DLC two final week race day: post race

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Chatroom one

David Steam: Thank you all for coming as you all for coming as you may know when ever Heather loses the bet she loses her temper and takes it out on anyone that costs are the bed for 24 hour and that be Oliver this time around.

Gabe Isaac Joey: Now one of have to hide him for 24 hours and the only to do that is by drawing straws and I just drew Fred manistro so it's his turn to hide that scheming cousin of mine.

Fred Madden: thanks and I may know where he can hide.

Chatroom two

Henry positron: another fixing scheme that my wife set up South Park and she's going to rip apart anyone and anything who gets in the way for 24 hours and Oliver is her main target.

Theodore silicon: last time that happened my poor wife went missing.

H.P: I'm doing all I can to find her but Heather has a way to make code cracking hard.

T.S: Call it a feeling but I think my son is closer to finding her.

H.P: speaking of how far is your son in the tower?

T.S: well he's one four below the family ombre but soon he'll have to get some followers if he wants to become the next main system.

H.P: yeah are you sure you will let users be his subjects?

T.S:Of course he will he'll need some sheeps.

H.P: but uses around his age for poor accountability record.

T.S: so he will have to do interview with those that are joining willing.

H.P: I'm more on him having those that he can trust and those that don't have collars around their necks.

T.S: yeah but it doesn't work like that and you know it by the main system law all students are to follow their programming any Act of defiance is an act of mavericksy.

H.P:Like Roy Rom.

T.S:Am not up set about him ruining my son's gaming day I should let him go against his moral judgments at his age and now I have to plan out Bruce hard drive than any spinning wheels wedding.

H.P:Oh yeah I've heard about that I can't believe that Amanda viral office blew up like that.

T.S:Well their vacation is almost over and as we speak Sata calculus is working on the nanites that he hope will work.

H.P: well at least the way between my daughter and your son is called off how do they take it?

T.S:I didn't tell him yet but I think he's going to take it well didn't know if many will.

H.P: yeah but I think she has a bigger thing to worry about.

T.S:I feel sorry for whatever coming to her.

H.P:Well it can't be helped Heather got a cruel punishment in mind and you don't want to know what it is.

End chatroom

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