Final DLC:Stage F-2

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When they got to the fifth basement floor of the dungeon they see what seem to be a sleep pob in the center of the room.

Oliver WordPress Terrence Silicon and Dinan Calculus look at it.

"It seem the only way to open it seem to be with a number password." Says Diana as she look closely at the number pad some music and unconsciously and put the correct pass code and then Steam came out of the Pod as it slowly opens and in it is a woman that Terrence have not seen since he was 12.

???: re why do these cryosleep pods give me such a hangover...Terrence and...Diana are you walking?

Terrence Silicon:It a long story oh and everyone this is my mom Harley terminal Silicon.

Andrew Mainframer:Well it a honor to meet you Queen server silicone.

Oliver WordPress: I don't think that's a thing.

Harley terminal Silicon: Well even the Main system need a consort mr...

O: WordPress am your son homeroom teacher.

H.T.S:Well keep up with it you seem to be a good teacher.

A:Ok but you better be careful sometimes his teaching methods ends up influencing other teachers.


A:How can I put this he blow up the vice Headmistress office so Annie can keep her kid.

H.T.S: Annie Spinning wheel have not seen her sinc- What!

O:Don't worry she in good care with Nurse Lena as the Mid wife.

H.T.S: Lean vaccine can handle the delivery but why my husband hurt her as a school nurse?

Diana Calculus:She did have a part on helping me walk.

H.T.S: Diana Calculus I may have to ask your to see if i can run a checkup on ya when we get out of here because whenever Mr. Calculus use nanotechnology something unexpected thing happen.

A: Well Lean did get a kick in the nose.

O: Yeah I heard of it small price to pay.

H.T.C: See what I mean.

Lois Newspress:Like where this story is going.


Rachel rhythm: attention group added turns his mom Harley silicone to the roster.

In the sixth they see the orc blocking the doorway to the next basement.

Diana Calculus: look like we need to hit sweet spot but it heavy armor is getting in the way.

Harley Silicon:So let Pierce it.


H.S: Well my syringe launcher can Pierce through anything with the right needle.

D:Go right ahead you seem to know what you are doing.

Harley pull out her syringe launcher aims at the Orc bots neck fire syringe and... it hit the sweet spot and down it went.

Oliver WordPress: are you a med OP or a marks woman.

H:Well I do have a eye for these thing.

Terrence Silicon:Good to have you with us.

O: Ok next basement here we come.

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