Chapter 3. The search.

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Once the celebration was over everyone went back to their respective ships. Y/N and Bismarck were there for a different reason tho. They spoke with Rossiya. It was time to sail to the Northern Parliament territory.

Rossiya:"We will go on ahead. I'll try to support my girls as much as I can. Bring the strongest fleet you can Commander."

Y/N:"I can assure you I'm going to. They have been ordered to report on the docks immediately. They'll be here."

Rossiya:"Thank you Commander. I pray for the brave soldier you've lost."

Y/N:"I can only hope there's no need for prayers Rossiya."

The russian ship nodded and went back to her own ship, leaving Y/N's city. The man turned to Bismarck who was eager for battle yet anxious at the same time.

Y/N:"You better get your head clean of disruptive thoughts Bismarck. I'm going to need you out there."

Bismarck:"Ja Kommandant." (Yes Commander.)

After a couple of seconds many shipgirls appeared ready for duty. Z23, Hipper and Eugen brought Graf Zeppelin, Roon, Graf Spee, Magdeburg and Weser.

Author notes: Graf Spee, Magdeburg and Weser in that order.

Y/N:"Alright listen up. Our objective is simple. Find Tirpitz and go back home without casualties. For that reason alone we must help our allies from the Northern Parliament. We help them they help us. Prepare your riggings for combat both on sea and on land. Tirpitz may have went into their territory."

Ironblood Ships:"Ruhm im Tod!" (Glory in death!)

Y/N:"Ruhm im Tod. Now, onwards to victory!"

Bismarck summoned her ship and everyone boarded it. As soon as it salied hundreds of Mass produced ships of different classes came from the city's walls. Z23, Eugen and Weser jumped out of the boat and summoned theirs to lead their respective class. The rest stood with their commander.

Y/N went to the bridge and used the ship's radio to try and get in contact with Rossiya. Spee stood next to the Commander while everyone else patrols the ship in search for possible threats.

Y/N:"Rossiya do you hear me?"

Rossiya:"Loud and clear commander. Finally going to join the party?"

Y/N:"We're on our way. Any hints on Tirpitz's whereabouts?"

Rossiya:"None. I promised our help once the Sirens are out of our H.Q so don't worry, we will."

Y/N:"How's the situation over there?"

Rossiya:"Improving. We managed to hit them for the rear and get inside our headquarters. Or ships took some damage but nothing we cannot handle. The launched a second wave of sirens tho. That's the problem."

Y/N:"Focus on staying alive Rossiya. Let's hit'em from both flanks."

Rossiya:"If you sail from your city you should manage to hit their rear hard. I have two small fleets of destroyers to hit their flanks. As soon as you appear and chaos engulfs their ranks I'll give the order to attack."

Y/N:"Roger that. Why are they hitting you so hard? I've never heard of such a strong attack on a mere H.Q."

Rossiya:"About that..." *Sigh* "It's better if you see it yourself Commander. Our headquarters is not a simple base to hold troops. We... like I said, better if you see it yourself."

Y/N:"Very well. That would be all Rossiya. Don't die on us."

Rossiya:"Today's not our day Commander."

Y/N ended the conversation and walked out of the bridge and straight towards Graf Zeppelin. The girl turned around and saw the Commander approaching her. She immediately stood at attention.

Graf Zeppelin:"Kommandant?"

Y/N:"Fire some scout harriers. Let's see what the enemy has."

Graf Zeppelin:"Ja."

She summoned her rigs, a miniature version of a carrier on her left arm. She aimed at the sky and launched three scout planes. They grew in size until they were the usual size of a plane. Graf Zeppelin and every carrier ship girl can take remote control of their planes, seeing what they can see.

After a couple of minutes of flying at full speed Graf's planes managed to reach their target. They flew in silence above the enemy fleet.

Graf Zeppelin:"Hmm... they are focused on firing at the russian's bunkers. They will hold but not forever. We must make haste."

