𝟢𝟤 🜸 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗈𝗉𝖾

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I LOOKED AT THE SAME FOUR WALLS and steel door that I've been seeing for the past year and a half. This small room always made me claustrophobic—I was rarely let out of this room. I was seen as a lost cause, my case for being innocent wasn't overlooked. I was declared guilty for using a weapon on a guardsman.

I have no idea what they did to Sonia. I haven't seen her since. Every time I asked about her I was ignored. It was very hurtful to be seen as the monster and the one who was said to be guilty when my dad was the one who gave Sonia and I years of trauma.

I was never heard out about my problems, every time I tried to explain the council wouldn't listen. It was annoying knowing that no matter what I said I was the one holding the gun. And that's all they see—they see him as the victim.

I stared up at the ceiling—contemplating over a lot of things. The main thought in my mind on a daily was when my 18th birthday would come. If Sonia was considered guilty as well, then we'd both be floated.

She was also a big thought in my mind. I was never this far away from her. We did a lot of things together. It still breaks me daily when the days grow and I still haven't seen her.

My eyes look over to the small bookshelf in here; I wasn't aloud to have many things to do so I'd pick up reading a lot. Reading about the world before we were sent up into space. I've gained a centered understanding about a lot of stuff.

I sit up from my bed, letting my head fall into my hands. I let out a frustrating sigh, after a while it gets depressing in here.

The door opened which was rare—I stood up immediately. I looked between four guards that stepped into my room. Do they really think they need four guards to deal with me?

"What's going on?" I take a step back in fear. All these men were staring at me and pulling out their electric batons.

"Put your hands up and face the wall." One ordered. The way they were treating me—they had to have known my dad.

"Why?" My voice sounded more grounded, like I wasn't scared. But my face said otherwise.

The two guards in the front gave each other a look before one started to walk over to me. "No, wait!" I put my hands up and backed up but it was too late he hit me in my stomach with the baton and it electrocuted me.

Eventually I was passed out. In the time I spent here I was never cornered like that. My anxiety was through the roof. All I wanted was an explanation or something. I knew it wasn't time for me to get floated because I wasn't turning eighteen for another three months.

My eyes were flickering open—my heart was racing instantly when my mind knew I was finally awake. I took a look around at my surroundings. I was strapped to a wall in an exodus ship, in between two guys. I first acknowledged the wristband on my arm, it was somewhat painful.

"Oh, hey, you're awake." One said. I looked to my right at the guy. He seemed so sweet and calming with his delivery.

"What's going on?" I ask again, my hands flew to the red straps that kept me close to the wall.

"Don't be scared—we're heading to the ground. I was told." He explained. My mouth opened in shock and my eyes darted around the room.

Everyone was around my age and most likely prisoners like I was. And the Ark was sending us down to Earth.

"I'm Monty, that's Jasper." He pointed at the other guy beside me with his eyes. I tried my best at a smile. Speaking to people again seemed almost unreal.

"I'm Calliope." I told them both.

They returned a smile and everything was just moving so fast. Just about an hour ago I was so sure I wasn't going to see anyone for about two years. The only people it'd attempt to talk to would be the doctors or some of the kinder guards. Other than them I was forced to leave my sanity in the hands of the books I was able to get ahold of.

Thinking more into it, if they are to send the underage prisoners down—maybe Sonia was here too. I take another look around but wasn't able to see her whatsoever.

TV's all around turned on with the Chancellor on them. I watched the one that was placed up top on the wall direct from me. "Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

I scoffed at his speech. I never liked the Chancellor. He was the reason for me being here and my dad not being held accountable for his doings. For years it was shown what a terrible father he was but no one bat an eye.

"Your dad is a dick, Wells!" Someone shouted from across the room—announcing that the Chancellors son was here. I was a little set back he'd send his own son down to Earth but I don't really know much about anything.

"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean." The Chancellor continued his speech to us. The lights were flickering and the walls were shaking. We had to have been getting close to our landing spot.

