DLC two: week three Friday

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1:14 p.m.

Dinan's log: Been drawing up the final modifications for the bike before next week's race and then I bumped into Minnie positron.

"Oh hello Dinan," says Minnie "how are the modifications are going? Then she grab the armrests of my wheelchair and move me towards the Edge of the stairway on second floor.

"Oh they are going well and may I ask why are pushing me towards the edge of those stairs? I asked Minnie.

"Well," answered Minnie "As you may know positron industry events always have a representative to compete in their events and I've been representing for the Youth events since I was trial and if you think I'm going to lose someone that is crippled like you like I once to the now Knocked Up Annie Spinning Wheel you got another thing coming!

Then she pu-



Dinan been pushed down the 2nd floor stairs.

Oliver's log: Friday 1:20 PM

I heard something Crashing Down from some stairs while I was looking over the course for next week race to let's just say to make things interesting for Minnie when I got to where I heard the noise I see Diana on the floor and she looks very upset and maybe more than the malfunctioning wheelchair that's left of her I start to ask how she end up on the floor and it turns out that Minnie pushed her down on top of the second floor now it's personal for her and me when I dropped her off at the nurse's office but little does she know there will be Angels washing her next week even if one of those angels has a dastardly soul.

Nurses Lean's Medical log: Oliver WordPress dope off Dinan Calculus who fell down the stairs from the 2nd floor and she was very upset I asked how it happened and told me that Minnie positron was the one who pushed her down those stairs their only some bruises but even I know she can't naturally walk nor naturally speak with poor motor Jaws that is she have a neck choker that helps her communicate with the others I informed her dad Data Calculus about the incident and he came in the moment he heard.

It must a be hard for him for taking care of someone but one with these kind of disabilities.

Hope Minnie get what she deserves for what she had done to Dinan.

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