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Taehyung's P.O.V

When we finally arrived, the lights were turned off.

I tried looking for the switch and when I turned them on, everyone even Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung were there with wide smiles.

"Surprise!" They exclaimed in unison.

Me and Jungkook turned to each other confused until we turned back to them as Jungkook asked.

"What's going on?"

"Well... we wanted to celebrate since you're back! And also..." Hoseok hyung trailed off as they stared at mine and Jungkook's hands which were intertwined.

I turned to Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung only to see them... smiling..?

Didn't they disapprove of this? Why are they like this now?

Soon, Soobin came running to us with huge smiles. "Papa! Appa! Did you have fun?" He asked with bright eyes.

We laughed and nodded as Jungkook knelt down to his level, handing him a small bunny charm.

"Yes we did. Here, we got this for you on the way home."

I stared at Jungkook dumbfounded as I soon thought..

'We didn't get that... how did he..?'

Jungkook then stood up after Soobin had hugged him as a thank you.

"How are you feeling Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"I.. I think i'm alri-" he didn't get to finish his sentence when he suddenly lost balance.

I quickly caught him as we all started to worry.

"Jungkook? What's wrong?"

He giggled tiredly as he shook his head slightly.

"I'm fine.. maybe I just need to rest a little." He assured.

I turned to the hyungs while Jimin smiled a little. "I'll take him to his room for a bit."

I nodded as I handed Jungkook to him.

Both of them soon leaving while Hoseok hyung went outside with Soobin.

"What's going on?" I asked, turning to the three.

They looked at each other and sighed.

"I think it's about time we tell you.."

"Tell me what?"


Jimin's P.O.V

I stared at Jungkook with a frown as I caressed his cheek.

"How are you feeling?"

"I-it's starting to hurt." He answered in pain as he squirmed around.

I frowned as I held onto his hand. "Focus on me Jungkook."

He turned his attention to me. "I'll be putting you to sleep, and you will have to go through things to master your abilities. If you don't pull through, you won't ever wake up.."

I took out the necklace that I and Yoongi hyung own of my pocket as I turned to him worried.

"Do you want to do this?" I asked.

He nodded. "Just to make it all stop.."

I felt myself tear up. "You better wake up, don't you dare let go.."

He forced a smile even though he was in pain as he hummed. "Promise.."

I then put the necklace on him as I began to chant words. White and black runes began appearing as Jungkook kept his eyes tight shut.

I frowned.

'Don't die...'

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