The screen was glitching out,"The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough nonperishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years." He explained carefully.

A boy began getting out of his seat, floating in the air he made it look fun. A few others cheered him on, "Go, Finn!" They exclaimed.

"Hey, you two. Stay put if you want to live." A blonde female yelled at two other guys trying to exit their seats as well. Although they didn't listen and quickly were floating in the air alongside Finn.

"Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately." The recording of the Chancellor was still going. Not much people seemed to be paying attention though.

"Stay in your seats!" She shouted again.

Of course immediately the drop ship dramatically threw them across the room and nearly gave everyone whiplash. My head was hurting from the random outburst of the drop ship beginning to fail. Lights were flickering the walls were tossing us around but the seatbelts held us in place.

Everyone was screaming at every jolt the drop ship made. Everything was so loud it was hard to hear myself think. My anxiety was acting up at the moment. Too much was going on.

Soon enough everything stopped—sounding like it was wiring down. Nothing was moving, the lights were settled.

"Listen." Monty spoke out, "No machine hum."

Jasper looked up. "Woah."

They took it as a sign to take their restraints off. I went to the buckle of the seatbelt and undid it to let myself free.

"The outer door is on the lower level! Let's go." Someone announced. I looked around to see everyone following to the second floor. I was soon down the ladder myself.

"Hey, just back it up, guys." A man was at the door first, wearing a guards uniform and ordering people.

"Stop!" The blonde from before made her way down the ladder, "the air could be toxic." She walked over to him.

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway." He commented back.

"Bellamy?" A woman called out. We all looked to her in unison. She made her way out of the crowd to get to him. People began whispering her name.

"My god, look how big you are." They shared a hug.

Once they pulled apart she made a face at him, "What the hell are you wearing, a guards uniform?"

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you." He explained, smiling to her.

"Where's your wristband?" The blonde asked.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." I was shocked when hearing brother. No one has a brother or a sibling. I thought it was just Sonia and I.

"No one has a brother." Someone yelled out.

"That's Octavia Blake, the girl that found hidden in the floor." I looked over to Octavia after what they shout. The words were very hurtful—that was obvious.

She reacted but her brother stopped her, "Octavia, Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by."

"Yeah? Like what?" She retorted, looking over to him.

"Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years." He smiled before turning over and opening the door. The bright sun hit us instantly leaving me to squint a bit when it hits my eyes.

A small gust of wind gave me shivers. Everything was green—it was so vibrant. My eyes were lit up and I was speechless at what I was looking at.

We all watched as Octavia took the first steps, they were slow and small but eventually she hopped off and landed on the ground.


Everyone spilled out of the ship in excitement. They were screaming in joy and laughter. It felt like I had to smile, this was a one time thing. I was facing up and looking at everything around me. It was hard to look away—or stop.

I took a small walk around the ship, just observing everything. I was almost in denial that I was here and sadly there was no sign of Sonia at all. I kind of expected she wouldn't be here but I was still hoping to just see her, I guess.

My eyes landed on the girl from earlier, she seemed almost just as lost as I was. I walked over to her, "Octavia, right?"

She didn't smile or anything, by all the whispers about her she probably thought i'd say something out of pocket and insult her.

"I'm Calliope—or Callie. You are very pretty." I complimented her. She was caught by surprise, she didn't know what face to make of how to take it.

"Thank you." It almost sounded like a question, like what I said wasn't something she heard as often. It was easy to notice how much of myself I see in her. That's a reason why I feel I can trust her. I don't know anyone here besides the people I've met today.

Her brother, Bellamy, who's name I had just learned; began walking over to his sisters defense. He was quick to read me and approach Octavia's side. "What do you want?"

"Calm down, Bellamy, she's a friend." Octavia told. I was stunned by how quickly she was to say I was her 'friend' even though we had just met. She can probably see the trust in me like I see in her.

