with the Destroyers eh? You perverted nun!"

Richelieu:"Not only was the joke poorly told you also managed to make it unfunny. Amazing Jean you never cease to dissappoint."

Jean:"Vuoi risolvere questo alla vecchia maniera?" (Wanna solve this the old ways?)

Before Richelieu could answer her question the leader of the Sardegna Empire interrupted their conversation.

Vittorio:"Oh please if you're going to fight do it after our dinner is over. I'd like to eat in peace."

Akagi:"Why would you say such a thing Vittorio? Let them fight. I want to see it~"

Wales:"Not gonna say anything about those two Y/N?"

Y/N:"To be honest I'm curious to see who would win."

Wales:"Of course you would say that. An animal never changes."

Y/N:"Wales you already made your intentions clear with me. My ships heard it. Don't try to make it seem like it never happened by insulting me, okay?"

Wales:"You idiot I already told you-"

Enterprise finally sat with the other leaders after a long talk with Bismarck she actually enjoyed. Bismarck decided to stand still behind Y/N since her seat was stolen by Rossiya who could feel her looking through her souls. Rossiya gulped and stood up, going to find a different seat. Bismarck immediately sat next to Y/N.

Y/N:"Way to go Bismarck."

Bismarck:"My seat."

Y/N:"Enterprise you finally join us. Slept well?"


Y/N:*Smirks* "Sorry for the meals. I know you would prefer a MRE but we have standards here."

Enterprise:"Har har." *Starts eating* "This is good!"

Y/N:"I told you a million times you should eat normal food for once. Even though you shipgirls don't have to eat..."

The last leader present, Harbin from the Dragon Empire grabbed the attention of everyone.

Harbin:"Now that we're all here I'd like to begin with our meeting."

Y/N:"Once the dinner is over we will discuss in my tea room where we'll have more privacy. Please have some pacience."

Harbin:"Very well. In that case now that I have everyone's attention let me make a different comment. Commander, your taste in alcohol is not good at all. I shall take you to China one day and give you a proper drink."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Is that a date proposal Harbin?"

Harbin:"Ha! You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Everyone kept eating in peace, enjoying the nice mood it was created. Granted some ships still had their own list of people they did not want to see like Akagi and Kaga that were constantly staring at poor Enterprise who tried to focus on her own food to not make an argument with the two. Bismarck and Hood stared at one another the entire time. Or Richelieu and Jean who kept whispering rude words to each other.

After the dinner came two different activities. For those who are not in a position of leadership they were given a tour around the city along with some activities for them to do. As for each leader and their secretaries they went straight to Y/N's tea room. The couches were given to the leaders while the secretaries stood behind their leader. In one couch sat Enterprise, Y/N and Rossiya. Behind them were Yorktown, Bismarck and Chapayev.

In front of Y/N were Akagi, Wales and Vittorio with Kaga, Hood and Roma behind their leaders. In some office chairs were Richelieu, Jean and Harbin with Champagne, Gascogne and Yat Sean as secretaries.

While they were happy during the dinner the tension could be felt inside the room. Many of the leaders inside the room still hold resentment towards others while some did not want to cooperate with others. They all had to be careful with their choice of words.

Y/N:"Since the meeting is held in my city I shall start with the negotiations. I believe my business with the Royal Navy, Eagle Union, Sakura Empire and Northern Parliament have been decided so unless anyone else wants the Ironblood's support for something I have nothing to say."

Akagi:"Actually, we do. I do not know what Mikasa may have discussed with you but I'd like to tell you something. The Eagle Union have been... loosing far to many confrontations with the Sirens. I think the problem may come from the lack of leadership inside the Eagle Union's rank."

Enterprise:"Oh? You have proof of such allegations?"

Akagi:"Do I need more proof of the amount of times your shipgirls had to be rebuilt? How many Wisdom Cubes do you plan on wasting Grey Ghost?"

Enterprise:"As many as it takes to take down the Sirens. You should ask yourself what you're doing to win the war. So far I haven't seen a single Sakura Empire ship doing something productive."

