17: Rosa's & Harold's Memories

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My Grandma walked into my room with her jolly grin.

"How was your first day, woman?", she asked enthusiastically.

"Very easy, easier than I thought. I'll try to get used to it", I replied.

"What did you do there? I like the details", Grandma interviewed as she sat on the bed next to me.

"Oh...I just..", then I paused.

I cannot tell a lie, I reminded myself.

"I just watched some kids. There's more things coming up for me but that was just a start", I continued.

"Interesting", Grandma nodded. "By the way, your mom's sleeping but I'll tell her the news in the morning. Goodnight, Felicia".

"Goodnight, Grandma".

"I love you".

"I love you too".

With that, Grandma left the room and slowly closed the door behind her.
In a short period of time that night I heard the recognizable whooshing sound. The sound that originated from my closet. Opening the closet doors I see the blue vortex again.

"Let's see what the other time traveling buddies are doing", I whispered to myself.

Of course I hopped into the vortex.

Looking around the portal room I couldn't see anybody.

Maybe they're in a different room, I thought.

Jogging to the conference room I shouted, "Guys! Hello? Anyone!?".

No one there.

Are they in Memory Lane?

"80s girl!", a girl's voice called out. It sounded like Rosa. "80s! Felicia! Are you out there?".

"Yeah! I'm coming!", I shouted back.

Running through Memory Lane it felt like running through an abandoned, dark space ship corridor. My steps felt light as a feather. When I saw the other seven in front of me, I slowed down my pace a bit.

"Hey, Felicia! We're about to see another memory!", Chase briefly explained.

"Who's this time?", I questioned.

"One'o mine", Harold replied. "Eet'll kind of be about my darlin' Twistah."

A violet-colored blob came toward him and he cautiously stepped into it.

Remember how I said this time I'll explain the memories in a more shorter way? That starts now.

Harold's memory style was very unique compared to the other ones. It had color but it looked like it was on paper. One time I learned that in the 1830s, there were these things called The Plenakistoscope. It was the first device to create the fluid illusion of animation. How do I know this? Because my family kept one from my ancestors in my basement. Ever since my great grandpa showed me one, I always wanted to make one. I never did for some reason, yet that is.
Sorry for going into bits of my life instead of what's really going on right now. It's just things like that trigger either memories or things I hope for the future or actually see in the future. Anyways.
But that is what the memory looked like.

It seemed to take place in a desert, an Egyptian desert. The sand was calm and stiff in the form of dunes and the sun was beaming hot on the sands below. On the sand was Harold, wearing a dusty suit and shoes, taking long-legged steps. Everything looked similar until he squinted his eyes at something. That something was a towering pyramid. It wasn't the Pyramid of Giza but it looked identical to other smaller pyramids. The man's squinted eyes widened as he ran towards the sandstone triangle. There was an entrance to the inside, without hesitation Harold stepped in. The inside was dark and musky, probably from the sandstorms and lack of torches. Harold sneezed from the dust and it echoed. He growled at himself for making noise and continued on. Stealthily he fled foward as if he was a light as a feather. The next room he went to was more lit up and somewhat welcoming. He pulled out a rose as red as blood and smiled a warm smile.

"Jack!", a women's voice called out. "Are you here?".

"Yes, my darlin'!", Harold called out to the woman.

Did she just call him "Jack"? Was this recently or...?

Eagerly Harold ran toward the voice. Even his breathing while he was running sounded joyful. He arrived in front of a doorway with a rug covering it in place of a door. Harold breezed through it easily. He sighed as he saw her, his 'darling' sitting on a luxurious bed.
She had long hair, light-colored skin, and long, long, wavy hair. Her hair was lower than her feet, she could easily use it as a blanket.
Harold felt so enamored by the sight of her and ran towards her. Both of his hands were on her face as he shed a tear.

"How did you get here?", Harold questioned.

"It's been so long so I came here, once upon a dream.", the woman replied.

"Oh, you ah so brave & sweet", Harold cooed.

"You're the hero in my story~", the woman assured.

Their faces turned hot with blush and they were reaching closer to one another. It seemed obvious what was about to happen. They closed their eyes and nearly started to kiss. But Harold shielded the woman's lips with his hands. His wide open eyes glowed violet and he froze for a few seconds.

"What's wrong?", the woman questioned.

Harold paused with a glare and took a precautionary step back.

"I knew eet was too good to be true", he muttered. "Back off you horrible wench!".

He stretched out his arms as if he was pushing something or stopping someone. Wind indeed came out of his hands like a storm.