Y/N:"How many enemies are we fighting?"

Graf Zeppelin:"Zerstörer, Kreuzer und Schlachtschiffe. We outnumber them quite a few. It should be an easy fight." (Destroyers, Cruisers and Battleships.)

Y/N:"We're gonna hit their main fleet hard. Graf, take Weser and the carriers and flank them from the right. Focus on their vanguard fleet, the russian ships will assist you. Spee go and tell Z23 to follow the carriers. Make sure nothing reaches them."

Graf Zeppelin:"Verstanden." (Understood.)

Spee simply nodded. Graf and Spee jumped out of the boat and sailed towards the shipgirl they've been ordered tl. As for Y/N he walked towards the prow where Bismarck and Magdeburg awaited for commands.

Y/N:"Magdeburg tell Eugen to go on ahead. She has to hit their main fleet hard. Get half of the battleships and assist Eugen."

Magdeburg:"Right away Kommandant!"

She jumped out of the boat like the rest leaving Y/N and Bismarck alone with Roon who stalked the two.

Bismarck:"Kommandant, orders?"

Y/N:"As soon as Eugen engages take control of the other half of the Battleships and decimate the vanguard fleet. I fear some may give Z23 and the russian fleet some trouble."

Bismarck:"As you wish."

Y/N glanced at Bismarck. She had her riggings out and already aimed at the enemy. Arms crossed the girl had an angered look on her face.

Y/N:"Control your emotions Bismarck. Let the rage fuel you but do not let it cloud your judgement."

Bismarck"Ich brauche keine Tipps, Sir. Mir geht's gut." (I do not need tips sir. I'm fine.)

The tone she used on those words was a rude one. Y/N didn't took any offense knowing Bismarck is worried sick for her sister.

Y/N:"Ah, you do not seek my guidance anymore I suppose?"

Bismarck widened her eyes realising what she just said.

Bismarck:"Verzeihen Sie mir, Kommandant, ich habe nicht versucht..." (Forgive me Commander, I didn't mean to...)

Y/N:"Das ist gut." (It's fine.)

Bismarck:"I'm just- Kommandant, enemies on sight!"

Y/N followed Bismarck's eyes to see the snowy island the Northern Parliament uses as an F.O.B. A small structure resembling a bunker was being shot by the sirens. From here Y/N and Bismarck can see the main fleet but not the Vanguard. Most likely concieved among the main fleet.

The air got colder. They were truly entering Russian territory. The more they approached the more they could hear the many cannons being fired.

Y/N:"We are too far away to start firing. They haven't spotted us yet. Keep moving at the same speed. Bismarck, get ready to open fire at any given moment."

Bismarck:"Yes sir."

Bismarck jumped out of the boat standing close to it to hear the Commander's orders. Y/N patiently waited until he gave the halt order. The entire fleet stopped. They were at range.

Y/N looked at his right. Graf saw the Commander looking at him and nodded initiating flanking manuevers along Z23, Weser and their ships. He then looked at Eugen who kept pushing forwards.

Y/N:"Bismarck, Magdeburg, fire at my command."

The Commander patiently waited for their ships to get into better positions. Eventually the Sirens realised they were cornered. Some of their ships tried to turn around but...

Y/N:"Magdeburg, open fire!"

The battleship smirked and fired wave after wave of shells along with her ships. The amount of HE projectiles being fired was enough to not only destroy many Battleships but also burn the ocean due to the oil being spilled on water. Some of the Sirens managed to avoid the barrages but it didn't matter. Eugen and the cruisers open fire, getting slain. Eugen herself charged at the ships engaging in melee combat, using her sharks to tear Sirens and MP ships alike. As for Spee she flanked the Main fleet killing those trying to flee the battlefield.

Graf, Weser and Z23 managed to get on the enemy vanguard's right flank. Graf and Weser started launching bombers and harriers non stop, catching the cruisers and destroyers by surprise. If that was not enough the russian destroyer shipgirls came out of their hiding spot launching barrages of torpedos from both their right and left flank.

