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Jungkook's P.O.V

Everyone except me and Taehyung stood up as they left the both of us alone.

He turned to me as he approached me with a smile.

"Is everything ok?" He asked, his smile soon faltering once he saw my expression.

I sighed as I looked down.

"I'm... i'm not sure if I should even be happy that i'm able to go back home, or be sad because I have to pretend like a stranger to my loved ones.." I said.

He sighed as he touched the necklace, making me curious to what he's up to.

He let go as soon as a white flower appeared. He held it and soon placed it into my hands.

I pursed my lips together as I felt tears blur my vision.

"I know you have questions to why you can't interact with them, but... it's for the best. Jin hyung wouldn't give out such a rule unless it was serious." He reasoned.

Taehyung's P.O.V

As I stared at the young boy in sadness, tears soon fell on the flower, making the white flower turn black as it slowly dies.

My eyes widened in surprise.

'No... humans have no supernatural abilities. Could he possibly be adapting the necklace's powers since it recognises him as its owner?'

I started to question. I shook my head as I lifted Jungkook's face for him to look at me.

I wiped away his tears as I smiled softly at him. "This is a lot to take in.. and I can understand that. But don't cry darling, you won't be alone once we arrive in your world. You'll still have me and Hoseok hyung."

"And I can guarantee, we'll have a lot of fun together." I assured, pulling him into a comforting hug.

He hugged back as he cried onto my shoulder.

Somehow, I can feel his sadness. And before I knew it, tears unexpectedly fell from my eyes.

Namjoon's P.O.V

"How... strange.." Jimin let out as he stared at the hollow screen that displayed what Taehyung and the human is doing.

"What is?" Yoongi hyung asked, turning his attention to his beloved.

"The human seems, rather... unusual." Jimin answered.

Yoongi hyung rolls his eyes as he soon flipped the next page of his book.

"How is he unusual? He's still human. And all of them are just the same. Nothing but useless animals roaming around, destroying our creations."

"What have I told you about speaking like that? You better fix that attitude of yours, Min Yoongi." Jin hyung said sternly, causing the said man to shut his mouth.

"I'm not sure, but... he reminds me of Kookie." Jimin said as he examined the human's features through the screen.

"Are they still?-" when I decided to speak, I stopped when I suddenly noticed the white flower on Jungkook's lap turn black in colour.

"Did you see that?" I asked, turning to Jimin who had his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Yeah... if you ask me, he doesn't really act like a human."

"He's human, you two. Perhaps the only reason the white flower changed due to his tears is because he may be adapting the power of the necklace." Jin hyung explained as he walked pass us, leaving us alone.

"And him resembling Kookie? I doubt that. Kookie was long gone, and that child acts nothing like him." Yoongi hyung added.

"You're only saying that because you never really knew him." Jimin muttered.

"Excuse me?" Yoongi hyung then piped up as he raised an eyebrow, staring at Jimin expectantly.

"You don't know Kookie nor Jungkook at all! How can you easily judge that they are different from each other when both their movements and the way they act seem exactly the same?!"

"Here you are, talking about Kookie again. It's all about him! Oh yeah, I know the reason why, because you can't get it through your thick head, nor even accept that he's gone. For good." Yoongi hyung replied harshly.

There was a complete silence, until Jimin unexpectedly slapped Yoongi hyung.

"I can't believe you..." Jimin soon sighed as he turned around and left.

"Hyung..." I called out.

"Shut up, I need to get some fresh air." He said coldly as he left me alone.

'Did they seriously just leave me out?'

I sighed as I went to where Taehyung and Jungkook are.


I blinked to find them still in the same room awhile ago.

"Oh, hey you two. Why are you still here?" I asked.

"Well, Jungkook and I decided to just stay here and got to know each other better." Taehyung answered.

I smiled as I got closer to them, until.. I noticed a familiar sensation coming from the human.

It felt like he was radiating the same type of light Kookie once had.

"Namjoon hyung? Is everything alright?" Taehyung suddenly asked.

I blinked and nodded slowly. "Uhm, yeah, yeah! I'm alright. Sorry I just dozed off." I excused.

I noticed Taehyung's sudden worry, but I also saw the sweet smile Jungkook had.

"Namjoon hyung, if you feel tired, please get some rest." Jungkook had said sincerely.

My mouth fell agape as I was taken aback for the way Jungkook had been acting towards us.

"What a peculiar human you are.." I murmured as I pat his head before I walked out the room and probably get some rest.

"You feel it too, don't you?" I turned around to see Jin hyung standing in front of me with a frown.

I nodded slowly as I looked down. "It can't be him.. can he? He was long gone." Jin hyung said with a shaky voice.

"Perhaps.. he has come back, not as a God.. but as a human, a fragile one at that." I said softly as I pulled him into a hug to comfort him.

Jungkook really does resemble Kookie so much. It's funny how he really did keep his promise, even if he isn't aware of it.

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