Y/N:"Enterprise and the Eagle Union is currently doing the heavy lifting for the rest of us. I aim to change that. It's not Enterprise's fault however. Akagi, restrain yourself to talk on your faction's behalf not others."

Akagi:"Hai shirekan." (Yes Commander.)

Enterprise:"The Ironblood are going to help us against the sirens yet if we do not help one another it doesn't matter. Everyone has to help. That includes all of you guys."

Rossiya:"Comrade Enterprise we have business of our own with the Sirens. Once we're over we will bring Russia's wrath to your enemies. Only if we can push them out of our land."

Richelieu:"Your people have helped me against the sirens. The Iris Libre shall aid you Enterprise."

Jean:"So will we. I yearn for battle. This is the perfect opportunity for me. I help someone and I kill Sirens. Perfect."

Vittorio:"That's settled then. Harbin there was something you'd like to say right? What is it?"

Harbin:"Yes. We discovered something that may... shock some of you."

Harbin grabbed something from her pockets. A photo. The girl threw it to the tea table. We all looked at it, a little surprised of what it was. A Sakura Empire girl slaying Sirens by the hundreds. You can also see a Siren outpost in flames. Y/N glanced at Akagi and Kaga. Both were shocked yet confused.

Harbin:"I believe this ship belongs to the Sakura Empire. Am I correct?"

Enterprise:"And they dare to accuse me of poor leadership when they are hiding stuff from us?"

Wales:"What is the explanation of this Akagi?"

Akagi:"T-This ship looks exactly like Hiryuu but..."

She looked out of the window along with Y/N and Kaga. From here they can see Hiryuu along with her sister.

Y/N:"The one in the photo looks much more mature than our Hiryuu. Akagi I cannot help but jump into conclusions and I don't like what I'm thinking."

Akagi:"Commander you must believe me! I do not have a single clue what this photo is or who is this... doppelganger in the photo!"

Bismarck:*Whispers* "I don't think she's lying sir."

Rossiya:"You must admit it's suspicious Akagi. Specially when we agreed not to use Siren technology to enhance our girls. What exactly is that then!"

Akagi:"I already said I do not know! I-"


Kaga took a step forward and bowed. She got on her knees almost in an apologetic manner. Akagi looked at her sister. She was angry she had to do that in order to convince everyone.

Kaga:"I can assure you my sister is saying the truth. You can blame us for not helping the Eagle Union or any faction that once was our sworn enemy but, we haven't broke any of the conditions labeled in the peace treaty. We do not know how the person in the photo may be considering it's a human being or a shipgirl and not a Siren. Please Commander, believe in us."

Y/N looked at Kaga. She raised her head slightly, enough to stare at his eyes. Y/N sighed and nodded.

Y/N:"I believe in them."

Wales:"What? You have photo evidence of a possible betrayal and you side with them?!"

Kaga:"We are grateful Commander. Thank you."

Akagi:"Indeed. Thank you Commander."

Y/N:"Even so, you two will have to personally find who is this person. Until then I do not want to hear anything from you. Understood?"

Akagi:"Yes Shikikan."

Y/N looked at Harbin who nodded in response. He then looked at Wales who sighed and nodded.

Jean:"There is one more thing I'd like to talk about."

Richelieu:"Speak freely."

Jean:"I heard rumors of a rogue shipgirl sailing across our seas. She's been raiding some of our outposts on her own."

Richelieu:"You cannot battle a single ship?"

Jean:"She's a pirate. She's smart and knows how to evade us. I'd like to ask for help in order to capture her."

Y/N:"Do you know her name?"

Jean:"Yes. Her name is Royal Fortune."

Vittorio:"We can help. For a price."

Jean:"I'll pay."

Vittorio:"Great. In that case..."

And so, the meeting continued but not in a better mood. Every leader was now in some capacity cautious of approaching Akagi or Kaga due to the recent discoveries. Harbin was also seemed as an enemy by said two girls due to her being the one who casued trouble. As for the Commander he also now had even more bad blood with Wales due to him siding with the Sakura Empire. All in all it went as he expected. Bad.

In the end everyone managed to get something useful from another faction. Now, to lay off some stress it was the time of the dance. Everyone picked a partner of their own and danced or simply enjoyed the night with them.

