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Taehyung's P.O.V

I stayed in the living room as I thought back to what Jungkook had said before I told him to go and get some rest.

"That's why... you can never bring yourself to forget him."

I sighed until I jolted up in surprise when Yoongi hyung appeared out of nowhere.

"Don't tell me that human got to you." He said, rolling his eyes as he sat on a seat opposite to mine.

"You heard our conversation?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

He then nodded as he placed his chin on the pad of his palm.

"Though.. he is right." I admitted as I looked down.

"How?" I heard him ask.

"Because Kookie is unforgettable." I answered.

"Even you, hyung. You haven't forgotten him yet." I pointed, looking up at him.

He stared at me indifferently as he answered blankly. "I already have."

I knew that was a lie. His eyes still show complete sadness.

"Stop lying." I said.

"I know you haven't yet. I'm aware how close the both of you were, that's why I know you're having trouble forgetting him." I stated with a frown.

For a moment, all of the walls he built up, suddenly fell down like a house of cards as he stared at me with glossy eyes.

"You're right. I can't forget him. But the only reason why, is because he was as precious as you." He admitted truthfully.

"No matter how much I pushed him away, he still came back over and over again. He was the reason why he made me realize that I could lose you if I were to avoid you any further." He said as he broke down in front of me.

I looked at him, taken aback that this was the very first time I saw him crying in front of me.

I stood up in silence as I went to him, pulling him into an embrace.

"Why do you keep bottling up every kind of emotion just for yourself?" I asked, holding him tighter.

"I didn't want to look weak.." He admitted silently as he let out silent sobs.

I sighed. "Crying is how your heart speaks when your lips can't explain how you really feel. It doesn't make you weak hyung, in fact, Pretending that you're ok or even, hiding everything from those you care about... is what makes you weak." I said as I kissed the top of my brother's head.

"As the God of death, it doesn't mean that you have to hide away in the shadows. I'm here hyung, we all are." I reminded as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

He laughed bitterly. "Its.. funny how I only hugged a non-living object for comfort."

I chuckled. "Well, maybe you can come to me whenever you need a hug." I said.

"Yeah... that would be great.." he said as he nuzzled closer.

Hoseok's P.O.V

I stared blankly at the ceiling until I ended up falling asleep.


"I told you they were a good match~" Kookie said with a giggle as we both watched a new couple enjoying each other's presence underneath the moonlight.

I chuckled as I shook my head. "I admit, you know very well."

"I learned from the best!"


"I have duties to carry out and those duties I shall fulfil." I said with a frown as I stared at him with tired eyes.

Kookie frowned as he then ruffled my hair. "Don't forget about yourself. You're important to this family even if not by blood, you should still take good care of yourself."

I smiled a little. "I understand very clearly. No wonder the God of Darkness has taken quite an interest in you."

He soon turned as red as a tomato as he looked at me with wide eyes as he then started stammering.

"W-what? Haha, that's not true..! Hyung, y-you and your jokes.."

I let out a laugh as I softly smiled. "Our little bunny.." I said, pulling him into a hug.


I held him tighter as I closed my eyes shut, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Hush my dear.. please let me hug you, one last time before... we finally let you go.."

He returned my embrace as he leaned closer.

"You're afraid, aren't you?" My eyes widened when he suddenly spoke up.

'This never happened before..'

I thought as I pulled away to stare at him.


He smiled. "Hyung, i'm still with you. Do you not realize?" He asked as he tilted his head slightly.

"W-what? How are you reacting to what I say..? This is just a memory..!" I hesitated.

He smiled sadly as he caressed my cheek. "It is, however, you really are talking to me again." He said.

"How..? Your soul should be gone, when you died your soul has vanished too.." I tried to reason, I guess I was trying to convince myself thinking that i'm only leaving myself with false hope that I could still really talk with him.

"It's true. This will probably be the last time i'll be able to communicate with you as the me that is still aware of what I used to be, because.. the truth is, i'm still alive. Just, not.. as a God."


"The human.. he is me, he's my reincarnation." He explained.

"How could that even happen?" I asked.

"That day when you all saw me fading away.. my soul hadn't vanished, it somehow survived and ended up getting warped to the human world, it then managed to create a physical form for itself."

"Physical form? Then... shouldn't that boy have your abilities?"

He sighed as he looked down, shaking his head. "Apparently, i'm not certain if it could still be reclaimed. It transformed into a human that could not bear a power of a God. So my soul had transferred every last bit of power to the necklace before being completely teleported to the human world. So if the boy manages to handle the necklace's power with ease, he'll either be able to control my old abilities and live the same way I used to, or he'll die."

"And he doesn't know what happened before, though there could still be a possibility where he can remember everything, of who he used to be." He added.

"The necklace on his neck is helping the process of any way to help the current me. But if it fails, we can't do anything anymore."

"Then... how are you communicating with me now?"

"This is the last bit of energy I kept in his soul until i'm able to talk with any of you through dreams, and luckily you fell asleep. So after this, i'll be gone permanently. But if Jungkook would remember everything, he wouldn't be the same as who I used to be, but be a better version of our past self." He explained.

"So... it's still possible to regain the memories the current you has lost?"

He shook his head. "I... i'm not certain. If you can help him in little ways of remembering, my powers will slowly entangle itself to his whole being, but other than that, that's all. All you have to do is wait."

"All... we have to do.. is wait?"

He nodded as he smiled sadly. "I'm sorry hyung, but my time is up. Have a nice rest." He said as he slowly faded away.

My eyes widened "W-wait..!" I said as I tried to pull him into a hug.. to no avail as he was gone completely.

I felt my tears fall to the top of my hand as my lips quivered.

"I'll wait for you... my dear brother."

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