7: Memory 1: Joy of Creation

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I remember now, I was 7 1/2 at that time and Charlie was about...wait she was about 12. My gosh, sometimes I forget she used to be the oldest of our little group. Oh, well. But still, I was witnessing a memory. She still was wearing a ponytail in her hair, still wore a purple shirt. She wore jeans in this memory, not overalls, and she wore black shoes. For sure I wore the stuff I said I wore in those times. Anyways, so here's how it went.


Time: Sometime in the afternoon
Location: Front of Charlie's house

"Felicia, do you want to see my toys?", Charlie asked out her front door to her house.

"Sure", I replied not knowing what to expect.

My mom was behind me, smiling at the both of us knowing Charlie and I are responsible friends together. She waved good-bye and I waved back as I skipped into the house. Me and Charlie stepped upstairs on the way to her room. When we went inside, I instantly started analyzing nearly everything. Her ceiling in her room was slanted to the left because her room was below her roof. She had three closets, a small one, a medium one, and a big one which has never been opened. Beside her bed was a white, wooden chair. On the floor, there was railroad tracks by the small closet and by her bed. On the chair was her purple stuffed animal bunny who was almost as big as me at that time.

"That's a cute bunny rabbit", I commented.

"Thanks, his name is Theodore. My dad created him and gave him to me when I was very young", Charlie explained.

She picked the bunny up from the chair and allowed me to receive a closer look at him. Then she turned him to her face and he waved, tilted it's head, and a man's voice from it spoke:

"I love you, Charlie".

"That's my dad's voice", Charlie informed.

"Cool", I replied.

All I knew about Charlie's dad is that he vanished when Charlie was really young and he liked to create things.

"But that's not all", Charlie said with a determined smile.

At the foot of Charlie's bed was a submarine-looking wheel. She turned it. It opened her small closet and a little toy girl rolled out of it. On the little railroad was a toy girl with peach white skin and little brown hair. She had pink circles on her cheeks and pink lips. She wore a plaid dress and held out a teacup and saucer in her tiny hands like an offering. She also wore patent leather shoes and had glassy eyes.

"This is Ella", Charlie introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Ella", I waved to the toy.

After I said that, I swore Ella smiled at me. Then she rolled back into the small closet. Charlie pushed a button beside her bed and a unicorn began to move. The unicorn was painted with glossy white paint and had lively eyes. He trundled around the room on a circular track bobbing his head up and down. Charlie knelt beside him and patted his flank while looking at me.

"This is Stanley the Unicorn", Charlie introduced.

"Hello, Stanley", I waved at the unicorn on wheels, "You're a very cool unicorn".

After that I wore Stanley smiled at me too and neighed "You're cool too".

"All of your toys are cool", I commented as I went beside the wheel.

"Thank you, Felicia, I'm glad you like them", Charlie replied, "I heard you have cool toys as well".

"Maybe I'll...show you them lllllater", I said nervously.

Since this was during the SuperElle years, I had to keep some things a secret. In this situation, my literally alive stuffed animals. Keeping secrets from my friends and family was hard but it was the only way to save my secret identity.

"Can I see Ella again?", I asked.

"Sure, go ahead", Charlie insisted.

So I turned the wheel, the closet door opened and Ella came out again. Since she was holding a teacup and saucer I instantly thought and said this:

"Why, Ms Ella, are you asking me if you can have some tea?", I asked in a fancy accent.

Charlie giggled behind me.

"Why, of course I can, ma'am. I'll be right back", I replied still in a fancy accent before I left Charlie's room.

Speed-walking down the stairs, I see Charlie's mom. She had short, poofy golden-brown hair with a tint of light gray. Her eyes were hazel, her skin was not as pale as Charlie's and had pink lips. She wore a colorful, zipped up jacket, jeans, and white shoes.

"Hey, can I borrow one of your cups?", I asked Charlie's mom politely.

"Of course you can, Felicia", she replied.

In their kitchen, I searched the cupboards trying to find a cup. When I finally found a white teacup, I went by the sink. Since this was just pretend tea and I didn't like tea in general, I decided to get just water. Without Charlie's mom noticing, I rose my slumped hand above the cup. Out of my hand came out fresh, clean, cold water. I guess you can call me a living sink or whatever. After the teacup was full enough below its brim, I stepped up the stairs.

"Thank you, Charlie's Mom", I called out.

"Anytime", she replied.

"I've arrived with the tea!", I shouted in a fancy accent.

"You may come in", Charlie replied playing along.

Back into Charlie's room I went holding the teacup acting like a goofy fancy woman. Noticing Ella, I sat on the floor next to her. I poured some water from my cup into her tiny cup.

"Here's your tea, ma'am", I said still with a fancy accent.

After that, I swore I heard that toy girl giggle.

Then she spoke "You know, it's funny", in a little girl's voice.

"What?", I asked.

She replied "I was going to ask YOU for some tea but that's fine with me. This is quite lovely".

Charlie's eyes sparkled and popped wide open.

"H-h-how did that happen?", Charlie asked, "Sh-she never...talked before".

"I don't know", I shrugged, "but it's pretty cool".

"You don't say", Charlie replied still wonderstruck.

