Final DLC: Stage 3-2

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Students study cube room chatroom

Roy Rom: Hear your doing extra credit for Mr WordPress Rachel.

Rachel rhythm: It only to get his key card.

R.Rom: mind if I look at what you are working on?

R. Rhythm: Ok but not to long.

R.Rom: ... Hmm a TV plains culture history assignments. Once done one of a game show on say which one but it's once own made for TV movie.

R. Rhythm: Well mys is on the four era of a conflicting culture with a tragic fate.

R.Rom: I do hear of one culture that's all about balance from Mr WordPress it's sad to hear what happened to them.

R. Rhythm: Hmm sound tragic nice talking to you.

End chatroom

The next got to Mr WordPress classroom before class started to turn in the extra credit report she sees Mr WordPress at his desk and gave it to him.


Mr. WordPress gave Rachel rhythm a passing grade for extra credit homework and gave her his key card.

"Thanks." Says Rachel then takes a seat before class started and missed the WordPress notice Rachel's hair in a bit of a mess and other WordPress is not the kind that looks at as more then bed head.

After class Roy Rom and Carol K caught up with Rachel Rhythm to ask her how she got Mr. WordPress key card.

"So," ask Roy Rom "how did you know about the key cards?"

"Well," says Rachel " student counselor madam Calmen told me about them when I was talking about the dreams I've been having."

That bit of Insight made Roy ROM curious on the student counselor he nor Carlos K don't know that the school has one then the bell ring and they all went to their respective classes.

  faculty Lounge chatroom

Fred Madden: The School year is almost over so what is everyone plans for the summer?

Gwen Paint stroke: Me Maybe visit my own town of Mon Burge.

F: is that that town where those kids disappeared without Trace While others see a very strong and strange man?

G: yeah that's the place.

Andrew Mainframer: well for me I'll be working on my memoir maybe I'll get done over the summer.

Oliver WordPress: me well I could be from back into school sleep after what I did in this school.

G:But the kids love you help them when they are in need unlike most of us we just turn the other way.

F: hey we are not to interfere but Oliver and sometimes Andrew does.

A:Yeah but that only if it on non users we can tend flag users no matter what they do.

G:Well I did when Holly dataline's user collar went haywire I have it for out the window so it won't hurt anyone user or not.

A: well you did support a young mother to be most of us have been doing underground teaching after school when me and Oliver found the Holodeck.

O: well it did help with they're test scores and I know Foul Play when I see it.

F: yeah when you do that someone like me ends up getting hurt.

A: Well you were under the control of Miss viral and that body slam that you did  look like it really hurt.

G: I did heard of that incidents and what happened to miss viral was crazy.

O: my finest work so far. ( dastardly cackle)

A: I'm not going along with this one like I did with the race thing.

O: well during my time in the black market I found out some juicy stuff about Miss viral.

A: well we don't want to hear it.

O: oh well I hear that Miss rhythm is going after your key card next but what do think of her sleep dancing?

End chatroom

Afterschool hours Rachel rhythm went to the Holodeck to ask Mr. Mainframer for the extra credit key card.

"So," says Mr. Mainframer "What being you here other here other then my key card  that is."

As the as the Holodeck control room opens up then show Rachel the list of extra assignments she can do in the Holodeck Rachel picked the dance based assignment and she need a A to get the key card.


E class track

Highest combo...138

Final score...A+

Prize...key card. ×1

  After getting the key card Rachel rhythm was going to to madam Calmen office to dope off the key card she but on her way over Roy Rom and Oliver WordPress are telling her and almost got caught a few times and when they got to madam Calmen office and see what they are saying in their session.

Madam Calmen chat session.

Calmen: Put it with the other and take a seat so how was your day?

R: well when I got up I found myself in a place of cans but you already know that and found out that I'm sleepwalking on this case dancing.

C: yeah I remember you telling me about it when you first came to me about that that problem it's very interesting symptom you have there.

R: well I do not have time to fix my hair when I went to Mr WordPress classroom to try to my extra credit work but it got the first key card and it's normal routine as usual.

C: do you have any problems making friends other than your personal stats.

R: well if anyone found out that I'm a grown woman and a teenager brother it would be awkward and there's only three that knows my true self.

C: well when you've been keeping a low profile very well so far and you had three people to trust with you little secrets.

R: well Terrence was the first to see me been turned into this Gameanoid Avatar Roy and Mr. WordPress found out about my change in appearance. Roy my nephew well he's technically not my nephew but he's the closest thing I can have for his son even if I thought he had a daughter and Mr WordPress well method and Antics remind me of a teacher that I once had during my senior year and would had a Deadend life if not for him.

C: miss the WordPress seems to have quite the leading influence on the students here and has always gets other teachers to side with him.

R: yeah the underground holiday classes all doing well for the test scores normally teachers have little roles in teen novels.

Roy Rom: you want some teacher I give to you Mr WordPress.

Mr. WordPress: well I have my moments.

C: you know this is a private chat session Mr WordPress.

O:uh oh.

R.Rom: this is Mr WordPress idea he just wants to help you anyway.

R.Ry: Roy sweetie I know you meanwhile but this is my burden if I want help from him I'll ask.

O: well like to know why you want with the key cards that leads the big door that me and Andrew from at the beginning of the school year?

C:Hmm so you know about the door that the game master dice is behind.

O:The door yes but not the other one.

R.Rom: okay two key cards that my aunt got and so far opens a big door that hides a big D20 that will undo what Miss viral did to my aunt's so that's it or are there more.

C: it's indeed true but as far as we will tell you.

O: well the last two key cards are with Mr rocker and Mr calculus so they may try to mix things up a bit when you go after them ms. rhythm.

R. Rhythm: Well what was says here stays here okay and did you and the other try to open that door?

O: honestly no and Mr calculus has a freezing to believe the key cards can only be locked by player characters like you and Roy.

R. Rhythm: Interesting.

C: well that's all the time I have thank you all for coming.

End stage two

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