9: Tell us More

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My thoughts were obvious brewing as I marched with them.

They had a lot of questions to ask when they saw a memory of mine, I thought. I don't want them too confused on what's going on, & I don't want me to be too confused about their memories. Maybe I need to hear them expand their summaries. Then, we'll have a better understanding of each other.

Then I heard Rosa's thoughts say I agree, Felicia. That's a good idea.

Then Harold's thoughts added Let's try it.

"We can go to the conference room", Mikey suggested.

The rest of us nodded in agreement.

Back in the conference room we were trying to figure out how to expand our summaries in the most effective way.

Then Mikey's voice called out politely "Hey, guys. What if we try to talk to each other in groups of two? It's just a suggestion".

"That's not a bad idea, Mikey", Zach smiled.

"But how long do we stay with our partners & when do we switch?", Rhonda asked.

"Maybe 4 minutes for each. After those 4 minutes, we switch.", Chase replied.

"Ok, so 4 of us can go on 1 side of the table and the other 4 on the other side", Harold added.

"Should it be splitting boys and girls or two girls & two boys on each side?" Mimzy asked.

"How about the two boys, two girls thing", Rosa suggested.

"Yeah, sure", I agreed.

So we switched each other around until we decided which four is going on which of the two sides. Finally after what seemed like a little game of musical chairs, we found our first spots. On the right side of the table was me, Harold, Mimzy, and Chase. On the left of course was Zach, Rhonda, Mikey, and Rosa. We also decided that when we switch, we go clockwise around the table.

"Luckily, we also have a timer on the table", Rosa said pointing to it.

She typed in 4 minutes on the gadget's keypad.

"Ok, our first four minutes begins now", Rosa announced as she pressed the start button.

I was across Zachary first. Let's see what this 50s boy has to say.

"Tell me, Felicia, what has Poppy done to you?", Zach questioned.

"Well, in my times she's a demon so she must've died or something", I explained. "But she hated my guts, man. She's a demon who had the ability to go inside your mind while you sleep so she was known as Poppy the Nightmare Nurse. Did she do anything to you?".

"She is angry a lot", Zach replied. "Well, I get angry too but her anger is dark and evil. She always says she'll give me a shot if I do anything she says is wrong. Thank goodness her twin sister tries to keep her calm".

Then I stopped him by saying, "Poppy has a twin sister? I didn't know that".

"Yeah, her name is Lily, she looks exactly like Poppy but at least she's the good sister. Both twins are pretty well known because you gotta know how they act to tell which is which", Zach explained. "Also, my mom knows both of the twins because they all work in the same hospital. It's still weird, no matter how evil Poppy is, she still gets to work alone".

"That's terrifying, no wonder she's a demon in my time", I muttered.

3 minutes later, I was across from Rhonda now.

"So, how's the disco life?", I asked her.

"It's so groovy, Felicia, you wouldn't believe how many people come to dance at those clubs. Also I'm popular where I come from but don't worry, I ain't a laker or a sucka. And if your wondering...only a couple of people have witnessed my funky powers.", Rhonda replied.

"Interesting", I commented.

"So what's the scoop with your robots?", Rhonda questioned.

I replied, "I have a huge love for creativity, art, and robots so...why not? Also, have you heard of Fredbear's Family Diner?".

"Yeah, I actually have. For about 3 years now, they say it's a great place for kids of all ages but I never went there yet", Rhonda replied.

"Well, I think you should go there either that or you could visit the 80's with me and take a peak at Freddy Fazbear's", I offered.

"Sure, Felicia, I'll think about it", Rhonda said.

3 minutes later, I was in front of Mikey, the 40s boy.

"...so, what's Buddy like?", I asked him.

"He's a good friend, I guess. He usually sits outside drawing his own little characters. He's mostly shy but at least I can give him company when he feels lonely", Mikey explained.

"Well, that's good. You know, I'm kinda like this Buddy you speak of. I'm shy and I like to draw on my spare time too", I commented.

"Really? What things do you draw?", Mikey questioned.

"I guess anything that pops into my wildest imagination, or what's around me...either that or my future visions, sometimes", I explained.

"Interesting. Can you draw something or someone you've never seen before?", Mikey asked.

"It depends, Mikey, it depends, but thanks for asking", I replied.

3 minutes later, I was across from Rosa.

"Do you think they'll have flying cars now? Just curious since you're the closest to this time compared to everyone else", I interviewed.

"Probably...not?", Rosa replied with confusion in her voice "All I know is that sometime in the future, there will be flying cars".

"Schweet!", I exclaimed. "Also, how long have you been dancing?"

"For many, many years, I love to dance and I'm getting awards like crazy. But still, I love to play video games once and a while...and...to have some peace and quiet from my brother", Rosa explained, ending with a disappointed look.

"Aw man. Well, at least I now know another gamer. Do you know what Pacman is? Or Mario? Or Kirby?", I asked.

"I know and played all of them, they're really addicting", Rosa commented.

