DLC Two: Week three Thursday

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2:00 PM

Steak out com line

Oliver WordPress: This us Eyeball one to other eyeballs sound off.

Andrew Mainframer:This is eyeball two making like a tree and hope to leave after this alive.

Pullnaan Peach: This is Lady eye ball sign in on this ridiculous steak out.

Orion Mccloud:This is Eagle Eye your eye in the sky and I'm picking up two different heat signatures so be on your guard.

O:Got it Eagle eye.

P:Hope it not to dangerous.

O.M: They seem to be waiting on the same thing as we are.

O:Guest all we have to do let them make the first move.

3:57 PM

Data Calculus is at the park statue waiting for the call from the main system he sits at the bench where Oliver is sitting on in stealth mode and unknownly sits next to him and Oliver feels so awkward and Andrew who's in the bush is on the left of the main system statue Pullnaan is hiding behind a Lamppost on the right side of the statue rolling her eyes the bush in front of her seeing how clueless data is not knowing that he's sitting next to Oliver in the park caretaker a drone and towards the area.

4:00 PM

Data Calculus: better input the password.

Caretaker drone 417: Sweater wearer.

D: tender.



O:That sound like a bad rime.


Password confirmed opening chat Channel.

Main system chatroom

  Theodore Silicon: Look at your equation and it does sound like it can work but I can't give you the needed funds.

Data Calculus:I know you may say something like this so even if you can't fund the nanites but can you find this?



A:What could be in that file equation?

T:Hmm a mine operated motorbike I think I can provide the funds but is it for the race that positron is sponsoring next week?

D:I total Diana about next week but she has her nose in that journal.


D:She found her mom's journal.


O:So they are related.

A:Yeah they are and I like to go home but their something odd hidden and waiting to do who know what.

O.M: Well their no movement yet it look like they are waiting for a word command.

P:Guest we have to wait and see.


T: She found Danielle journal then it must have synchronized with her.

D:No she found her mom lab by accident.

T:Well if you convince Diana to enter next week race maybe she can best that awful Minnie positron.

???: Your crippled daughter entering the same race that my beloved daughter is going to win over my fragged body!



O:Who that?

A:That Heather negatron Minnie's mom she's bad news.


D:Heather Negatron funny seeing you here and how long have you been behind that bush?

Heather Negatron: Well it not all night if that what you are thinking.

T:Am  guessing between 11:00 AM to Noon.

H:Hey it doesn't matter how long I was in the bush!

D:Well Mrs Negatron am here to negotiate with the main system for funds to build his motorbike for next week's race.

H:Whatever you are planning on making it's going to eat Minnie's dust.

T: hey data can build anything that can beat whatever you bought for her.

H:Oh wh wh care to settle this on a wager?

T:Yeah if Dinan win you call off that ridiculous wedding you have planned for Terrence.

H:Hmm that some bet you got not if my beloved Minnie wins you call off the black market investigation.


H:Then it settled.

D:Are your sure she didn't trick you into a bet where you can't call off?

T: yes and I put you in a game where you can't save.

H: see you next week with we'll have a piece of junk you come up with.

T:Data beat that black-hearted witch.

D:I'll do what I can.

  Theodore and Data logged out

H:Ok Amanda you can come out now.

Amanda Viral: Thank that bush is starting to get uncomfortable.

H:Got all on film?

A:Yeah but the Main system is a man of his word so it may not be necessary.

H:I need Leverage to back up the BET and a witness that'd be you to testify.

A:Well what you had bettered is by far the most craziest bet yet.

H: Hey I can read the spin on the roulette wheel.

A:Are you a compulsive gambler.

H:Well not a compulsive one and how your shopping coming along?

A:Well all the parts and workers the one thing I need now is the Gameanoid

H:I heard those thing are hard to come by even in the black market stores.

A:Well I still have two months of of suspension so there's some time to find one.

H:I'll see what my connections can find anything what you specifically want with you Gameanoid.

A:Well it have to be a girl teenage with a aging feature.

H:A Teenage Gameanoid girl that can age got it.

Amanda and Heather log out.



An:Ok did anyone get all that?

O:Yeah high stakes had been made and it may won't end well and what a Gameanoid?

An:Well thet are hard to explain what they are at first they are humanoid game systems but they evolve too fast for users.

O:Why That?

O.M: well they say around the 4th gen line they can age from teenager to adult and Rumor Has It they can have offsprings.

An: yeah but they can go out of control if they are Miss taught and the shock collars with the self destruction did not help.

O:Like the users Council student's.

An:Well the colors on the user students to have subtract chip if they want to terminate their account.

O:Ok that just dark.

P:Well they are hard to come by and only question is that is lift is what dose Mrs. Viral want with one?

O:We could inform the Headmaster but he could be in on it.

An:Well you did blow up the vice Headmistress office so he may not by it and if anyone of us who knows how much we will be in hot water about this.

???: Oh you have no idea  how deep in hot water you are in now.

O:Place tell me that a ground keeping drone.

Gabe Isaac Joey: Yeah am ground keeping drone Y.I.B.T! For eavesdropping on a main system conversation!

O: Yeah but I have to find out about Dinan's mom.

G:Why can't you just ask him like everyone else?

O:I did but it not in one of the conversation paths.

David Steam:Well both player and user students are not allowed to know about the teacher's background that goes the other faculty members as well.

Fred Madden: Yeah I tried to look in on Barbara haggis but can't find anything on her profile and I just came in on my workout route when I seen you guys.

O.M: Well the odds go either way right now but Heather tip things in her daughter's favor.

D:Yeah Heather has reputation of stacking the deck so we have a plant a joker in a deck.

O:Ok I'll do it but if am to be the dastardly Joker I'm going to need a snickering sidekick.

Pullnaan Peach logout

Orion logout

Gabe logout

Fred logout

O: gas is just you and me Andy. ( dastardly cackle )

A:Not like I have the choice in the matter.

End chatroom

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