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I woke up in a pitch black room, lying on a familiar bed that I've felt before. I rubbed my eyes and felt a cool liquid, when smelling it the scent rang pennies, I could only assume it is blood. I traced my hand along my head, searching for any open wound, but found none. I shake my head and sit up. It took me a minute to realize, but I'm moving! My hands, my arms, I can move everything! I'm better again! I need to find Anti... I stood up and felt my surroundings, making my way to one door, which led to the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and threw water in my face, hoping to clean off if not all, then most of the blood. Exiting the bathroom, I felt another door frame, leading to another door handle, the very same that had been locked before. I opened it, still in a dark area. Feeling my way around, there is some furniture, primarily made out of wood. I eventually found my way to the back of a couch. I made my way around it and plopped all my body weight down on it. I bounced back up and fell on the ground after hearing a loud scream. A blue light flickered on and I looked up to the source of it. Anti was hovering over me holding his stomach with his left hand, and held his flames in the right. He looked down at me in pain.

"Signe, what are you doing! You're supposed to be in bed!" He groaned and continued to hold himself, slightly caked in a black liquid. "Are you okay? I thought you couldn't get hurt?" I asked. "No, we were in my own world before, I'm susceptible to pain and wounds now that we are in the underworld." "What's all of this black stuff on you? Why can I move now? Where are we? Why-" "Can you please, for the love of Christ, stop fucking talking for five seconds!" He barked at me. It's not my fault that I have so many unanswered questions. I got frustrated and made my way back to the bedroom. "Signe, I'm sorry. I'm angry, I'm tired, and I'm hurt. Luckily the wounds will go away in a few hours, but until then, I can't do much. Here, come lie down with me." He twirled his fingers and orange flames lit the room. I could see him, lying on the bed staring straight to the never-ending ceiling. He held his hand out. I took it.

"So what do you wanna know?" I looked at him briefly. "Why can I move?" He sighed out loudly as soon as I asked. "Because I handled Sin, got what I needed, and left with you. I needed something to make you better, I got it, and now you're fine." He put his hand to his head. "Is that why you're so hurt?" "Yes, Signe. That's why I'm so hurt. Luckily, it's getting better." He slightly groaned. "So we're done now? It's all over?" He looked away from the ceiling and back at me. "It's over... for you." I looked to him. "What do you mean for me? You're done too, nothing is wrong with you, right?" I asked with worry. "I'm not done. I won't be done until I find that fucker... PewDie... who did this to you." He stood up, popping his neck and rolling his shoulders back. I frantically got up to follow him. "What? Why? I'm fine now, see? Nothing is wrong!" I wiggles my limbs to prove a point. "There's no point in starting a war." He sighed heavily once again and turned around to face me, putting his hands on my shoulders. They feel so strong, I've missed the way he touches me. "Signe, the drug that was used on Dark is one of the three things that are banned in all layers of Hell. Do you know how dangerous that is? Dark clearly used around a miemiter, the smallest possible amount he could have given you. He didn't mean to get caught up for this, but I can't forgive him for it. If he had given you anymore, things could have gotten so, very much worse. You would completely crumble. If he had given you enough, then you would have irreversible affects that would cause you to slowly disintegrate over several millennia, without moving. The process is incredibly painful, even for Demons. I can't risk something like this happening again." He let go of me and continued in his previous direction. I grabbed his arm and forced the heels of my feet in the opposite direction. He isn't going anywhere without a fight. "Anti, this is dangerous! What if-" "Don't you think I know that!" He whipped around and used his powers with his other hand to force me off of him. I fell to the ground abruptly, and looked back up to him. "This isn't something you're prepared for. You're staying here." He flicked his wrist up slightly and I slid backwards towards the end of the room until my back hit the wall. I immediately got up and ran towards Anti. "Anti, stop this! I won't let you do this!" Right before I reach him, he turns around, eyes glowing green, darkness surrounding him. I've never seen him like this, he looks terrifying. "I'll come back for you when I'm done." His hand rose from his side, dragging a darkness with it. And, now I'm no where. I'm stuck. I'm in a black void.
But somewhere not too far away, there's a glowing white doorframe.
I think I can reach it.

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