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How long has it been now?
Two years?

Maybe... who the fuck knows.
Who the fuck even cares?
I don't.
I can't afford to anymore.

Everyday I've woken up and done the same thing.
Woke up.
Made my bed.

I can't even remember my life before this.
I remember a boy, who kissed me, and I tried to kill him.
It was his fault! He came at me and I was defending myself! I didn't even hurt him!
I don't even remember his name.
I don't know, it was something 'G'.
Or was it 'J'?
I don't remember.

But I do also remember my boyfriend, Sean. I'm not sure why, but it seems I forget about him more and more by the day even though I'm sure he's the love of my life.

He will get me out.
He's been making a plan these years.
And it's almost ready to be put into action.

Or at least, that's what the voices tell me.
Well, the voice.

He calls himself Anti. AntiSepticEye.
He's the only person I remember down to the bone.

He was an evil version of my lover who always got inside my head somehow. I try ticking him out but my efforts are down to useless.

Everyday he whispers demonically to me, dragging me further away to the realm of insanity. As if he didn't already put me here.

He doesn't want me here. He wants me with him.
He wishes he won our little game so he could keep me and use me like property for all of eternity.

Sometimes he talks to me in my head, but others he just walks around with me. Others don't really seem to notice he's there. Even though he yells at me a lot.

The doctors tell me he's not real. That Anti and Jack are just imaginary friends that I thought were real. They've given me medication to "help" my "disabilities". That makes no sense! There's nothing wrong with me! Anti literally walks beside me more than half the day! Are they blind?!

The medication has been messing with my head. Or, at least that's what the doctor says. I'll see things that I've never seen before, or I'll start forgetting things.

They say I'll forget the fake people, like Sean.

They are real though!
They are real!
I can prove it too, they just have to play the game!
But they won't believe me...

No one does anymore.
Not even others who have also been labeled as 'Mentally Psychotic" would go near me.

Whenever meal time comes, I will sit at a full table and as soon as I sit, everyone scatters.
I would get anxious and start scratching my arm until it bled, which is why the doctor had ordered that my nails must be kept short and clean.

The doctors are wrong, you know.
About everything.
They say I'm crazy.
They say Anti, Jack, Mark, Felix, no one is real.
They say my name is (Y/n) (L/n).

Well they're wrong.

My name is Signe Hansen.
And I may not be crazy, but I'm slowly getting there, thanks to AntiSepticEye.

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