Chapter 1: Isekaied... Again... Shit.

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

What am I even doing at this point... You'll see the Y/n's, I can't stress myself with anything else than basic makeup and wigs, sorry in advance. Also probably a lot of cursed stuff.

Also... i don't know where this will go. i've already played the 3ds version, so the plot's fine, but I'm writing this story as I play the game, so the relationships between the characters, or even who will become which NPC... i don't know that yet. Have fun lol.

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

*This is the world of Miitopia. It is a world where every Mii can live in peace and harmony. Or should I say... It was.

One day, it came without warning. A great and terrible shadow threatening Miitopia !

Some unspeakable creature made off with the people's faces ! And what's worse... Those stolen faces appeared on monsters !!*

*Behold, a simple traveler.*

Jojo: Okay... Where the hell am I this time ? I should really stop trying to experiment with Core at 2AM just because I'm bored...

*Jojo is wandering alone, wherever the wind takes him.*

Jojo: Huh... Hello ? Who just talked ? Come on, I know I heard a voice.


Jojo: This is not funny, you know. Stop hiding and show yourself. Also tell me why the hell you're calling me that... I have a proper name, mind you.

*... ... ... ...*

Jojo: Whatever. Don't mind me, I'll just use Core and... get out of here... ? Wait, where is it ?! Where is Core ?! And, where are my clothes ?! And...


Jojo: What the...


Butterfly: BHU-Wiiiiii !

Jojo: Okay... That's starting to get a tad little bit too much, even for me... Well, better take the usual course of action when facing yet another abomination. SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE-


Jojo: ... ... ... ... ... ...

Butterfly: ... ... ... BHU-WIIIIIIII !!


Jojo: Haa... Haa... Haa... I... I don't think I've ever been in shit as deep as this one... I get transported to yet again another world... My only way back just disappear because WHY THE FUCK NOT.

Jojo: And to top it all off, all my powers, abilities and whatever strength I had vanished ! ... Where did I run off too, whatever ?

*Jojo spies a nearby town*

Jojo: Okay, I think I'm gonna call you narrator, because you're about as useful as a bandage on a wooden leg. I know there is a town, why do you even feel the need to... Whatever.

Town of Greenhorne:

Jojo: 'Okay... I doubt these guys can help me go back... But at least I can know where I... Am... ?'

Jojo: 'Ahabagnagynyeh ?!'

Urahara: Phew... But boring today... Huh ? What's up with you ?


Urahara: UWAABLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL !! S- Stop that !! I can't understand a thing you're saying ! Who are you, even ?!

Jojo: Wait, you... Don't recognize me ?

Urahara: ... Should I ? I don't think we've ever met before.


Urahara: I think you've got me confused with someone else. Just calm down.

Jojo: O- Okay... So, there was that butterfly, and then a pair of eyes fell from the sky, and... Kinda attached themselves onto the butterfly, without any kind of biological reason...

Urahara: What, monsters with people's faces ?! Gyahahaha !! You're having a laugh ! And all that panic earlier, you're definitely a good comedian.

Urahara: Greenhorne's a peaceful place. A place to leave all your woes behind.

Jojo: ... 'Okay... That was... Weird. I guess something like that can happen. In the infinity of the multiverse, two people with the same name and same face can exis-.'

Yoruichi: Oh, joyous day ! isn't the weather just be-YEW-tiful ? Oh, an adventurer !

Jojo: ... This is too much to be a simple coincidence...

Yoruichi: Why the long face ? You can't go 'round looking like that ! Come on, give us a smile ! You know you want to.

Jojo: ... Sorry, but right now, I'm kind of in the middle of questioning my sanity. Not really in the mood for smiling.

Yoruichi: Come on. A smile brings happiness, don't you know !

Jojo: ... 'Okay... What happens once can happen twice, I guess... Maybe I should prepare myself mentally for-'


Kenpachi: Wheeee ! Whoo-hoooo ! I'm a dragon, I am ! Raaaaarr !

???: Stop it, Kenpachi !

Unohana: Calm down, or you'll hurt yourself !

Jojo: ... ... ...

Unohana: Oh, traveler. Please excuse me, but... Are you okay ? You're so pale, it's like you've seem a ghost.

Jojo: ... 'You're not too far off...' Uhhhh... Cute kid.