She held onto Theodore while putting him on her lap.

"Also, you don't have to be fancy for me, Felicia. Be yourself, silly goose", Ella laughed.

I started to laugh because why not. Then Charlie laughed along still holding onto Theodore.

A day later...

I drew that very moment back in my house in my room. My mom came to check on me like any other mom would. Her straight dark brown hair was in a ponytail. She wore purple from headband to pants, her shoes with light pink.

"Whatcha drawin', baby girl?", mom questioned while looming over me.

"I'm drawing me, Charlie, and her cool toys from yesterday", I explained.

"That's very good, honey", she commented.

Time: Dusk
Location: Fredbear's Family Diner

This establishment was one of the first pizzerias that I've been found of. Because of my new group of buddies at that time. Also the thirst for secrets and the joy of creation. Their animatronics on stage were interesting. Each of the two stages had a yellow bear and a yellow bunny. The stage on the right had Fredbear, the main bear, and Springbonnie. The stage on the left had Golden Freddy and Golden Bonnie, the lady of the group. They were like a yellow quartet split in half on two stages. In this other room next to the right stage, their was a pride corner. When the music box on it was wound up, Charlie would speed toward it, and I could see why. Two skinny animatronics would rise from the giant present like a double Jack-in-the-box. There was the Marionette or "Happy Puppet" and Sad Puppet. The Marionette had red lips and cheeks, Sad Puppet had dark blue lips and cheeks. Charlie liked the Marionette the most while I liked them all equally. Usually me, Charlie, and Vicky hang out there together.
Vicky had wavy blonde hair, some was in a bun and some was behind her exceptional ears. She has golden yellow eyes, skin not as pale as Charlie's but had pink tints like her. She wore a pink tank top and a striped pink and white skirt.
Sometimes while Charlie and Vicky talk alone, I check my surroundings. The walls, the ceiling, the children, the lights, the animatronics, the music. At the point where it all gets overwhelming, I just stare at the floor. The blaring lights and sounds sometimes causes me to go to a dark, quiet place. The only quiet place in Fredbear's was the hallway where the office is. Sometimes by the office door, I find...little...robotic...parts. They were so tiny any toddler or any young kid could pick it up and swallow them. So, I picked them up. It started out as just tiny objects like nuts, bolts, or joints. It seemed like a generous routine cleaning up things that shouldn't be on the floor. But I still stayed cautious and kept the objects to myself and hidden. Mostly, I hide them in my pockets when Henry, Mr Afton, or an employee walks by.
Some time passed by after those Fredbear moments. Even at Freddy's and other Fazbear locations, I managed to find more robotic parts. Subtle I was, I kept on collecting. A little animatronic head, some little limbs, parts that could used to create little hands and feet. Just like at Fredbear's, the robot parts I found were on the floor by the office doors. Finding the pieces wasn't quick. Other things in my life kept popping up so it took years. 8, 9... When I was 9, I was picking up a piece and a large shadow was looming over me.

"Felicia", boomed the voice.

It gave me chills just hearing it. Excepting that I've been caught, I slowly looked up. Was it an employee? Was it Henry? Nope. It was Mr Afton. His expression wasn't happy or furious, just shocked. With an I-surrender sigh, I sat on the checkerboard floor. Mr Afton knelt down to look at me directly in my worried eyes.

"Have you collected parts before?", he asked slowly.

I nodded fearfully fast.

"So your the one collecting these little parts", he said in realization.

Reaching in my bag, I pulled out all of the parts I collected so far like an offering to him.

"D-do you want them back?", I asked.

Mr Afton smiled...then chuckled...and scoffed "Don't worry, me and Henry are already creating replacements. You can keep them if you want."

With a gasp I replied "Thank you, Mr Afton", and ran off.

When I was 10, I found the last pieces, a little pair of glassy eyeballs. Placing them in my bag, I was glad I could scavenge a whole 8 inch endoskeleton from the floors of those pizzerias. Then, I wondered, where was I going to build it? I can't build it at home, or any of my friends' houses my friends and family might find out.

Time: Dusk
Location: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Four years later, things were getting rough but my question of where to build was answered. Bummed out, I was sitting in the Dining Area trying to reclaim my sanity. This is when IT happened, when most of my friends vanished. All that was left was Mr Afton. Speaking of him, he sat next to me, noticing I was feeling blue. My tears have fled several minutes before this moment so I didn't cry this time.

"Hey, what if...I give you a place to meet up with me", he offered.

After a sniff, I looked up at him, rapt at what he wanted to offer.

"You can come visit my office any night when we're both not busy and of course when this place closes down", he explained, "You really look like you want a friend to talk to. So how does that sound?".

Somehow, I knew this would help, I knew this would help my depressed mood and to know a place where I can create in peace.

"Sounds good, Mr Afton", I replied with a sad smile.

His arms were wide open and I happily gave him a big hug.
After that, long story short, you basically know what happens. We meet up sometimes, sometimes I draw, sometimes I tinker with the parts I have. It took 5 months to put Riley together and naming it but it was worth it. But still, even ever since I was born, I was fascinated by creativity and imagination.

That's why I'm calling this memory:
Joy Of Creation.

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