Final DLC: stage 3-1

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The after school Holodeck which is Roy Rom's favorite program and he got Rachel Rhythm to come when Oliver WordPress is waiting for them.

"So," says Mr. WordPress "What course do you have in mind Mr Rom?"

Course selection menu chat room

Roy Rom: Well it Rachel's first time she get first pick.

Rachel rhythm: Thanks so what do you have Mr. WordPress?

O:Hmm let see.

  Course one: the green road.

O:Green road is a E-Class speed run courts we have to reach a girl in less amount of time but there will be some trapsing obstacles to get in your way.

Course two:Rooftop

O: the rooftop course is a t-class brawler where of course you have to take out many attack drones as you can within a time limited.

Course three: Dungeon

O:This T-class is self-explanatory but it's for a group of four or more this time.

Course four: Zombie outbreak

  O: This one a hard M-Class-

R.Rom: Rachel?

R.Rh: What what you you

Error Error

Post traumatic stress triggered a level 1 seizure.

Nurse Lena med journal: The New student Rachel Rhythm had a post-traumatic stress disorder that lead to the little one seizure poor same thing I ask her to put on the screening suit so scans can read her body.

When she came out wearing it she got some scars around her body to the people size one her right arm it seems to look like bullet went right through her like when she's about to place her hand on the table I see the other one on the back of her left leg below the ankle.

I asked how she got them but she doesn't seem to remember.

Before I turn on skin I ask her if I can scan her memories but she let me do so.

It seem whenever anyone being a M-class relay the memory her Gameanoid body shorted out.

So I ordered Oliver to not bring that or anything I'm related ever again.

During the scan I copied the memory that caused the PTS disorder so I can still get out later date.

When she got back into her regular clothes she asked about that screen on the screen and I told her that I'd done an ultrasound earlier today.

End Journal entry.

Oliver's log: nurse Lena ordered me to not to bring up the Zombie Breakout course or any M Class related she also like to use the Holodeck so she can understand more on Rachel rhythms PTS and what caused it.

I have Andrew work to controls and Gwen for artistic reading because the memories will be old and hard to make out with a stress interfering.

Before Andrew asked us to put some headsets on so we can communicate better with each other.

The Hologram display is indeed sketchy but we found a few things of interest.

It seems the incident was at some kind of helicopter platform the figure seems to be a younger Rachel and is trying to get there but she was shots from behind grazed her on the right arm where her scar is currently on slows her down a bit but the other shots got her in the back of her left leg.

Made her drop to her knees but I shoot her holding the gun in her hand with a clown like face.

Tries to draw the shooter it looks like it all come up with is a clown must have been it situation but it got closer to Rachel something or someone headshot her.

Killing it instantly must been very shocking for Rachel because maybe more evil than a clown and that's where it ends and to turn off the display and that's all we now understand of Rachel's pts disorder.

The next day it's work as April I kept what I and what the others found out just stay we are in The Faculty Lounge but things are unpleasant When Miss Viral is present.

She did not bother anyone but miss Bible does give me a cold look when she looked at me still upset about me blowing up the office.

Roy Rom is doing well in class even if he is a Maverick.

Bruce hard drive however is a bit behind with any spinning wheel about to give birth and all.

Then Rachel came in at the class and asked for the extra credits I pulled the extra credit menu on the display screen and she pick TV planes history assignment and the prize is my key card.

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