16: It's a bright new day

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Who created this place? That thought was coming back in my head. But if course we had to see some other people's memories first. We were all very tired and confused when we came back from the outside world of 2018. We said our goodbyes as we stepped into our portals as usual.

Back in my home time 80s again and something like last time didn't feel right.

Stop being so worried, Felicia, I scolded myself.

Again, I looked out my window. The sky was bright blue and the sun rose high. It had to be almost noon by now.

How long was I gone?, I asked inside my head.

"Honey!", my mom called out. "Today's your big day!".

From my room I asked "What big day?".

Mom replied, "Your first day of having a job of course!".

...WHAT? Wasn't my first day 4 days from now? Has 4 days passed!?

My mom came into my room with an excited grin. "How could you forget?"

"...oops!", I replied nervously. "You should know my short-term memory kinda sucks and I must've forgot to remind myself somehow".

"Well, at least I told you now, so get ready! Clean up and change your clothes!", my mom ordered with excitement and edge.

When she fled out of my room, I tried to find something else to wear. Again, I didn't care what I wore but my mom does. Opening my closet, the vortex was gone and all that was left was clothes, clothes, clothes. Quickly I found something. A dark blue short-sleeved shirt, a light blue jacket with some usual 80s designs on it, a dark pair of jeans, and a white and purple pair of sneakers.

After rushing into the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and got some makeup on. Since I wanted to look more sophisticated, I skipped the eyeshadow. After the bathroom stuff, I dashed to the kitchen to eat some brunch. It was waffles this morning, also with apple slices and peanut butter to dip the apple slices in. Felicia likey.

A couple minutes later, all of my apple slices were eaten except one. My plate that had a waffle was nothing but extra syrup. Then the phone starts to ring. Usually I'd be annoyed but I was too determined to not care about it. With ease I answered it.

I greeted, "Idle residence, Felicia speaking".

"Hello hello", the voice chirped.

It sounded like that dude I saw one time, Scott.

"Hey, Scott, how's it going?", I asked.

"Uh, the bosses are expecting you, but at least they're not angry".

"Phew, that's good. Tell them I'll be there in a couple of minutes".

"No problem, good luck on your first day".

"Thanks. Bye."

Then like that I hung up. There I noticed on the couch, my grandma was there watching a game show. My grandma had brown hair in a blowout, her glasses shielded her brown eyes. She wore a purple floral dress and silver slippers. She's a short chubby grandma who's mostly happy and spoils her grandkids, yes including me.

"Good luck with your first job!", she encouraged.

"Thanks, Grandma. Bye, everyone!", I shouted before stepping outside and closing the door behind me.

Now that I'm walking towards my destination, want to know some info? I do this when I'm bored and have no one else to talk to. Yes, I'm aware. I'm aware you're reading my thoughts and feelings. You'll get used to the fourth wall breaks later. Anyways here's some info about the Fazbear Company from what I know:

Fazbear Entertainment so far has had four locations.

1. Fredbear's Family Diner
2. Circus Baby's Pizza World
3. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (Old)
4. (New & Improved) Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

I've been to all four of those locations. The past three closed down because of suspicions, missing cases, and...the incidents. The new and improved Fazbear's was still open of course ever since last year, 1987. Their animatronics are pretty interesting with their advanced AIs compared to the past robots. Maybe this was my chance to learn about their abilities. But I can't get too excited because I'm just Mr Afton's apprentice. Anyways, back to the facts. The old animatronics from the old Freddy Fazbear's have been used for parts while their location was left to rot. To be honest I'm surprised "new and improved" wasn't closed yet. Incidents have happened there as well. Maybe the cops are still investigating who knows. If not, I guess I can take the case. How are the improved animatronics you ask? Colorful, shiny, "more kid-friendly" they claim. They are more cute I have to admit with their big eyes and circles on their cheeks. Either way, I loved every animatronic the same way.
So that's the facts...and my thoughts about them.

Stepping into Freddy Fazbear's, I look up at the animatronics after so long. There were three on the main stage, they all looked as cute as toys. Toy Freddy in the middle, Toy Bonnie on one side and Toy Chica on the other side. They looked at the children with their glossy eyes almost with lively joy. Toy Bonnie then looked at this one kid and took a step forward.

Toy Animatronic Ability 1:
Walks around during the day

Yep, the animatronics stepped off their stage one by one and greeted the kids close and personal. Pretty neat, isn't it?

Dammit Felicia, you have a job to do. Focus.

After some last couple glances at the happy robots and kids I ran towards the hallways.
When I made it to Mr Afton's office, I was surprised he didn't greet me with a scare. He was being friendly this time giving his Springbonnie persona a break.

"I'm surprised", I spoke.

"Of what?", Mr Afton asked.

"You didn't give me a certain time to come over", I replied.

"Sorry about that. I figured you'd come sometime close to noon", Mr Afton shrugged. "But I promise, times and dates will be official tomorrow."

"That's good", I spoke relived. "So what have you got to show me, teach?".

"Follow me and I'll show you", Mr Afton replied as he gave a beckoning finger.