"Awesome!", I exclaimed.

3 minutes later, I was across from Chase, the 90s boy.

"So, do you play baseball or is that hat just for fashion?", I questioned.

Chase replied "I play baseball for my school team. I may be a champ at running to the bases but I admit I need to work on hitting the baseballs with the bat. Also...", he paused and intensely asked "do you know any secrets about Fazbear Entertainment?".

How am I supposed to answer that?

"Like what secrets?", I questioned.

"Like anything important to the lore story. The tragedies, the employees, the animatronics, anything like that", he explained.

Something he doesn't know...think...

"Um...did you know that...I'm friends with most of the victims and that's why I was sad in that memory?", I questioned.

Chase gasped. "No. Way! This is awesome! Well, I'm sorry about your friends but...thanks for telling me."

"No problem, dude", I assured him.

3 minutes later, I was across from Mimzy.

"So what does Alastor look like?", I asked her "Because I always wanted to draw someone I've never seen before". Quickly I pulled out a piece of paper and a new, nicely sharpened pencil.

"Alright then", Mimzy smiled. "He has joyful eyes, a pointy yet round nose, he has brown hair and some sticks upward from the top of his head."

"Do you know his facial shape?", I questioned.

"I don't know like...the perfect facial shape of a man, in my opinion like...triangular", Mimzy replied.

"Ok thanks, anything else?", I asked as I began to draw this 20s man. "Like do you know what he mostly wears?".

"He mostly wears like white shirts, suspenders, great pants, black patent shoes, a bow tie", Mimzy listed off.

"Alright, alright, anything else?", I asked while still scribbling away.

"Good golly, I forgot the most important detail! He almost always has a dashing smile on his face. That's a big reason why I love him. He also wears a little pair of glasses & he carries a cane with him.", Mimzy added.

"Thank you, thank you", I commented while my eyes were still on the paper.

Almost done, I kept on drawing the last lines on the man down to the last detail. After the finishing touches I was done.

"Is this Alastor?", I questioned like a magician asking 'Is this your card?'.

When I revealed my picture of Alastor, Mimzy's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Yes! That looks exactly like him!", she exclaimed.

"Awesome!", I exclaimed back.

Man, no wonder she likes him, he's pretty handsome for a 20s man, I thought.

I heard that, Mimzy thought.


It's fine.

"So, do you have a liking for Mr Afton?", Mimzy asked.

"Yes, I do, but it's just a teeny tiny crush & besides we're great as good friends", I replied.

"Alright, suit yourself. But if your feelings grow, I think you should tell him your feelings", Mimzy advised.

"Oh, I don't know, I kinda suck at doing that although...I never even done it before in my life", I confessed.

"Don't worry, with a dazzling smile and a leap of faith, you can accomplish anything", Mimzy assured.

"Thanks", I replied.

"No problem", Mimzy smiled.

3 minutes later, I was across from Harold, the last person I had left to talk to.

"So, what's in like in the 1880's?", I questioned.

"I had a crazy life like you wouldn't believe, Felicia. As you should know, it was fearful times", Harold explained. "Just to let you know, I was nevah caught een my life but I was saved. Saved by seven othah people and we all became friends. We had adventures, made new friends and enemies, eet was fun. Eet's such a shame, they all died in front of me."

"Holy, I'm so sorry, Harold", I commented empathetically.

"Eet's fine now, at least I have the Blue Diamond to keep me away from the dark abyss of fear and boredom. He gave me a job as a doctor in Mars", Harold continued.

"Nice. I'm part Martian", I informed.

"My goodness, dat's amazin!", Harold exclaimed. "Oh yeah, there's also this evil sorcerer een my time as well. But he's dead now and living een a ventriloquist dummy-"

"Say what?", I accidentally interrupted him. "An evil sorcerer turned into a ventriloquist dummy? ...Tell me more please".

See? I'm a sucker for the weird, magical, futuristic, supernatural, and any other word to describe oddities.
Harold explained a little about the the evil sorcerer and how he would try to terrorize him and his friends and anyone good. About how he wanted to take over the world and the other humans that lived on it. He also told me how the sorcerer died and how his soul was living in a ventriloquist dummy and living in it ever since. Chase who was by me was shocked hearing it.

Has he heard about the evil dummy?

Anyways, about the remaining time was up, we stood up from our chairs and turned towards Memory Lane. While we marched through the hall, Zach flew up to the front of us and levitated backwards.

He spoke "Can I please show a memory about Poppy, you guys?".

"Oh alright, you're lucky your adorable", Rhonda insisted.

Zach replied, "Neato! Thanks, Rhonda. Now, for everyone to know, Poppy is like a wicked witch, she's mean to everybody. At least her twin sister Lily tries to calm her down. But still, what you're about to see is something that happens almost everytime Poppy comes over. My mom knows the twins so that's why they come to visit."

Zach then turned around and saw a red blob coming closer to him.

Now it's time to hear a story from Zachary James. This'll be interesting.

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