He takes a step back, understanding. He turns his attention to some other people. Joining a conversation involving himself, "We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?"

I looked over to see Wells, he was one of few I knew. He didn't know me and we've never talked but it was easy to point out who the Chancellors son was.

"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority." He was speaking out, getting everyone's attention.

"Screw your father. What, you think you're in charge here, you and your little princes?" Octavia replied back. Looking at the man and his friend beside him; The blonde from before.

"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be." She was strongly explaining. "How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek, ok? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now."

"I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Bellamy came to a decision that everyone seemed to like because they all cheered out and agreed.

"You're not listening. We all need to go." Wells said.

Swiftly a guy came up behind him and pushed him, "Look at this, everybody—the Chancellor of Earth." He joked out causing a unison of laughter.

I just stood next to Octavia watching the scene. Everyone loved to hate on Wells for his father's doings. Although I despised Chancellor Jaha—I never thought to hate on his son because of it.

"Think that's funny?" Wells questioned.

He was swept off his feet so quickly and he hit the floor. The guy stood over him with a smile on his face, "No, but that was."

"Wells!" The girl called out in fear for her friend but she was held back from engaging.

Wells tried his best at getting up and once he was on his feet it was obvious he hurt his leg. He was limping a bit when he put his hands up in defense. Everyone was shouting—encouraging this little 'fight'.

He teased Wells and was laughing at him but before he could do anything else Finn jumped down to help Wells. Everyone was shocked by his little entrance and silenced when he stood in front of the guy who tried to fight Wells.

"Kids got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight?" Finn dominated.

"Hey, spacewalker—" Octavia walked away from her brother and I to go over to Finn, "rescue me next."

I rolled my eyes at that comment but the rest of the group giggled at it. I looked over to Bellamy and we shared a similar look before he parted my side to go to his sisters.

I looked over at Wells and walked over to him, "You okay?" I asked and he was almost shocked that I had asked.

"Yeah..." he tried to convince me, more so himself but as his foot touched the floor he hissed out in pain. I grabbed ahold of his side and helped him sit down.

His friend came rushing over to see how badly he was hurt. "Clarke, I'm fine." He addressed before she could ask.

She still continued to examine his leg in silence and I found myself just staying and making sure he was as he said 'fine'.

"So Mount Weather. When do we leave?" A voice asked, I looked up to see Finn making his way over. I put my hands in my jacket pockets and leaned up against the drop ship.

Clarke stood up on her feet, "Right now." She said—turning to face Wells, "We'll be back  tomorrow with food."

"How are the two of you gonna carry enough food for 100?" He asked a good question.

I wasn't going to be volunteering to go, as fun as going on a mission to get food sounds I'd find it best if I stayed here.

Finn turned around and grabbed two guys—it so happened to be Jasper and Monty. "Four of us. Can we go now?"

"Sounds like a party. Make it five." Octavia chimed in with a bright look on her face.

Bellamy seized ahold of her arm, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

"Going for a walk." She sarcastically answered.

"Hey, were you trying to take this off?" Clarke's attention was caught by Finn's wristband.

"Yeah, so?" He gave her a look.

"So this wristband transmits your vitals signs to the Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead." She instantly vindicated.

"Should I care?" He sharply said.

"Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you leave to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying." She silenced him real quick. "Ok. Now let's go."

Finn was the first to go, they all followed behind him and Clarke was the last. Before she left she looked back to Wells, "You shouldn't have come here, Wells."

When she was gone it was silent for a while, I had no where to be so I just sort of stood by Wells. I watched as people walked by him and gave looks and whispered loudly about him.

"Don't worry about them, I got your back." I suddenly told him. He turned to look at me—he seemed to want to take compliment but he had guilt written all over his face.

"Your Calliope, right?" My face grew pale. "I- uh, read your case. I'm sorry." Is all he said. That was the first time I've ever heard anyone say that about the whole situation. Wells was truly nothing like his father.

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