Y/N usually took Tirpitz to the dance due to Bismarck not being comfortable in a dress but due to recent events Tirpitz cannot be the chosen one. Y/N was about to pick Brünhilde until Bismarck decided to "man up" as she said and ask Y/N to be his partner. The Commander accepted, a little eager to see her in a dress.

Once dressed the Commander patiently waited for Bismarck to get changed. She was in her own dorm. Y/N waited in the corridor for the many different dorms the castle has. He looked at the ceiling, inmersed in his own thoughts. Until someone tapped his shoulder. It was Kaga. She was also wearing a beautiful dress.


Y/N:"Greetings Kaga. Enjoying the dance?"

Kaga:"I would. If my partner didn't drink and pass out."

Y/N:*Sigh* "When will Akagi learn..."

Kaga:"Leave her be. It was a stresfull meeting. About that I wanted to thank you for supporting her."

Y/N:"Honestly if you have to thank someone thank yourself Kaga. You were the one who convinced me."


Y/N:"Akagi is sort of a... time bomb. You on the other hand, I know I can trust you. You're reliable and honest with your thoughts."

Kaga:*Blushes* "T-Trust me Commander, the last part is not true at all."

Y/N:"How so?"

Kaga:"Well I..." *Sigh* "I think I should go Commander. Akagi could be causing trouble."

Kaga turned around and started walking away.


Kaga:"Yes Commander?"

Y/N:"Your dress. It's beautiful. I like it. Perfect fit for an already beautiful girl."

Kaga smiled and nodded, a way of thanking Y/N for his comment. She then left, leaving Y/N on his own. After a couple of seconds the door open and Bismarck went outside. Y/N open his mouth in shock, amazed by the beauty of his secretary. This reaction did not go unnoticed by Bismarck who was proud of herself.

The shipgirl made a little spin to let the Commander see her dress in all it's glory.

Bismarck:"Ihre Meinung?" (Your thoughts?)

Y/N:"Wenn du mir sagen würdest, dass du ein Engel bist... würde ich dir glauben." (If you were to told me you're an angel... I would believe you.)

Bismarck smiled and walked forwards, taking the Commander by the hand. She walked towards the room where the dance is being held. While a little embarrassed to be dressed like this she can't deny she wanted to try it out once. Specially after the many times she hard Tirpitz talking how great it was to dance with him. Although this is not the way she wanted to take Tirpitz spot even just once, she's not going to let Brünhilde enjoy it when she can.

Once they arrived at the dance both realised the music was a romantic one. Every each one of the shipgirls had their partner grabbed by the hips, slowly dancing by the music's rythm. Bismarck started to have second thoughts until Y/N took the initiative, walking towards the middle of the room and grabbing Bismarck by the hips. She blushed, pressing herself onto the Commander.

Y/N:"C'mon B. It's just a dance, that's all."

Bismarck:"I-I never... I thought the dance would be a different one..."

Y/N:" don't want to dance with me?"

Bismarck:"It's not that! I..." *Sigh* "It's nothing. Please, guide me."

Y/N nodded, guiding Bismarck along the way. Slowly, Bismarck regained her confidence. Her arms slowly moved towards the Commander's nape. Her eyes glued to his. Both stared at each other, enjoying this little moment they would have to wait a long, long time to repeat.

Bismarck:"Tirpitz should be here."

Y/N:"I talked to Rossiya. Tomorrow we're headed to their land. We will find her no matter what."

Bismarck:"Thank you Commander. I... I..."


Bismarck:"I wouldn't know what to do without you."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Probably stay at the Commander's room not dancing at all?"

Bismarck:*Giggles* "Glauben Sie wirklich, dass ich mich so sehr auf Sie verlasse?" (You really think I depend on you that much?)

Y/N:"Wenn nicht, warum finde ich Sie dann immer dort?" (If not why do I always find you there?)

Bismarck took a couple of seconds to answer, thinking what to say. In the end she simply threw a small laugh, pressing her head onto the Commander's torso. Although she may not have the courage to tell him straight away she will surely tell him one day.

Because I want you.

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