12: Mimzy's Memory: The World is a Stage

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For my friend EvelynWiley, I tried.

(Ok, back to the Different Times AU)

Back in the future, the eight of us met up with each other and marched back into Memory Lane. The one who volunteered to show us a memory this time was Mimzy. Mimzy happily jumped into the orange blob with a cheerful giggle. Her memory in front of us was coming up. It was staticky, fuzzy, grainy, and...black and white of course.

Everything in the memory was black & white...except for Mimzy's sun element on her dress.
It looked like in this memory, she was prancing around a big city. I'm assuming it's New Orleans. She wasn't with her mother or her sister, she was all alone, going to somewhere.
The scene then changed to a backstage of some sort where Mimzy was eagerly waiting for something.

This is it, Mimzy, she thought, It's your 80th performance, time to knock'em dead. Hehe, not literally.

She hid a little object in her pocket, I couldn't tell what it was. A pencil? A microphone? A knife? Who knew. Anyways, she was behind the curtain, awaiting her chance to shine. A chuckle was uttered. A man's chuckle. Mimzy looked around to find the source of it. Then she stared at a strange looking shadow in the corner. It was no ordinary shadow, I could tell. It had a pageboy hairstyle, a very lanky body shape, big furry deer ears, and little antlers. It was like a deer man shadow that had two big holes for eyes and a hole for it's wicked grin. It beckoned her to come over to it with a skinny beckoning finger. Instead of being frightened like most people would, Mimzy was delighted and followed it. She tiptoed quickly, following the mysterious shadow. She speed-walked careful down some stairs and she was officially off the stage. The speed-walking turned to running, and she ran extremely fast. Faster than me I knew. The shadow was zooming on the ground now while Mimzy kept speeding towards where it was going. The setting then changes again into a building I've never saw before. Probably a house or a pad or...a secret hideout? All I know is that it had a strange looking table with a vintage microphone and some weird gadget-looking things. It had some chairs and a dining table as well. All the focus was suddenly on the shadow again that kept beckoning Mimzy. She floated like a cartoon character towards the shadow. They both arrived in a secret darker room. The shadow then moved backwards behind a man-looking figure. The figure stepped forward and it was a man. He was so lanky and tall and only his mouth shone on the top of the screen. His mouth was shaped like a dashing grin like Mimzy told me about. It looked creepy in the dark, but what do I know. He was wearing a sleeve-less tuxedo over a white shirt. He wore is bow tye, his skinny pants for his lanky legs, and his shiny pointy black shoes.
This has gotta be Alastor.

"What do you want, Alastor? I have a show to do", Mimzy questioned.

"Don't worry, my dear, it will be quick", he spoke with a Trans-Atlantic accent.

"Alright, what is it this time?", Mimzy asked with an I-surrender smile.

"Show me your sunlight and you'll see", Alastor replied.

Mimzy let out a sigh and fluttered her hands and fingers. Her magic had orange color too. It brightened the dark room a little bit as her magic went around her. When she stopped wiggling her fingers & hands, it was all around her like a one-piece suit.

"Wonderful! Now watch me", Alastor spoke.

A giant flame grew, imploded, and lit up all of the candles in the room. This room now that it's lit up looked more suspicious. It had a roundtable surrounded by six chairs. On the table looked like a deck of cards, six short candles, and some kind of weird circle in the middle of the table. Behind the table was a dresser, on top of it was a medium sized mirror. Peeking out of some of the drawers was some little dolls, voodoo dolls. On some nightstands I see skeletons pieces of written paper, and books. This place looked sketchy but Mimzy still looked happy.

"Good golly, Al, this looks amazing!", Mimzy exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, I've cleaned up my secret room, my dear. And since we're so close, what's mine is yours", Alastor explained.

"Can I take a peak at those dolls you have?", Mimzy asked?

"Sure, they're just voodoo dolls. Why not?", Alastor assured.

Okay, either this guy is kinda rebellious or he actually knows what's going to happen.
Mimzy stepped closer to the creepy-looking dolls with their button eyes and stitches. She drew her hand closer to one of the dolls but backed away.

"What's the matter?", Alastor asked.

"I just realized, that doll looks like that snotty rich woman from town", Mimzy replied in shock.

"Mrs Witsey? Yes, she has been a Dumb Dora lately so, I just created this", Alastor explained.

Mimzy picked the doll up, examined it, and threw it to the ground. A women's scream was heard from a distance. Mimzy chuckled and threw it to Alastor. Alastor then grabbed a pin from the top of his dresser and poked it into the doll's head. A series of screams from a distance took place. Alastor and Mimzy in response laughed together.

"Ah, good golly", Alastor sighed, "Well, I suppose you should head on over to your 80th performance. Of course I'll be cheering for you".

"Can you come with me Al?", Mimzy asked with sparkling eyes, "In the special way?".

"I thought you'd never ask. Then let's dance, my flapper girl!", Alastor announced.

He took Mimzy by the hand and played some music on a record player. It played "Let's Misbehave". Alastor now held both of Mimzy's hands and danced a little 20's jig. Something miraculous was happening while they danced, magic was swirling around them. As the magic tickled their faces, they were giggling while dancing to the music. Then the magic completely consumed them and they disappeared in a flash. The setting changed back to the backstage area. With a poof of magic, Alastor and Mimzy appeared there.

"As always, good luck, Mimzy. And I promise to broadcast the news all over the world", Alastor admired.

"As always, thanks Al. This will be very entertaining!", Mimzy insisted.

Alastor then stroked her cheek before leaving the stage. Him and his ghoulish shadow chuckled while walking out. Mimzy, now all alone, took a deep breath and started to pace around and around in circles. She looked nervous but excited at the same time because her smile dropped when she saw Alastor leaving.

As she paced she kept whispering to herself "You'll be fine. You've already relieved your stress. Alastor's here. The world is a stage". Then she kept repeating like a quiet chant "The world is a stage. The world is a stage. The world is a stage".

Then I noticed two shadows were behind her. Her shadow and Alastor's. They were repeating the little chant as well.
Is she also used to paranormal activity? Probably.
After a few more times repeating that phrase, she rushed to the front of the curtain by some other flapper girls. The curtains rose, the audience gave a round of applause, and some music played. The song was "The Charleston". The flappers danced in syncing movements at first. Then Mimzy stepped in front of the rest and danced her own solo moves. She saw Alastor in the audience. He smiled & she smiled back at him.
The screen faded to black. White words on the black read "The world is a stage".

The orange blob appears in front of us and Mimzy walks out of it.

With a giggle she asks "Any questions?"

"Are you the only one that goes into the secret room?", Chase questioned.

"Some others have gone into it but I assume I've been in there the most", Mimzy answered.

"Does Alastor do these voodoo things often?", Harold asked.

"Sometimes. Other times we get into a lot of other mischief around New Orleans, it's fun", Mimzy admitted.

"Did you know that Alastor's shadow was behind you?", I questioned.

Mimzy replied "Yeah. He whispers sweet things in my ear so I won't feel alone when Al is gone. It's romantic, isn't it?".

"Sure", Zach spoke unsurely.

After seeing this memory about Alastor, I was getting the creeps. I'm not the only one that's afraid, the other six that reacted to this felt the same amount of fright and concern. But I guess if Mimzy is happy, we should be happy for her. Alastor seems friendly to those he likes.

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