Y/N watched the fight unfold with his binoculars.

Bismarck:"Kommandant, isn't this a good opportunity to fire?"

Y/N:"Nein. They will reagroup quickly and make a new formation to minimise damage. You will show them it was a mistake to do that."

Bismarck:"Wouldn't they expect us to fire?"

Y/N:"No. They will sacrifice their main fleet. They think Magdeburg is our only battleship not taking our carriers into consideration. Oh?"

With the binoculars Y/N spotted a Siren with a more intimidating look. She wore all blue and spoke. Something only an elite Siren can do.


She came out of her hiding spot and approached the Commander, hugging him from behind.

Roon:"Yes dear?"

Y/N:"See that Siren? The one glowing blue?"

Roon looked at the enemy Vanguard fleet and nodded.

Y/N:"Bring her to me. Alive."

Roon smirked. A smirk filled with malicious intent. She jumped out of the ship and summoned her enormous riggings, charging at said Siren that was ordering her sirens to make formations around herself.

Y/N:"Sirens try to use fear against us. Funny, since fear is all they can feel upon facing defeat."

The formation was finally made, the Sirens managed to make the Destroyers stop in their tracks.

Y/N:"Bismarck. Now."

No more had to be said. Bismarck fired barrage after barrage of shells at the light and heavy cruisers along with her ships. The Sirens quickly fell apart, the formation in shambles. The Siren Commander looked at every direction in shock. Roon suddenly appeared, her sharks eating the head of a now deceased Siren.

Roon:"My Kommandant said to bring you alive..."

Siren Commander:"Stupid human! I'll tear you in front of-"

Roon:"But he never said in one piece~"

The Siren Commander fired her heavy cruiser cannons at Roon who dodged by stepping to the side. She fired one of her main guns at the Siren's feet making a huge splash of water blind the siren momentarely a chance Roon used to command her sharks, moving them towards the siren.

They managed to grab the siren by her feet and arm, raising her. One of the sharks released her and grabbed her riggings, tearing them apart. It was far more painful than loosing a limb. The siren started screaming.

Y/N who watched it all unfold ordered Bismarck to stop firing.

Y/N:"Bismarck, battle's over. Time to greet our new friend."

Bismarck nodded and ordered her battleships to standby. The sirens were defeated. She went aboard her ship and sailed towards Roon. The Kommander watched her shipgirls celebrate their victory. Eugen patted Spee's hair, wiping some of the oil in it. Graf scolded Weser for some mistakes she made even though she couldn't care less. Z23 talked to the russian shipgirls making sure they were okay. As for Magdeburg she reagrouped with Rook, enjoying how she tortured the Siren.


As soon as the Commander arrived at Roon's location she immediately stopped her attacks. The Siren Commander fell to the water, floating there, weakened.

Roon:"She was like this when I got her I swear!"

Y/N:*Sigh* "Restrain her. Get her on board."

Bismarck glanced at Y/N not knowing exactly what he wanted to do. Roon nodded and grabbed the destroyed riggings using them to tie her up. It was a way to further mock the Siren. Roon then got on board and threw her to the side like a broken toy she no longer wants to play with.

Slowly the shipgirls got on board Bismarck's ship.

Bismarck:"Kommandant I do not see a dock."

Y/N:"Keep going forwards."

Z23:"And crash into the bunker?"

Suddenly part of the island opens revealing an underground dock where Rossiya was already waiting for Y/N and the rest.

Z23:"Oh. It's an underground base."

Graf Zeppelin:"I hate caves."

Y/N:"Behave Zeppy."

Graf Zeppelin:"I hate that nickname."

Admiral Graf Spee:"Kommandant. Was my performance optimal?"

Graf Zeppelin:"It was."

Y/N:"Agreed. You did well Spee."

Spee smiled, happy she made her Commander proud. Eugen approached the Commander hugging her from behind in a similar fashion as Roon but since she was using her sharks as platforms to float she hugged his nape instead.

