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Jungkook's P.O.V

I looked around my room and soon saw a mirror.

I walked closer to see the necklace's beautiful silver and purple color slowly turning gold and blue.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I went out the room and knocked on Taehyung's door.

The door opened to reveal the God of darkness staring at me in curiosity.

"Oh, come in." He said as he stepped aside. I saw his room to see nothing but black.

"How..." I stared as I looked down not sure if I would fall since there was no floor inside his room.

He chuckled as he pulled me in. I looked around to see never-ending darkness surrounding the both of us.

"Sorry if my room isn't exactly welcoming." He apologized.

"No, no. It's ok." I assured with a smile.

"So why are you here? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Well, the necklace is.." I trailed off, looking down at the necklace.

"That's impossible..." Taehyung breathed out. I looked up to see him staring at me with wide eyes.

"Why? What-"

"The necklace turned into the opposite of what it originally was. It turned.. light." He said, speechless.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

He shook his head. "There are only three necklaces in the sacred room.. the first one was the necklace of order and destruction. The second was the necklace of life and death.. and the third one is what you're wearing now... the necklace of darkness." He said as he took a hold of the necklace, it's gemstone altering from purple and blue.

"Wait... why is this one only named after darkness when the other two were named after contrasting..." I trailed off, looking down unsure.

"My darling, the two necklaces were embodied by the Gods that contrast each other. Just like when I said Jimin is the opposite of Yoongi, they are the owners of the second necklace." He explained.

"The necklaces change colour when one of it's owners wear it. The necklace of darkness was only named after me, because we never had the God of light." He finished.

"But shouldn't-" I got cut off when the door soon opened, to reveal 5 men.

The two were familiar, while the other three, weren't.

"Taehyung. Where's the human?"

My ears perked up at the sudden mention when all five of them soon stared at me.


"So you're saying that the necklace of darkness is stuck with him?" Jin hyung, the God of order repeated with a creased brow.

"But... it seems as though the necklace is giving off light energy rather than darkness." Hoseok hyung, the God of love, stated.

"Well if you look closer, the necklace had changed colour. As of now, it's gold and blue when we last saw it, it was silver and purple." Namjoon hyung pointed.

"Perhaps.. he may not be human after all?" Jimin hyung said, a question rather than a statement.

"Not? How can you be stupid Jimin? He literally has no knowledge of what's going on and you say he's not human? He lived in the human world his WHOLE life! He's not like us!" Yoongi hyung ranted.

"Control yourself, Yoongi." The eldest, scolded as he glared at the God of death.

Yoongi hyung let out a tsk as he looked away, not daring to speak another word.

"Well, he may have lived in the human world but there is still the possibility of him not being human. After all, it seems as if the necklace recognises him as its owner." Namjoon hyung said.

Jin hyung soon let out a sigh as he looked back at me. "I'm afraid we can't help you at the moment. While we're still finding a way, we give you permission to go back to the human world temporarily."

"What? So I can only stay there for a limited time?" I pointed.

"Yes. You'll have to stay under our rules that you are to not meet nor interact with your parents or your loved ones. Taehyung and Hoseok will stay with you as the three of you equally disguise yourselves as normal people."

"I'm normal... why would I have the need to disguise?" I asked.

"At this point, we aren't sure of what the necklace is doing to you. It may grant you power of either darkness, or light as it portrays the appearance of light right now. If you were to turn against our conditions, we would have the need to punish you. Am I understood?" Jin hyung asked.

I thought for a moment and sighed deeply as I nodded slowly. "Completely."

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