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Jungkook's P.O.V

I looked around to see never-ending darkness.

"Where am I..?" I asked, until someone appeared in front of me, making me jump back in surprise.

"You're in my territory, who are you?" His voice had spoken coldly.

My eyes widened when I saw it was..

It was Kookie.. but he's far more intimidating this way.

Instead of his soft snow white locks, his hair is black. His gentle expression in those memories is nothing compared to how he expresses right now.


Just then, his expression softened when he recognised me. His smile is soft and flawless.

"It's you.." he said as he caressed my cheek.

I was speechless of his beauty, how could I ever compare to him? I'm different from him.. i'm nowhere above him.

His soft smile turned into a sad one.

"I can't believe you're actually here."

"W-why..?" I stuttered out.

He giggled. "Because I got to meet the better version of me."

My eyes widened. "B-better? How could I be better if i'm nothing but filled with flaws? How could I even compare myself to you?"

"You're better than me... because your flaws make you perfect." He answered, resting his forehead on mine.

"Your hair had changed colour." He pointed out.

"It's white like snow." He described, with a smile.

My lips quivered. "Jimin hyung brought me here... what am I supposed to do..?" I asked, looking down.

"Do what a God must do." He simply said, pulling away from me, turning around as he snapped his fingers, the background turning into a field of golden flowers everywhere.

He turned back to me. "You have to learn how control what you possess now, or else, you'll die."

"What if I make it?"

He smiled. "You'll be able to live happily with the hyungs."

"Do you think you can handle it under my supervision?" He asked.

I looked down and frowned. "I... don't know if i'm strong enough.."

He put his thumb under my chin as he made me look at him. "I know you are. Simply living your life even as a human is what makes you strong."

I smiled a little as he giggled. "Shall we start?"

I hummed and nodded. "Yes!"

His smile soon faltered as he soon warned me. "But remember Jungkook, I have to make your will stronger, no matter what you see, do not trust anything."

I nodded as Kookie suddenly disappeared, the background turning back into the... palace?

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