13: Mikey's Memory: Can I get an Amen?

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Mikey decided to step forward and a green blob came towards the front of him. He willingly stepped inside. This memory looked staticky and black & white.

The setting looked like it was outdoors in a suburban or urban-like city. I'm assuming it's New York City where Mikey lives. Mikey was walking with what I'm assuming is his mom on the side of the road. Mikey was the only thing that had color in this memory. And guess what? His mom looks like my mom too. Weird. Anyways, they were walking down the street under the gray sky. It looked like this took place in Autumn because of the leaves that danced in the wind.
So Mikey and his mom were walking around the streets of New York. No one else seemed to notice them or wanted to care. Then they stopped at a place were there was many many plants. A huge variety of life and growth in an average sized garden. Potatoes, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, green beans, carrots, celery, lettuces, watermelons, asparagus, and more. Next to that garden was a house surrounded by flowers. Sunflowers, petunias, lilies, poppies, and more.
Was this their house?
The mother grabbed a pair of gardening gloves and a watering can from the side of the house. Mikey looked joyful.

"Are we going to give some of these out today, mom?", Mikey asked.

"I don't see why not, Michael", the mother replied.

She knelt down to her flowers and began watering them. Mikey jogged over to their fruit & vegetable garden. He touched the soil were the plants stood and closed his eyes. The plants were starting to grow. His green growing magic was causing the plants to grow more. The mother looked over to Mikey causing this with a happy but worried reaction.

"Not too much, my little angel boy, we're only giving out some of them", his mom called out.

From that I could tell she was aware that her son had powers. Just like my mom was aware that I had powers.
Anyways Mikey lifted his hands away from the plants & the plants stood still again.

"Who are we giving them to this time?", Mikey questioned not caring if his hands are covered in dirt.

"Remember your swell friend, Buddy?", his mother asked.

"We're giving some to Buddy today? Well that's good", Mikey replied with a cute smile "God knows he needs some company once in a while".

"Well, I'll call him on the ameche so he can come over. Can you be a swell son and watch the plants?", the mother offered walking to the front door of her house.

"Gladly, mom", Mikey replied.

The mother walked into her house and Mikey kept a close eye on the plants. First walked around the house to check the flowers. They all looked fine. Then he went to check his fruit & vegetable garden. He checked each row and each column carefully.

"Hey, green thumb!", a little boy called out.

The boy looked about his age but he looked more cleaner, regardless having a fricking cigarette in his mouth.

"What do you want, crumb?", Mikey questioned displeased.

The boy chuckled as he blew smoke out of his mouth and put the cigarette back in his mouth.

"Look at this!", the boy called out as he pulled out a baseball bat. "I've got a top-of-the-line baseball bat! I'm gonna be good as Ted Williams!", he boasted.

"We'll see, Tommy. Either way I wish you good luck!", Mikey replied trying to be nice.

"And I see you don't have any baseball things. Why is that?", Tommy interrogated Mikey like a bully.

"Because I'm busy with these plants. As much as I want to play games I also want to help the Earth", Mikey explained.

"The Earth is fine, garden boy!", Tommy insisted. "Besides after that war thing, it couldn't be any better!".

"Still have faith ok?", Mikey encouraged.

"See you around, dirt mitts!", Tommy taunted before running away.

Mikey looked a bit angry at this bully but he went back to his work.
A couple of minutes seemed to have passed by and his mom walked out of the house.

"Buddy will arrive very soon and I made us some lemonade", his mother called out.

She was holding a plate with three cups filled with lemonade and she placed the plate on her patio table. Then she walked by Mikey and sniffed out something in the air.

"I smell smoke. Who came by here?", the mother asked Mikey.

"Tommy. He was boasting about his baseball things", Mikey replied.

"That crumb, huh. Well don't let him bother you. If he hits you, you hit him back", the mother suggested.

"If only he could be nicer. And if only I had time to play games with other children", Mikey muttered to himself.

"Some people will be stupid if they choose to. And if you want to play with them, you can always ask", his mother told him.

Mikey sighed, "Ok, thanks mom".

The mother looks up and stands up with a smile.

"Look who's here, Mikey", she said enthusiastically.