"Jack, stop it!", the woman screamed while trying to keep her balance.

"WHO ARE YOU REALLY?", Harold growled.

"Fine", the woman's voice changed from sweet and light to deep and sultry. "It's me, Lucille".

"DAMMIT LEAVE ME ALOOONE!", Harold shrieked.

His wind powers increased so much in turned the room into a whirlpool. The woman changed dramatically. Her beautiful dress disappeared and revealed black 1800s undergarments. Her light-colored skin turned into blood red skin and her light-colored hair turned shiny black. Her round pupils turned into snake-eye pupils, her sky blue irises turned gold-ish yellow, and her white scleras turned ebony black. Her ears turned pointy and her light-colored lips turned shiny black. The finishing touches was her goat-like horns and a red demon tail.

"Join us, Harold!", Lucille persuaded, "& you won't be sorry".

"I'd be a foolish ass to think that!", the wind-powered man replied. "Go back to the fiery pits of Hell where you came from!".

The demon woman shrieked an unholy ear-killer. Harold covered his ears just in time and ran away.

The scene changed to him in a 1800's-like room, most likely in the US. It was about as small as my bedroom, and it was the darkest it could be during the evening. He sat on a King sized bed looking down and twidling his fingers.

"When ah they comin' back?", he asked himself with a broken anxious voice. "Eet's been such a while. Please, please, my friends-".

Some strange sounds took place outside of his somber room. Like horse hoofs stopping by, people screaming, and old wheels turning. Harold curiously turned around to the window behind him. This did not seem like his day.
Then suddenly, a black ending. Another cliffhanger, one of my worst enemies in any form of entertainment. But at least the cliffhanger gave us a title. It read:
Cursing sirens.


Harold walked out of the violet blob, confidently with a side of shivers. That memory seemed excruciating so it wasn't a shock that he was shaking.

"Um, any questions?", Harold asked.

"Is Lucille a demon?", Zach questioned.

"Yes", Harold frowned, "She's a very powerful demon I've encountered sometimes. Other times I see her brother. & the OTHER other times...I see their minions of evil".

"How often do you see your mysterious woman?", Mimzy asked.

"So far, I've only seen her two times een my well-hatted life. Eet's not much...& I despise eet so", Harold answered depressingly.

"Have you used the fake name 'Jack Hattoncup' before?", Rosa interrogated.

Thanks, 2000s, I was about to ask that I thought.

No problem, 80s she thought back.

Rosa continued "I was only asking because Lucille in that disguise called you 'Jack'."

Harold looked down and shivered, not like a person would though. It seemed more fidgety, more nonhuman. Then he looked up with a natural smile despite the situation.

"Yes, I have used eet before. For reasons. I will explain why een detail later", Harold confessed.

Reasons, huh.

After that, then it was Rosa's turn to unleash one of her memories on the big surrounding screen.

"Alright, everyone. This memory hopefully if I'm accurate will show the time when I and some other girls danced the most amazing dance show in my life. I know it may seem...cliche but if you look closer, it may seem...inspiring for some of you. I hope you understand", Rosa explained. "My father works a lot all around the world and sometimes he brings things from the countries he's been to back home. Like chocolate from Ireland and paper fans from Japan".

"WOW!", the rest of us exclaimed.

It must be an interesting job with a huge price to pay.

"And my mom she works for my school sometimes and at my dance studio. This memory will show a time when they were both free and could watch my show. It was an awesome day", Rosa continued.

She twirled 180 degrees and walked into the pink smoky blob in front of her. The blob consumed her and her memory was about to begin.


The memory had a cleaner quality than the movies back in my home-time. It looked almost lifelike. Amazing. The colors and lights looked bright and extravagant.
In the scene, there was Rosa next to some other girls, putting on a dance outfit. It looked like a hip hop outfit. She had a magenta, sparkling sequined jacket over a pink tank top that revealed about 1 inch of her belly. She also wore fuscia leggings and clean black and white dancing sneakers. The girls around her wore the same outfit. A lot of the dancer girls were in groups whispering conversations to each other while Rosa stood alone. She wasn't smiling but she was filled with dignity and pride.

I've got to give it my best shot, Rosa's thoughts spoke, My mom & dad will be watching this but as always whatever happens, happens.

The gatherings of gossipers were laughing about something, probably something stupid. Then a woman with a matching outfit like the girls, walked in with a serious look.
She had her hair in several braids all strangled in an upwards bun. Her skin was tan, she looked really fit for dancing of any kind.
She reminded me of one of my old friends. And somehow...a robot as well.
Anyways, the dance teacher was instructing the girls to get ready with whispers and hand gestures. All of the girls were lined up with smiles in the backstage. Rosa's smile looked the most forced.

