11: The Offering

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Back in the 80s, I decided to check the clock. I was still suspicious how time is slower than before in the 80s but in 2018, their time is fast like time should be. In the kitchen, I checked the retro clock on the wall.
5:39 it said.
It didn't seem strange but it did at the same time.
Asking my mom would do no good because then she'd think I'm crazy. So far, I just let it be, assuming it's nothing that major. Besides, time always passes by.


Fast forwarding a couple of hours later after some meals, snacks, and walking around, I sat on the couch, bored. Just watching some random television shows to try and keep me from sleeping of boredom.
Then, the phone rang.

"I got it, mom!", I called out as I sprung up from the couch.

Speed-walking into the dining room I see the brick cell phone, ringing like there's no tomorrow. It just seemed so loud because of the quiet boredom state I was in. Picking it up, I pressed the call button & put it by my right ear.

"Idle residence, Felicia speaking", I spoke.

"Oh perfect, it's you", Mr Afton's voice from the phone spoke, "Listen, I want to give you a special offer. Can you come to the pizzeria?".

"When exactly?", I questioned.

"Llllet's say...immediately? The sooner the better because I have this idea and I want to share it with you", Mr Afton explained on the phone.

"Alright, Mr Afton, but how will I convince mom to let me go?" I questioned.

"How do you usually convince your mother to let you go?", Mr Afton asked.

"I just tell her I'm meeting a friend. And I'm not lying, lying is wrong", I replied.

"Well then, just tell her something special's going on with your friend. That isn't lying", Mr Afton assured.

I sighed "Okay, I'll meet you there, Purple Guy".

Mr Afton replied "Happily, Little Blue Riding 'Fro".

We both had a little laugh before I hung up the phone.

Yes, we had names for each other but those names were called by the rest of the world too. "Purple Guy", was a very popular nickname for Mr Afton because he loves to wear purple and he has a little purple tint on his pale skin. It didn't bother me of course because I'm a weirdo and proud of it. The nickname "Little Blue Riding 'Fro" for me kinda speaks for itself.
My mom then appeared holding dumbbells in both of her hands. Sweating and red, she dropped them on the table.

She must've been exercising again, I thought.

My mom always tries her best to look fit and healthy so she's been on a diet and exercises with VHS tapes whenever she wasn't busy.

"Who was that on the phone, baby girl?", mom asked after briefly catching her breathe.

"My buddy has a special thing going on and wants me to come over", I explained.

"You know you keep mentioning this buddy person and you never mentioned the buddy's name", my mom realized. "Is it a boy?".

"Sorry, I don't want to be late for the thing. I'll be back as soon as I can", I quickly assured.

My drawing bag flew behind me as I went for the door. After about 4 steps, my hand grasped the doorknob.

"It's a boy, isn't it? Have fun, Felicia!", mom chuckled.

"Bye!", I called out freaked and annoyed.

Quickly, I shut the door behind me.

Phew! That would've been awkward if I had to spill more beans.

Awkward because of two things. One, Mr Afton is older than me, obviously, and he does have a mysterious reputation. Two, mom isn't as fond of Freddy Fazbear's as she used to be. So what, she'd be worried about germs or anyone getting sick. But overprotectiveness really hit her hard after she heard about the tragic incidents. She is mostly a laid-back mom, but when it comes to sicknesses or actual violence, watch out. At least she let's me go to wherever I want and she knows that I'll come back.

At Freddy Fazbear's, I snuck at the side instead of going to the front door. When I reached the door on the side of the building, I lightly knocked the door five times.

"Mr Afton, it's me, Felicia, I'm here f-for the thing", I muttered at the door.

The door opened. It wasn't Mr Afton that opened it, it was a dude I probably have never saw before. He looked about 16 going on 17 years old, he had peach white skin, brown hair and grey blue eyes. He wore a Freddy Fazbear employee suit and his facial expression looked confused but positive.

"I'm not Mr Afton, you know", he chuckled.

Then I noticed his name tag read "Scott" on it.

"Oh, sorry, Scott, have you seen Mr Afton anywhere?", I questioned.

"Um, he should be over in his office right now", Scott pointed to a hallway.

"Thanks, Scott", I nodded while going inside the building.

The place was obviously still open when I arrived. People made the place more alive and the animatronics were performing on their stages. Stealthily, I snuck to the hallway.

In Mr Afton's office, I see him...
Wearing his creepy Springbonnie head. When he spun the chair to see me, chills ran up my spine real quick. He really looked like a villain.

"Well, well, well, welcome back Felicia. Today's a special day you won't regret", he spoke in his Springbonnie impression.

"Son of a b-Mr Afton, please. Please, take that off", I spoke.

"Okay, okay", he spoke fading out of his impression and fading in to his true voice.

He took the head off and placed it behind him.

"Now about the offer", he explained, "Since you know about this place and you've been itching to find out some secrets I thought...would you like to...work with me under my wing?".

"A-a-am I h-hearing right?", I stuttered in shock.

"You heard me right", Mr Afton replied. "You can be like my little apprentice. I can teach you some things, let you know how some things work, and sneak in some secrets on the side. So, what do you say, Felicia?".

