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Taehyung's P.O.V

I stared at the boy with fond eyes, as if it was the first time I saw such a beauty.

No, it wasn't the Kim Seokjin type of beauty, it was more than that.

"A human? Here in our world?"
Namjoon hyung voiced out his thoughts.

'So that's what a human looks like? They don't seem to be different from us...'

I thought until I noticed the same necklace that was stolen not long ago, on his neck.

My eyes turned completely cold as I knelt down to his level. "How could a human like you, possibly enter the sacred room, and steal one of our valued treasures?" I asked.

"Steal?- ok I don't know who the fuck you people are but I did not steal anything. I was just helping out this woman that tripped and she left this necklace on the ground. I took it home and tried to think of a way to give it back but then I magically got poofed here with this thing on my neck and I can't even get it off!" He ranted in one breath.

'Don't believe him Taehyung. Humans are liars.' Yoongi hyung said telepathically.

I stared into his eyes to see if he was lying, and to my surprise, he wasn't.

I sighed as I looked up at my two hyungs. "He's not lying hyungs."

"What even are you people?" He asked.

I turned back to him and chuckled as I stood up. "To simply put it, we're Gods-"

"-And that thing on your neck, is the necklace of darkness." Namjoon hyung added, making me shoot my head towards him in shock.

"Then how do I get back?" He asked.

"Oh you're not leaving. You can't leave when you still have the necklace with you." I said as I helped him up.

"How do you exactly expect me to leave without this thing when it completely stuck itself onto my neck? I've tried many times and I can't get it off." He complained.

"We'll figure it out soon, for now, you're staying with us." Namjoon hyung said as Yoongi hyung has kept silent.

The boy sighed as he nodded slowly knowing that he couldn't say no about it.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." he answered.

"You wouldn't last a week here." Yoongi hyung spat rudely after keeping silent the whole time as he left me and Namjoon hyung with the human.

Namjoon hyung sighed as he looked at Jungkook apologetically.

"Sorry about Yoongi hyung, he just really... despises humans."

"What could a human possibly do to make him hate our kind so harshly?" He murmured to himself.

"That is a story for another day. Taehyung can you show the kid around? Take him to one of the guest rooms, he'll be staying there." Namjoon hyung requested.

"I'll be checking if Jimin and the others came back." He finished.

I hummed as I bowed to him and he soon left me alone with Jungkook.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, turning to the boy beside me.

"I feel confused and regretful." He admitted.

I raised an eyebrow. "How come?"

"If only I left the necklace where the woman had dropped it, I would probably still be with my family right now." He answered as we soon started walking.

"Ah, I see." I said as I soon started to show him around.


"And this is your room. You'll be staying here for awhile until we figure out how to send you back. If you need anything, just come to my room. It's just opposite to yours." I said with a smile.

"Hey, I have a question." He spoke up.

"Go ahead." I said as he continues.

"Most people believe there are many Gods.. but the most popular ones they talk about are the Gods of creation and light and the Gods of destruction and darkness. What kind of God are you?"

I chuckled. "This is the first time I met a human and here I am admiring every trait you have. Well to answer your question, I'm the God of darkness."

"Then what about the other two you were with? And who's Jimin?"

"Those two, are Gods like me, Namjoon hyung is the God of destruction while Yoongi hyung is the God of death. Jimin, is Yoongi hyung's opposite. He is the God of life." I answered.

"So you are the Gods of chaos... but I don't understand. Shouldn't you be aggressive and heartless since your powers are all about negativity?" He asked.

"Well technically, we aren't. Our powers may be dark and all but we're not heartless." I admitted.

He nodded slowly. I smiled a little as I ruffled his hair. "You must be tired, get some rest and i'll call you when the others arrive." I said.

He smiled and hugged me, catching me off-guard. "Thank you.." he whispered in my ear as he let go and went inside the room I showed him.

I stood in my spot, feeling my cheeks go red.

"Humans... heh, I never thought they would be this interesting." I murmured to myself as I went inside my own room.

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