Nothing to worry about, she thought to herself.

An applause was heard in the background, probably for a performance before Rosa's. There seemed to be no introduction for the next act, it was just a moment of silence after the claps & cheer. Silence was one of the things I despised because sound made me comfortable. But at least it didn't go too long for a song was playing. All thanks to the subtitles on the bottom of the memory, the song that was playing was called "Baby One More Time", by Britney Spears. The dancers along with Rosa jogged on stage to the beat of the song until they were on two rows. The audience watched in awe of the performance and so was I. They've done dance moves I don't even know the names of and a lot of them I don't have the flexibility nor the power to do. Hips shaking, feet every which way, arms waving, and dancers rotating. The audience was silent in amazement. Then one final rotation of the two rows took place which had Rosa in front. Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was half open. Then...then...it was miraculous what happened next. From Rosa's back sprouted pink sparkling wings, like fairy wings. She was smiling and she floated some inches above the ground. She looked down at her family who was proud and...a boy. The boy looked lanky, about Rosa'a age with messy brown hair. He wore a jacket and a baseball hat backwards with matching dark blue color. He looked like a nerd but a cool one who will inspire the world in the future. He smiled at Rosa & she smiled back. At this moment, she was about 8 feet above the stage, showing her wings in all their glory. The other dancers kept dancing while they also looked up at her in awe. On the last beat of the song, the front dancers ended by doing the splits, the dancers behind them struck a pose, and Rosa took a bow while still in the air. The audience roared with cheer and applause like an ecstatic jungle. Rosa landed like a dainty butterfly back on stage and joined the other dancers for a bow. Her mom & dad nearly cried tears of joy, the boy that looked at Natalie earlier looked as amazed as anyone would when meeting your favorite celebrity.
A time skip occurred after the show and it showed Rosa laughing and talking with her mom, her brother, and her dad. As for the skinny boy that smiled at her, Rosa came up to him with a sheepish smile.

"I'm really glad you came, Toby. Hardly any of my...friends come to see my show", she spoke.

"I thought I was your only friend", Toby smiled with his eyebrow up.

"Yeah, well, my only best friend that is. You appreciate the same topics like I do besides my brother", Rosa confessed.

"Hey!", her brother exclaimed.

"No offense, my dear brother", she insisted.

Her parents let out a chuckle.

"Well, I'll call you when I have the time, as usual. My parents are waiting for me outside, I don't wanna miss the flight", Toby explained.

"Of course. Thanks for coming!", Rosa called out to Toby who was running towards the doors.

"Anytime, Rosa!", Toby called out back before opening the doors to outside.

As for Rosa, she smiled, a big yet...a smile that held more feeling than happiness. A smile she never smiled before perhaps. Filled with sadness, hope, courage...perhaps.....love. The good thing about being quiet is that you can feel and understand other people's quietness.
The screen faded to black and a title showed up saying:
One more Time.

Rosa came out of her pink blob with sparkling eyes.

"Well? Any questions?", she asked.

Mimzy rose her hand and questioned "You've never mentioned this fellow before? How do you know him?".

Rosa replied "His full name is Toby Fox. He lives in Boston Massachusetts, he's a gamer like me. It all started with a pen pal project a couple of years ago. Then we never stopped sending letters and calling each other ever since. He is a true friend to me. The only problem was we lived so far apart. But we have our ways. I forgot to mention him as an important person if my life, but I guess he is".

Then Chase rose his hand quick like an army man responds to a command.

"Are you a fairy or are those fake wings?", he asked.

Rose replied, "I'm part fairy. Simple as that".

Some of us oohed in response.

"I'm part vampire and werewolf!", Mimzy blurted out.

Some of us oohed again.

"Sorry, Rosa. I do that s-sometimes", the orange flapper girl confessed.

Rhonda rose her hand and questioned "Do those other dancer girls give you a hard time?".

Rosa confessed "Well...they don't really...care...about me. They talk to their own gossiped friends & I have no one. Sometimes I talk to one of the male dancers, Joey from time to time and my mom because she's at the dance studio but...no one else".

I really felt bad for her. Sadly, dancing is not in my blood. If it was, I would dance with her all the time just to hang out with her. I may not dance but I can game, so I'm delighted knowing she's another gamer girl.

I'm honestly surprised I've put so much detail in this part of the story but I just wanted to. Now we had two more people's memories to see.

Chase's and Rhonda's, 90's boy & 70's girl.

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