Mikey looked up and saw a man smiling and waving nervously. He also had color in the black and white world like Mikey did. He looked about 15 going on 16 years old with tanned white skin. He had straight but poofy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a white colored shirt, black suspenders, a pair of light brown pants, and dark brown shoes.

"Hi, Mikey. Hi, Mrs Bean", the shy man greeted.

"Hello, Buddy. Mikey would love to show you the crops we have to offer", Mikey's mother offered.

"Oh, thanks", Buddy spoke.

Mikey dashed to the garden while Buddy followed him. Then they stopped at the heart of the fruitful garden.

"So, which of these would you like, Buddy?", Mikey asked.

"It depends. How much do they cost?", Buddy questioned.

"Nothing, they're free", Mikey smiled.

"Free? Gee, that's swell of you guys. Let's see here", Buddy started to examine the plants. "I guess I'll have some watermelon and some green beans".

"Alright then. How many of these do you want?", Mikey asked.

"Just one watermelon and ten green beans please", Buddy replied.

"On it", Mikey spoke as he started to pick some green beans.

He handed the green beans to Buddy before attempting to grab a watermelon. He picked it up easily and handed that to Buddy as well.

"Have you been drawing lately?", Mikey questioned.

"Just one picture today, nothing major", Buddy assured.

"Suit yourself", Mikey shrugged.

"Well, have a nice day, Buddy", Mrs Bean called out.

"Thanks for the plants, Beans!", Buddy called out before running off.

"God bless him. He's a good friend", Mikey muttered happily.

He decided to walk around his house for some reason. He noticed the people on the streets. He started to stare at a girl skipping along. Maybe he had a crush on her, who knows. Then he stared at a serious-looking man. Maybe he knew him, maybe he was afraid. I honestly couldn't tell.

What's this fella's story?, Mikey asked himself.

I had the same question, because his facial expression could mean anything. He had light-colored hair, a lightly shaved beard, and light-colored skin. His skin seemed to be covered with little splotches of...tar? Ink? Maybe. His eyes looked cold and he did look serious. He looked like he works out a lot and has a bird beak-like nose. Either way, he looked handsome despite his cold attitude. Did he not like his messy job? Is he also important in Mikey's life? At least I know what questions to ask him.
After his little people watch, Mikey and his mom walked inside, probably for a meal.
The scene faded to black. White words faded in reading:
Can I Get An Amen?

The green blob appeared in front of us and Mikey stepped out of it.

"Any questions, guys & gals?", Mikey asked.

Rhonda rose her hand up, "Do you guys always give away your plants for free?".

"Mostly", Mikey replied, "But on holidays, they cost something. It was a deal me and my mom made."

Chase then waved his hand to show that he also had a question.

"Do you know how to play baseball?", he questioned, "If not, I can teach you lightning fast".

"I know the rules, I watch people play baseball on televisions and in real life. Sometimes I even grab a stick and hit some pine cones and pretend I'm playing a baseball game", Mikey explained.

"You poor dude", Chase muttered.

"Did you know that guy with the black stuff on his face after that memory?", I questioned.

"Yeah. His name is Sammy Lawrence. He's a songwriter for Joey Drew Studios. I heard he's not very fond of Buddy", Mikey replied.

"Joey Drew Studios? Wut's that?", Harold asked.

"Is that the studio that creates those cute Bendy cartoons?", Mimzy questioned.

"Yeah, and Sammy creates the music", Mikey answered.

"Wowee!", Zach exclaimed, "Bendy is awesome!".

"I'm shocked I haven't heard of it yet", I muttered.

Mimzy, Zach, & Mikey gasped in unison.

"We have got to show you guys!", Zach shouted.

"Yeah, whenever we have the time, we could show you one of the Bendy picture shows!", Mimzy added.

"Awesome!", Rosa exclaimed.

"Is it like Disney Mickey Mouse cartoons or something?", Chase asked.

"Kinda, except instead of Mickey Mouse, it's Bendy the Demon. He's the only demon I like", Mikey explained.

A cartoon demon?, I thought, How did they get away with that? Does Mikey know other workers from this Joey Drew Studios? Dang. Well, Mikey has his plants, Evie has a radio show host boyfriend, Zach has sweets and a girlfriend, I have a golden bunny purple guy and some animatronics. ...all I can say is...cool.

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