14: Creators Pt 1

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After all of those memories we've witnessed so far, we really wanted to go some more. Sadly, I became a little homesick after all of that. It was all interesting to watch, really, but my heart still belongs to the '80's. So I called out good-bye to the others and jumped into my blue vortex.

Back in the 80s, I quickly looked out my bedroom window. It still looked like a dusk-like sky but I could see the edge of the moon on the right side. Obviously that was going to happen, I didn't know why I seemed paranoid. Anyways, I stayed in my room, laid on my bed and thought to myself. Relaxation was quickly interrupted by my mom's shouting voice.

"Honey, it's time for dinner!", mom called out.

"Coming!", I shouted back.

Standing from the edge of my bed, I jumped onto the ground & went out my bedroom door.
In the kitchen, I could already smell an appetizing aroma. The dinner of course was the source of that smell. Looking at the dining table, dinner was chicken breasts with mashed potatoes, and carrot cubes, peas, and corn mixed together.

As I sat down I said "Thank you mom".

"You're welcome", my mom replied.

We said grace as usual before we ate. How do I eat? Slow. But I'm always hungry. As I was finishing up my chicken, I went back to thinking.

Am I just paranoid? Am I going crazier than usual? Is time really going slower around here? Is anything happening right now? Who created the Coder Time Traveling Center?

The last thought hit me like a slap in the face. Who DID create the Coder Time Traveling Center? I don't think buildings in the future can build themselves in thin air, somebody must've created that place.
But who? How? Why? Where? And When?
That's it. Since there's nothing going on right now, I might as well go back to the future. Luckily, I had a plan. I have a cassette recorder on my nightstand that had recordings of my voice. So I could play those and my TV on so Mom will think that I'm just chillaxing in my room. While that happens, I'll go back to the future for a little bit to find out the creators of that place. Simple as that. I first thought that is. One pro about seeing into the future, sometimes you see some possibilities based on your choices. Ok, I'm getting off topic. Anyways, turning back to my closet I bounced off my bed & back onto the floor. I pressed the play button on the cassette recorder and clips of my voice were playing. Then I turned on the TV & it came on with a flash. A Nestle Crunch commercial was on. Finally, I opened the closet doors witnessing the blue vortex inside. Willingly, I leaped into the spiraling vortex with a "Ya-hoo!".

Back in 2018, the rest of the coders were there as usual.

"Have you all got the same question?", Rhonda asked.

"About da creators?", Harold questioned.

Everyone commented in agreement.

"Yeah, who did create this place?", Mikey added.

"Well, there are a couple of ways to find out" Mimzy suggested.

"CREATORS?" Harold called out in a powerful voice, "CAN WE SEE YOU NOW?".

"Holy moly", Zach muttered.

"Um, how about we look around?", Rosa suggested nervously.

We all nodded and were on the march for the creators. In the conference room we looked around for new doors. There was one...with no lock or code, it was open. Simply, Chase just opened the door for all of us. We went inside the room it was revealing. It was dark, dark and quiet. Maybe too dark? Too quiet?
SLAM! The door slammed itself shut, & we seemed stuck in the dark mysterious room. Loud gasps look place. The room was too dark even with those with night vision like me. It seemed too strange, too strange to be right or fine.

"H-Hello?", I stuttered. Echoes of the room echoed it back a couple times.

"Cool", Chase commented.

"HELLOOOOOOO!", Harold called out in his suspiciously booming voice.

The voices were bouncing around the room like bouncy balls. Finally, a source of light appeared in front of us. It was yellow-green, floating, magical smoke words being written in the air. It looked beautiful and mysterious at the same time. This time, we all stood silent as it was writing itself. After some more seconds went by, no more words were written, it was finished. We all stared up at the glowing smoky words above. It read this:

We're the creators, we hear you well
But we're afraid we're here to tell
We can't reveal ourselves just yet
Until all of you and Memory Lane have met.
So for now, goodbye until then, we can't wait to meet all of you in person.
-Sincerely, The Creators (obviously)

After the last word was read in our minds, the floating words exploded and vanished. An opening creak squealed behind us. The door, of course. We stepped back out of the dark room with mixtures of feelings. Disappointment, determination, confusion, wonder, suspicion, all of that.

Do they want to see our memories as well? I bet they do.

Luckily, I'm patient, but I sense some coders were not patient. More specifically, Mimzy, Zach, Chase, & Rosa. I could hear their thoughts rasing with questions. Questions like this:

Do they not want to show themselves? What do they look like? Are they good? Have they got more surprises for us?

As for the rest of us, Rhonda looked the most shocked, Mikey was concerned, and Harold was afraid, like the kind of afraid that you've experienced before. As for me, well, I was just curious. Curiouser & curiouser is Felicia. If this is the only way to see the creators then, we've got some more memories to watch.
I have to warn you, I might not explain every memory with a lot of detail like those other ones. Just a warning for the future. But I will give you the gist with a little bit of details, I promise.
Anyways, then we wondered where exactly were we in the world.

Are we still in the US? Are we in a forest far from society? Or are we by a gigantic city?

"Can we even get outta here?", Rhonda questioned.

Alarms blared with deep drones and lights appeared on the ground in the form of zooming lines. Were the lines important? The lines were seeming to aim at...The Portal Room.

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