DLC two: week one Wednesday and Thursday

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9:18 am

Diana Calculus speaking my dad's going to be in the main system office all day so I'm going to be in the study hall all day doing most of my studies with librarian Ms Reddel is looking out for me while dad away their so many books so little time.


11:17 am

Hey Rocco rocker here 2 days ago I got a key card from Headmaster Steam and it open a Secret Door that in the supplies room right now I'm in The Faculty Lounge see if who would join me on my little quest.

Now I can't pick Andrew because he may be behind on his teaching since he's doing homeroom while Oliver is clean the vice head masses office for blowing it up that Fiasco will not go away anytime soon.

Mr Calculus is willing to join me can't can't have marsalina join she have too much on her plate right now so the only two that can join me on my little night expiration is the astrology teacher Orion Mccloud and the Lunch lady Pullnaan Peach

11:57 PM

Ok it oh most midnight and my team is at the ready put in the key card in the mop bucket hey it may sound silly but it opened the pathway into a downward staircase and I ask who goes first but when I ask that question data and the other gave me a very sour glare and threw me down and it really hurts badly and when I got to the bottom I looked around find a switch and when I did when I came on it turns out to be a giant garage with an assembly line.

12:18 am

I same obvious to come down and check out the place so we can split up to cover more ground.

Hidden garage chatroom

Data Calculus:Not bad of a find Rocco.

Rocco Rocker:Well the only problem I have here is what did we find here?

D: Well I can make a thing or two here.

Pullnaan Peach: How about stroller for Bruce and Annie's kid.

D:That would be nice but I have feeling that they won't need it.

P:Why that?

D:Call it an intuition of a former doctor.

Orion Mccloud:Well their a big ship over their looks like a mid class Starship good enough to do field trips with the students.

R: looks old but I don't know if the Headmaster will let us take it for a spin.

O: well not in the state that's it in but it could use a fixer upper.

D: even so we don't other than you know how to fly that thing.

O: what makes you think I know how without a crew that it?

P: well you were Harvey space Mercer core so you may know how to fly something like that.

O: yeah but that was a long time ago.

D:As must as I like to hear about your old days is there an assembly line that I'm interested in.

R: yeah looks like it's in good condition but what you's coming fine with it?

P: well there's many things we can make with this the only question is what?

D: well let's hope the opportunity use of his thing comes.

O:Well it have to come sooner or later.

End chatroom

4:15 am

After getting out of the secret garage I went back to the old layout and call it a night the one thing that bugs me is that the other key cards and could that be more than one?

End of week one.

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