Prinz Eugen:"And me Commander? How was I?"

Y/N:"Good too."

Prinz Eugen giggled, hugging him tighter. Y/N sighed and ignored the girl's shennanigans.

As soon as the ship docked Y/N looked at the captured Siren that was on a corner of the ship, looking defiant at her captors.

Y/N:"Roon. Pick her up. We're going to have some fun."

Roon smirked and walked towards the Siren dragging her by her hair. Y/N walked out of the ship and shook Rossiya's hand. The russian shipgirl was smiling.

Rossiya:"Thank you comrade. I will never be able to pay you back for all you've done."

Bismarck:"I can think of a way to start. My sister."

Rossiya:"I'm sending my soldiers around the-"

Rossiya looked at Roon dragging the Siren by her hair. Her face immediately shows confusion and anger.

Rossiya:"What is that filth doing here?!"

Y/N:"Rossiya do you know where Chapayev is?"

Rossiya widened her eyes realising what the Commander wanted to do with the Siren. She nodded.

Rossiya:"I'll get her immediately. There's a room where you can get some... privacy." *Points at her right* "Over there. There's many tools for you to use."

Y/N nodded and watched Rossiya leave. He then turned around and looked at his ships.

Y/N:"Very well listen up. Weser and Zeppy you two go to the roof and scout the island with your planes. Z23 and Magdeburg pick some MP ships and explore the go around the island by sea. The rest of you except Bismarck and Roon will go by foot and explore the island. Do not get engage, just look for clues."

Everyone:"Ruhm im Tod!" (Glory in death!)

Y/N:"Roon get our friend over there. Bismarck make sure no one except Rossiya or Chapayev goes inside."


With their orders now clear the group scattered to do as told. Y/N followed Roon to the secluded room. As soon as they went in they saw a chair in mid of the room with a dim light on the ceiling. Around the place was many instruments for torture and beating the captives up.

Roon strapped the Siren to the chair and looked around for something to use against the Siren. In the meantime Y/N grabbed a wooden chair and sat in front of her.

Y/N:"I may wear very beautiful and clean outfits yet it's not the first time it got stained in oil. Tell me what I want to know and I'll make it quick."

Siren Commander:"Hah, you think I fear you?! You dumb mother-"

Before she could finish her sentence Roon hit her in the head with a sledgehammer stunning her. The Siren spitted blood to the ground and looked at Y/N.

Y/N:"We disected your people many times. We know you're durable. Not a good trait to have in this situation."

Siren Commander:"Omitter will do the same to you Human. Everything you do times two."

Y/N:"How delightful. Is this Omitter here, in the island?"

Siren Commander:"If she were you would be dead."

Y/N:"Really? My oh my how powerful she must be. Have you seen a white haired girl wearing similar clothes to mines?"

She then started laughing. Roon didn't like this at all so she grabbed an axe and thrusted it in the Siren's shoulder the laughter replaced by pain. Y/N did not even blink, oil now on his face.

Y/N:"We have a lot of time. Eventually we will find her. Your suffering can end soon. Just tell me what I want."

Siren Commander:"Her fleet... we destroyed it. She's dead! I killed her!"

Y/N:"Lies. Roon, please."

Roon threw the axe away and grabbed a knife thrusting it on the siren's knee. Roon twisted the knife making the Siren scream even more.

The door suddenly opens a russian girl going in, blushing.

Chapayev:"What do we have here?! Is this a gift for me Commander?!"

Y/N:"Indeed yet it has bad manners. Can you please help me with it?"

Chapayev:"With pleasure~"

The Siren Commander now realised Chapayev was carrying a long chain with her. She looked at it and gulped, afraid. Y/N noticed her weird behaviour and smirked. Chapayev was putting the chain around her knuckles like some brass knuckles. Y/N raised his hand, stopping her.

Y/N:"I had an idea. I think our friend might enjoy if you 'wip it' dear friend."

