8: Fixer Upper

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Holy crap, I wonder what else this place has to offer!, I thought. The vivid pictures of memories exploded in blue before my very eyes. The blue colors backed up until it vanished into the silvery white behind it.

"WOW!", a voice exclaimed.

Turning around, I see the other seven coders gaping in shock.

"Did you...did you guys see that?", I questioned.

"We saw everything", Rosa replied.

"Charlie's toys really look like the bee's knees!", Zach commented.

"So THAT'S what Mr Afton looks like!", Mimzy chimed in.

"Why did you look so sad sittin' on dat table?", Harold asked.

"You built a little robot?", Chase questioned.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, I'll answer them for you the best I can", I replied.

After answering their questions, the others started to know what they've witnessed like a movie theater. The memory was the movie and I was the one projecting it. So I guess that's how Memory Lane worked. Step into your color and a random memory will pop up in front of you.

I went back to my thought before my memories exploded blue: I wonder what else this place has to offer.

This place is like Back to the Future, Aliens, Indiana Jones, and The Breakfast Club all in one. This place was anything but ordinary...& I like it.

"I wanna try this thing!", Rhonda called out happily.

"Can I go next?", Harold asked.

"Me too!", Zach added.

"And us!", the rest chimed in.

"I'll be back. I just want to explore some more if that's ok.", I assured them.

"Oh well, we'll see you soon then", Mimzy said with a sad smile.

"I promise I'll be right back, and I'll probably see the memories in my future visions", I quickly replied before I ran away.

Reaching the doorway out where we went in, I zoomed through Memory Lane. Back in the conference room I paused to search for anymore possible doors that we haven't seen.

...Nope. Nothin'.

So I speed-walked out of the conference room and into the portal room. Everything looked the same, the floor, the portals, the ceiling...
Another secret door?
On the corner by the red portal was a curved machine where the mystery door was. It took the space of the whole corner and the door was transparent except for it's handle. The handle was silver and shiny, it's shininess beckoned me. Of course, I listened to its beckons and opened the door. The inside of the machine had the space of an elevator so it wasn't too cramped. Stepping inside and turning around I shut the door in front of me. On the sides of the building I see keypads, one on the left, one on the right. Both keypads were cased in clear glass boxes.

Does someone not want anyone to type on those keypads?, I asked in my mind. Hopefully, this isn't a trap.

Through the see-through door, I can see the portals still slowly spinning and making sounds.

"I still wonder if you can go into other portals besides my own", I muttered to myself. "Maybe I could give the 1990s a try."

The machine beeped a G note interrupting my future words. Two holographic screens appeared, one on the top left, one on the top right. The left screen read: Blue Water Orb, 1980s.
The right screen read: Transform: 1990s.
A click sound clicked from the door, locking and sealing me in. My element glowed bright blue making a cheerful G note. Around me, magic appeared. It looked yellow, blue, red-ish black, and blue-ish white. It spun and swirled and twirled me around, holding me in it's twisting grasp. Completely surrounded by magic, I looked at myself to see if there are any changes. Changes were coming. First, my purple sneakers changed into heel sneakers so I felt about an inch taller. My turquoise jeans transformed into ripped jeans. It also came with a belt around it. My blue shirt turned into a short sleeved shirt My leather jacket turned into a dark blue jean jacket. The magic then tickled my neck, my face, and up to my hair. After it was done, the clear door turned into a mirror to reveal my reflection. I don't really like looking at myself in the mirror but I wanted to know what the magic did to my face and hair. My eyeshadow wasn't as deeply colored anymore like it usually is. Now it's just a light blue. I also noticed I was wearing lipstick that matched my complexion. My hair felt more looser than before. It was still an afro, thank goodness, just a little looser. On the top of my head was a sky blue and white baseball hat. The machine beeped a G note again and both holographic screens read: 90's Disguise Version 1 Complete.
The mirror vanished and I could see the portal room again. Not just the portal room but the other coders staring at me.

Uuuuuuugh, this feels weird!

"What are ya'll lookin' at?", I asked.

I've never said that before in my life, it's kinda like I sound different!

"That is some dank machine, chica!", Chase complimented. "I guess you can speak my language too, yo".

"Ohhhhh snap! I'm talkin' all up in your slang, homie. & this is no fault of my own! That machine is NICE!", I replied.

"Is there anyway to get your old clothes back?", Zach questioned.

"I don't know, I'll go check. Peace out!", I exclaimed before shutting the door in front of me.

Since this machine seems to respond to my voice, maybe if I say I wanna turn back, it'll bring my old clothes back.

So I simply asked, "Can I have my old clothes back, please?".

The machine uttered a G note twice this time. Both holographic screens read: 90's Disguise Removal Processing...
My element blinked the G note 4 times this time. The colorful magic started to whoosh back to me. First, it went up to my hat and my fro. The hat disappeared & my fro was round-ish again. The magic then went down to my waist. The jean jacket changed back into my old leather jacket & the tank top turned back into my old long-sleeved shirt. The magic swirled down and around my pants. The ripped jeans were fixed again. Finally the magic spiraled on my shoes before sweeping itself away. My 1 inch heel sneakers no longer had the 90s heel, just the way it was.
The magic then made it's last swirl around me and faded away in the walls of the machine.
Both holographic screens then read: Complete. Welcome back, Blue Water Orb from the 1980s.
Everytime I see words in a robotic font like that always makes me imagine a robot voice saying them.

Oh well.

The holographic screens finally disappeared and the door unlocked and opened itself. Stepping out, I witness the other shocked coders.

"Amazing! A disguising machine that's voice activated", Rosa spoke awestruck.

"Talk about a fixer upper", Zach muttered.

"Maybe that's what we should call it", Harold replied.

"Yeah, the Fixer Upper machine", I agreed.

"And no one will suspect a thing", Mimzy added.

"What did it feel like?", Rhonda asked.

"It was like...when the machine transformed me into a 90's girl...it's like...the 90's surged through my veins. I just...knew it as if I always knew. So strange. Then after it changed me back it's like...I reset...but I still learned some things about the 90s. It was gnarly, man", I explained. Then I asked "Anyways, did you guys even start on seeing your memories or-?"

"Not yet. Some of us sensed you would make this discovery so we came to you before doing anything", Mikey explained.

"Well, anyways, now that we know about this machine, could we...see some more memories?", I questioned to everyone else.

"Sure, why not", Harold replied.

So all eight of us together were marching on the way back to Memory Lane.

Damn, I never thought socializing with them would be easy, I thought. I know I can trust them. Coders must stick together. Now, I can't wait to hear some of their stories.

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