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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Why?" He asked.

"Do you remember those rules Kookie?"

I sighed and nodded.

"A human and God must not love each other, if they do... both of them will be punished for breaking such rule. The God will become human and watches the human they love burn into ashes."

"That's why Eric and Mina were punished."

'A human and God's love is forbidden..'

I looked down. "I'm only human... and humans and Gods aren't supposed to be together."

"You aren't entirely human Jungkook."

"What does that mean?"

"You are allowed to love a God in any case, it's because you are still entitled as the God of light once you regain your abilities fully."

'I know I can love him, but... I want to know if he will fight for the love he wants to have, even if he thinks i'm human.'

There was a minute of silence until my eyes widened from his response.

"I don't care about that."

I looked up at him and asked. "Then... do you only love me because I resemble so much of Kookie..?"

He shook his head, he wasn't hesitant.

"Not even close. I love you because you are your own self."

I was shocked, not knowing what to say until I smiled as he opened his arms to welcome me in his embrace, and that was the time I went into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Hoseok's P.O.V

I felt a tingling sense as I stopped cutting the onions.

I smiled as I closed my eyes.

'Welcome back... this points a new beginning of your love.'

Jimin and Yoongi hyung rushed in with wide eyes while Jimin started squealing with bright eyes and a huge smile.

"Did you feel that?!" Jimin asked with excitement.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes Jimin."

Yoongi hyung smiled softly, catching both me and Jimin in surprise. He often smiles now ever since he found out.

"I'm happy for them." Yoongi hyung voiced out, making us smile warmly and hum.

"All of us are."

"Also, what happened to Soobin?" I asked, noticing Soobin isn't with them.

"Ah, he went to Jungkook's room saying he was going to get something." Jimin answered until a hollow screen appeared in front of us, showing Jin hyung and Namjoon on the screen with smiles on their faces.

"We felt the good news!"

We all laughed and nodded. "Yeah, it finally happened." I said.

"We'll be coming today to celebrate!" Jin hyung said.

"Shall we surprise them?" Namjoon suggested.

We looked at each other and nodded. "That seems nice."

"Also Namjoon, stay away from the kitchen if you get here." Yoongi said while Namjoon began to feel flustered.

"Alright, we'll be on our way. I have a special surprise for little Soobin." Jin hyung said excitedly as the screen disappeared.

I sighed. "Even as a guy he really has such a motherly instinct." I said, feeling quite happy that Jin hyung has that ability.

"And that's why we love him." Jimin hyung admitted with a smile as Yoongi hyung said he'll go back to check on Soobin.

Both me and Jimin turning to each other with smiles as we went back to cooking.

Taehyung's P.O.V

'What was that familiar tingling sense..? And why did it come off from Jungkook?'

I closed my eyes a little before shaking the thought off.

'It's probably nothing.'


When me and Jungkook were starting to head back, Jungkook stopped.

I turned to him with a confused look when the necklace started glowing.

He let go of my hand when he caught the necklace that was once stuck on him.

It's once golden and blue colour turned back into what it originally was, silver and purple.

[This is what it looked like when it was on Jungkook's neck.]

[Now imagine it turned back into silver and purple 😂]

"It's... off..?"

He looked up to me and smiled, "it's best to return it to you now, right?"

Jungkook's P.O.V

He blinked. "How in the world did it finally detach itself when it was completely stuck on you since day 1?" He asked, confused.

I giggled and took his hand, giving the necklace to him.

"I don't know.. but we should get back now, the hyungs might get worried."

He sighed and nodded, letting the topic go as we continued making our way home.

'The process is over, but why didn't it hurt? Shouldn't I feel pain?'

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