Chapayev nodded and grabbed the chain like a whip. She saw the fear in the Siren's eyes and licked her lips in anticipation. As for Y/N he got closer to the Siren, smirking.

Y/N:"Will you tell me where my friend is?"

Siren Commander:*Spits* "Omitter will-"

Before she could finish her sentence Chapayev striked the Siren with her chain-whip leaving a huge wound on her face. She kept attacking everywhere making the Siren cry in pain.



Y/N:"Good girl." *Looks at Chapayev* "Do as you wish with her."

Chapayev and Roon blushed by just thinking what to do with her. Y/N stood up and left the room. Rossiya and Bismarck were leaning on a wall listening to the screams without any reaction. Now that there was no need to keep her alive Chapayev and Roon started having their fun with the Siren.


Y/N:"She said 'top of the mountain'. Ring a bell?"

Rossiya:"There's a mountain in the island but the temperature there is extremely low. She could die of hypothermia."

Y/N:"Tirpitz is extremely resiliant to cold. I need a map."

Rossiya:"Follow me."

Y/N:"Bismarck get Zeppy down here now."

Bismarck nodded and started sprinting towards the roof. Y/N followed Rossiya through her base. The Commander saw how there's a couple of windows showing a mine. Sirens were working there under the constant surveilance of russian soldiers. The Sirens look... dead inside.

The two kept moving yet Y/N had to ask it.

Y/N:"Is that what you wanted to show me?"

Rossiya:"Yes. Our people cannot work on gulags anymore. But... they can."

Y/N:"This is..."

Rossiya:"Atrocious? They are not human. They came to our world to kill us and-"

Y/N:"...brilliant. This is just brilliant. However you should try to get more defenses around here."

Rossiya:"...huh. I wasn't expecting that."

Y/N:"We both do horrible things to win this war. I couldn't care less what you might do with those... things. I suppose the Siren fleets came here attracted by her friends?"

Rossiya:"Indeed. We're here."

Rossiya and the Commander went inside a room similar to Y/N's office but with different flags and the obvious lack of a window due to... well, they are underground. The room was also a mess.

Rossiya:"Pardon me for not properly organising my room. One of the problems of hundreds of shells hitting your roof."

Y/N:"It's okay."

Rossiya looked around for her map and grabbed it pushing everything in her office table to the ground to place the map there. Y/N stood next to her looking at it.

The bunker was drawn in the south. In mid of the island was a tall mountain. Everything was painted in white due to the snow.

Rossiya:"Your friend should be here. The mountain's peek is bigger than it seems. Considering your soldier can survive in such a cold place they would have enough space to survive. How can she fire her cannons I do not know..."

Y/N:"Tirpitz riggings were made for low temperatures. That's the reason she was always present whenever we fought against you."

Rossiya:"I always thought you were a formidable foe Y/N."

Y/N:"Thank you."

The door opens. Graf Zeppelin and Bismarck went inside. Both looked at the map listening to Y/N and Rossiya.

Y/N:"Rossiya is there any place were Tirpitz could be ambushed?"

Rossiya:"No. Our latest reports mention an increase in avalanches all around the mountain. I'm sure she can see every corner of the island from here."

Bismarck:"Scheisse. I never thought Tirpitz would go up there..."

Rossiya:"I still cannot believe it. Her fleet was destroyed 2 weeks ago. How could survive up there for so long?"

Y/N:"She learned how to survive from me. Constant trips to the sunken ships to scavenge ammo and oil, make fire to reduce the cold even for a little and kill animals to skin them and make a bed."

Rossiya:"Why didn't she try to come with us?"

Y/N:"Either she does not know you're here or the Sirens prevent her movement. Tirpitz is my greatest student. She knows what she's doing."

Bismarck glanced at Y/N a little hurt by that comment.

Y/N:"Zeppelin. Back to your post. Tell Weser to contact ground troops and approach the mountain. They have to be ready for combat. Control a plane and fly around the top of the mountain. Tirpitz will follow the plane. Once the ground team engages with the sirens guide her to us."

