DLC two final week race day: Final leg

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A: your final leg of the race and looks like we are down to our final two races many positron and Diana calculus because all of the other races have fallen apart after last checkpoint.

M.P: okay time to kick in the after birth good thing good thing there's a backup booster.

H.N: be careful with that once you hit it the button you can't stop until you're out of gas.

M.P: okay I'll be careful and finally put that cripple in her place.

O.M: Oliver I hope you have something planned because many is going to make a Mad Dash to the finish line.

O:Ok ok let me think ah simple yet effective.

M.P: this has more cake than I thought and I'm fine for the old switcheroo... hey why is the handle not movie?

H.N: oh forgot to mention the handlebarble lock up when the afterburner is turned on.

O:Did she really went down that path?

A.M: Woof woof translation: maybe she can control it when the afterburner is on.

O:Seem so now I have to switch the sign back.

A:Here we are at the finish line waiting for the winner and looks like wait for it... it's Diana calculus for the win.

G: Good job Dinan meet you at the winner Circle.

Winner circle

H.P: congratulations Diana calculus.

D: thank you Mr positron.

H.P: oh I'm just doing my thing oh and Mr Joey

G: tell whoever made my daughter lose the race to lay low for 24 hours.

O: hope the Black Market has a hotel for me to hide out.

A.M: snickering: translation let's hope they do and can you get this dog speaker off me?


A.M: Think you.

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