DLC two:Week one Tuesday

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8:20 am

Data Calculus log:It been a week since Bruce and Fred's bout and that face down body slam is going to be in the records for a long time.

11:20 am

The Faculty Lounge during lunch break seems to have some missing members like oh Oliver because he blew up in banda's office and dance for Andrew he now with Rocker Rocket is in the headmaster's office for who knows what.

Mr.Joey is taking his role as temporary Vice Headmaster very well and have all of our cleanup what's left of the mess he made in his temporary office with the minor explosion.

6:14 pm

Now that dinner done for the night and Dinan is doing her homework it now off to the back room to get a Blackboard before I run out of room on the previous board and I'm so close to perfecting the night formula if I can make a better batch I ca-

Error Error

Blowing ball fell on Data Calculus head.

8:57 pm

Ok that two hour blackout gave me the boot I need with a mild concussion but I finished the formula don't know how it came to me so clearly all I can do now is to link the boys together and upload it into a drive and set an appointment with the main system if things go as planned Maybe just maybe Diana can walk for real.

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