It was too good to be true but I knew I wasn't dreaming, he was actually offering me this. A job opportunity at my favorite place. Of course I didn't expect much but maybe he wants to boost our friendship. Why else would he choose me to be his apprentice? This was super strange though.

"I know this has never been done before at Fazbear Entertainment or anywhere I've heard of. But I've seen how smart you are and how much you truely love this place. So, um, have you got your answer?", Mr Afton asked.

It didn't take me a while to think about it. I wanted to learn more about this place, the animatronics, the secrets, the lore...

"I say we've got a deal, good man", I replied with a smile.

"Wonderful! I knew you'd say yes", Mr Afton spoke while shaking my hand. "Now all we have to do is ask Henry and we should be in the clear".

Ask Henry?! Oh crap, I should've known, I thought.

"Cool dude", I replied trying to act cool.

Mr Afton led me outside his office and into Henry's office which was right next to his. This was my first time seeing it.
Henry's office looked tidy and spacious like Mr Afton's. On the walls of his office looked like blueprints. He desk was covered with neatly stacked papers. The man writing on some of the papers was none other than Henry. His golden brown hair was messy but his caucasian skin was clean. He still wore his business suit and occasionally had a pencil behind his left ear. His intense dark brown eyes were glued to the papers in front of him.

"Hey, Henry, me and Felicia have a request", Mr Afton spoke.

Henry looked up at the two of us in surprise.

"Oh, hey you two, what are you requesting? Have a seat", Henry spoke while gesturing to the two chairs.

Just like Mr Afton's office, one chair was a swivel chair & the other was an ordinary Freddy Fazbear chair. Obviously, I sat on the Fazbear chair & Mr Afton sat on the swivel chair next to me.

"Me and Felicia have been talking and you know how she's really attracted to our company", Mr Afton explained.

"Yes, I've seen, you really like our company, huh?", Henry asked.

"Yep, more than you could ever imagine, Henry", I replied.

"Anyways long story short, could you possibly let Felicia have a place of employment here at Freddy Fazbear's?", Mr Afton questioned.

Henry lifted an eyebrow suspiciously, "What do you mean?".

"I mean, she's so smart, committed, caring, and loyal to this place", Mr Afton continued.

"Th-the only problems I have is just th-the bright lights, lou-oud sounds, and being social. Either than that I th-think I'm capable of working here. Right?", I added feeling unsure.

"So what do you say, Henry? She'll work under my wing and I won't let her do anything she isn't supposed to. Can you give her a chance?", Mr Afton asked.

Henry thought for a moment, he thought: Mr Afton does look like he's telling the truth. And Felicia does look determined...and nervous. Ah, what the heck, I'll tell them calmly.

"Felicia", Henry spoke as he led out a hand, "Welcome to your new career at Fazbear Entertainment".

"R-r-re-eally?", I asked surprised.

"The Fazbear Family is open for anyone who's committed to fun and safety and you look like you have what it takes", Henry explained, "Come on, don't leave me hanging".

I chuckled as I took his hand and we shook on it.

"Thank you so much!-I mean thank you. Henry, Mr Afton, I'll try not to let you guys down, I'll try my best at whatever you have in store for me", I spoke proudly.

"Great, your first day on the job will be in 4 days, so for now, just enjoy yourself and get prepared for when the time comes", Henry explained, "And you will get your pay after every week".

"Wait, wait, wait, I get paid too?", I asked.

"Why not? It's the least I can do", Henry replied.

"Well, thanks, you guys are awesome", I commented. "I'll see you two in 4 days".

"We can't wait!", Mr Afton spoke.

"Now go on and hurry home and don't forget to smile!", Henry called out.

Both men waved good-bye as I waved back and fled the building like a kid who just graduated. I actually fled out the front door and zoomed on the way back home. When I reached to the front of my house I turned the doorknob and went inside calmly.

"That was kind of quick. How was that special thing with your buddy?", my mom asked sitting on the couch.

"It was great mom and also, I've got a job now", I replied.

Oh crap, I shouldn't said that, Felicia you idiot!

"You have a job?!", mom sprung out of the couch and gave me a congrats hug, "That's terrific, honey, what kind of a job?".

"I got a job as an apprentice so I'll be learning some interesting things", I explained while breaking the hug. "& I'll start working 4 days from now".

"Well, congratulations! I'm so proud of you. And at least you'll have some time to relax before the big day", mom commented.

"Yep, now if you excuse me, I'll just be chillaxing in my room", I announced as I walked into my room.

"Okay, have fun, baby girl", mom called out.

After shutting my bedroom door behind me, I sighed. Then I grabbed my Walkman and headphones and played some rock & roll music. When I put the headphones on, "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns & Roses was playing. It was the perfect rockin' song for this moment. Freddy Fazbear's was my jungle and I finally can legally explore it. While most other people break into their happy dances, I just rock my head up & down and jump around. I felt so happy, I started bouncing off the floor, the walls, and the ceiling while the rockin' tunes were drowning my ears in awesomeness. After all that jumping, I leaped and bounced onto my bed.
These days just get better and better.

Now I wonder what's going on back at the future. Well, there's one way to find out.

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