Graf Zeppelin:"Roger."

She left in a hurry eager to get her friend back.

Y/N:"Rossiya I need to know a place where we can go to the mountain ASAP."

Rossiya:"I can guide your team there."

Y/N:"I'll go too."

Bismarck:"No Kommandant. It's too risky. You might die of hypothermia like Rossiya said."

Y/N:"Then be a dear and keep me warm. I'm not letting my girl on her own."


Rossiya:"I know a way. Follow me. Also..."

Rossiya opens a small drawer and grabs a gun and gives it to the Commander.

Rossiya:"They may be durable but a bullet can kill them still. Be careful Y/N."

Y/N nodded and grabbed it. He wasn't going to let Tirpitz be captured by the sirens.

Rossiya left the room and the two germans followed her. She left the bunker from a backdoor and walked straight towards the mountain.

It was a long and hard travel. The snow covered their feet and the cold was unbearable. Bismarck took the "keep me warm" too seriously and decided to stay extremely close to Y/N as soon as he shivered once. As for Rossiya she didn't care about the cold in the slightest.

Rossiya:"Rig out Bismarck. We're close."

Bismarck nodded and the two took their riggings out. They walked through a snowy forest. They can hear the sound of cannons being fired by the distance along with the screams of Sirens.

Zeppy's plane flew over the three of them. Yet no sight of Tirpitz.

Y/N:"We should split up. I'm too slow. Bismarck, Rossiya, go up the mountain. I'll stay here in case Tirpitz goes down."

Bismarck:"I'm not leaving you behind Y/N!"

Y/N:"Don't worry. If they were any siren around they would've tried something already. Bismarck your sister needs you. Go."

Bismarck reluctantly left with Rossiya. They looked back a couple of times to make sure Y/N was okay.

He leaned on a wall Luger at hand. He looked at the two ships go up the mountain. Bismarck had trouble with the cold yet she will endure anything if it meant saving her sister.

Suddenly Y/N saw three figures fall down the mountain to his left. Bismarck and Rossiya couldn't see nor hear anything due to the sound of the wind and the snow. Y/N had to investigate.

When he arrived at the location where the three figures fell he couldn't believe his eyes. One of the figures was a Siren that crashed on a tree breaking their back. The other two...

One was a Siren trying to strangle a weakened Tirpitz. She was there. They finally found her. Y/N did not hesitate. He immediately pulled the trigger scoring a headshot on the Siren. He did not stop tho, dumping the entire mag on the siren.

Once he was over the Commander turned around and faced his shipgirl still laying on the ground.

Tirpitz:"K-Kommandant? A-Am I dreaming?"

Y/N saw the state of his friend. Bruised, rigging almost destroyed. Wounds everywhere. He walked towards her and carried her like a princess. The Commander heard Bismarck and Rossiya going down attracted by the sound of Y/N's gun. As soon as they saw Tirpitz they started sprinting. Bismarck even tripped, quickly regaining her balance.

Y/N:"I'm here. We all are. You're finally safe."

Tirpitz:"Du bist gekommen... Danke..." (You came... thanks...)

Y/N:"Ich konnte meinen Schneeengel nicht zurücklassen. Ich habe nur einen." (I couldn't leave my snow angel behind. I only have one.)

Tirpitz giggled, a giggle that quickly turned into coughs. The girl leaned further into Y/N. She yearns his warmth. Bismarck finally caught up with Y/N. She grabbed Tirpitz's hands taking her by surprise.

Tirpitz:"Schwester?" (Sister?)

Bismarck:"Ja, ich bin es, du Dummkopf. Du hast mir Sorgen gemacht." (Yes it's me you idiot. You had me worried.)

Tirpitz smiled happily. Her suffering has finally come to an end. She's there, with her loved ones. No longer must she be alone.

Commander... thank you. I'll never forget this.

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