I had chills and they were multiplying. Yes, that's a "Grease" reference. Anyways, Mr Afton had the metaphorical key to give me chills by his voice and actions. He turned around and walked forward and I followed him like an obedient puppy.

"Now because the animatronics are up and running, today we'll work on different things", Mr Afton explained. "Sorry if you had your heart set on the animatronics, Felicia."

"It's fine, dude", I assured him. "So what will we be working on?".

"It's only fair to give you some kind of introduction", Mr Afton replied. "It's like learning a new subject in school".
He opened a door on the side of him, "Right this way".

The room I stepped in was another room I've never been in before. It was mostly dark and only one light on the ceiling illuminated a spotlight in the middle of the room. Below the spotlight was a TV and a VHS player on a little table and only one chair. Under the table was some drawers, some drawers were open some weren't. The ones that were are full of VHS tapes. All of the tapes were labeled with pieces of tape and written with permanent marker.

"This is the tape room. Whenever you're learning something new about this place just come in this room", Mr Afton explained. "Just watch the one that says 'Introduction' and I'll be right back with a surprise".

With that he walks away and cautiously shuts the door behind him. Stepping towards the drawers I start digging in them. There were a lot of tapes, "Facial Recognition", "Let's Make a Pizza", "Dangerous Situations", the list goes on. Then I finally find the one labeled "Introduction". Putting the tape in the VCR player I sat down on the table and waited. The television screen fuzzed while loading in the blue then a picture faded in. Some retro music played as well, it had the Freddy Fazbear tune in it.

"Hello there, new employee", a man's voice I've never heard of spoke from the tape. "If you've heard of this place from past locations or just looking for somewhere to work, we welcome you. This location in particular is looking for chefs, technicians for our mascots, vent repairmen, security guards for nightshift or day shift, and more. Whatever job you have here we have to discuss the things everyone should know to keep this establishment thriving and magical."

To spare some of you from boredom he basically talked a little bit about safety, cleanliness, hard work, and a positive attitude. I was surprised it talked nothing about the past locations. Maybe they're trying to not to frighten anyone. In the middle of the safety part of the tape, it's audio cut off and a black screen was shone. It was shocking I have to admit. In the middle of the black screen I shore I saw a flicker of glowing eyes. White eyes that peered at me. After that, the tape went on like nothing happened. Maybe this was the scare they wanted to sneak in. Just kidding. Maybe it was important. I kept that in the back of my mind just in case.

The man's voice continued, "Good luck out there and remember to smile with pride. You're a new addition to the Fazbear Family where fantasy meets fun".

With that the tape ended. Familiar footsteps came closer, closer to this room. Quickly I took the tape out of the VHS player and set it in the exact drawer I found it in. Who knows if Henry was a clean freak or something. At least organization could help me get on his good side. Turning around I-

"Dah!", I shouted.

Sighing of relief I see Mr Afton holding a nametag, a Fazbear employee hat, and an employee outfit.

"It was the smallest outfit I could find", Mr Afton scoffed. "But for now since it's your first day you can just wear the nametag and the hat".

"Are you giving me freebies, man?", I asked.

"You are my apprentice and my friend, I know what I'm doing", Mr Afton insisted.

Chuckling, I pinned the nametag on my shirt and placed the hat on top of my huge afro.

"And maybe I'll have my hair in a ponytail next time", I snickered stupidly.

"Try to keep that in mind", Mr Afton smiled. "Also I found a good job for you to start with."

"What's that?", I questioned.

"Do you have any experience with watching kids at all?", Mr Afton asked.

"Not really...", I answered nervously, "But I kinda want to learn".

Then Henry walked beside Mr Afton. I gulped. "Oh it's easy, it's like babysitting except in a pizzeria", Mr Afton briefly explains. "All you have to do is to make sure the children stay in the play area. That's basically any area that has checkered floors", Henry added. "Do you think you can handle that?".

"Yeah, I-I think so", I stuttered.

"Alright then. And there's also other employees who can help you out there", Henry smiled.

"Schweet, thanks boss...& boss", I replied before I ran past them.

I was back at the main stage area. The animatronics were still roaming around the place interacting with the children. Seeing them happy makes me happy. Of course I wasn't a careless teenager, I wanted and needed to take this job seriously. Some other employees were walking around and others were keeping watchful eyes on the scene. Nobody noticed me. I'm used to it. This one employee I saw looked more cautious than the others. Based on what he was looking at he wasn't cautious about the kids like the other workers, he was cautious about the animatronics. His face looked like a mixture of relief and fear.

Felicia, you're supposed to watch the kids, the other workers should know what they're doing, I scolded myself.

Long story short from that first day, I saw no wandering kids, surprisingly. Calling it a day, I gave Mr Afton my hat and my nametag back to him.

"Try to come back here at 12:00 PM tomorrow. Or actually for the rest of the week.", Mr Afton suggested.

"Ok, thank you, Mr Afton!", I called out.

A couple of minutes later I was back in the comfort of my bedroom just laying on my bed, pondering a storm as usual.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy, I thought. First day's always easy. But I know something strange is bound to happen sometime. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day but I will be ready for whatever's coming. Always expect the unexpected. Including maybe another appearance of Springbonnie.

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