Unohana: I swear, this child has me at my wits' end. He is so hyperactive, I really worry for his future.

Jojo: ... 'So, that's that... It looks like someone tried to reproduce all of their faces and put them on them, regardless of body proportions... What next ?'

Jojo: 'Okay... This is not as terrifying. Then again, not a lot can top that kid...'

Gin: D'awww...

Rangiku: Tee hee hee !

Gin: You're so pretty, Rangiku !

Rangiku: You're so smart, Gin !

Gin: I feel like I'm dreaming...

Rangiku: Shall I pinch you ? Tee hee hee !

Jojo: '... This is another kind of weirdness. So... I take it that most people here have the faces and names of people I know... Okay, I can accept that. I mean, I was on good terms with them to begin with, so-'

Jojo: ... Why do I always have to open my mouth ?

Tosen: What ? We don't see your type often. You here visiting or something ?

Jojo: ... Yeah... I guess you could say that.

Tosen: Huh, some kind of relaxation holiday, is it ? Must be so nice for you. I'm sooo jealous...

Jojo: ... That's funny. I just met you, but I feel like I've disliked you for quite a long time before.

Tosen: The feeling's mutual.

Jojo: 'Okay, and last but not least... What could be worse then...'

Aizen: Welcome, adventurer. I'm the mayor of this town.


Aizen: Huuu... Adventurer ? Why are you curled up on the ground ?

Jojo: I am currently in the middle of a mental breakdown, please let me process things !!

Aizen: Oooo... Okay... ?

Jojo: okay, I think I'm better now.

Aizen: That's good... ? So, I take it you've spoken to all our townsfolk ?

Jojo: 'Unfortunately for my mental health' I sure have. It's a lively little town, isn't it ?

Aizen: Yes, Greenhorne's a nice town. But I am the mayor, so I would say that. Huh ?

Urahara: What in the world is that ?!

Yoruichi: Who ? Where ? What ? How ?

Kenpachi: What is it, Mummy ?

Unohana: Shhh, keep quiet !

Rangiku: Gin !

Gin: Rangiku !

Tosen: This can't be good...

Jojo: What in the name of...

Aizen: Oh, no... It's... !

Rance-Sama: Mwaa ha ha haaa ! I am the Dark Lord, Rance-Sama ! I've come to wreak havoc and terror on this miserable little world ! And I'm starting with you, people of Greenhorne !

Rance-Sama: It's time for your first taste of true fear ! Say goodbye to your faces !!


Jojo: is that... Is that really happening ?! What the hell ?!

Aizen: Oh my heavens ! Th- Their f-faces... !

Rance-Sama: Hmph. Well, I think this should do nicely for now. Now listen here, you faceless freaks ! I hope you like a life of wordless terror, because that's all you've got now ! And to those of you left behind...

Rance-Sama: Take a nice long look at your poor little friends... AND DESPAIR !! Buh-bye ! MWAA HA HA HAAA !!

Jojo: ... Can someone explain what just happened ?

Aizen: The... The Dark Lord ! Agh ! Heeeeeelp !

Jojo: Okay, you're not gonna be very helpful, it would seem. Are you ?

Aizen: Crikey...

Jojo: Figured. Guess I'll see if I can do something... Since I'm apparently kinda trapped here for now...

Unohana: Kenpachi ! My poor baby ! Don't panic... Don't panic... Oh ! Adventurer ! I beg you, please ! Please help my Kenpachi !

Jojo... Yeah, sure, I'll go fight a demon overlord to retrieve some kid's face, got nothing better to do this afternoon... You can count on me.

Unohana: Oh... Thank you ever so much ! ... Oh, I know ! Please take this, it's our family's good luck charm.

Unohana: I fear the Dark Lord still lurks nearby. Could you look outside town for him ?

Jojo: ... 'Whatever'.

Jojo: Okay... If I trust my bullshit-o-meter, I should stumble onto some bullshit really soon...

Jojo: I was expecting you.

Rance-Sama: Mwaa ha ha haaaa ! Is someone trying to be a hero ?

Jojo: Against my better judgement... Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours. Give... Ugh... Give Kenpachi's face back...

Rance-Sama: What, you mean this runt ? Hrrm. Maybe I will give this one back to you... But on one condition...


Rance-Sama: How good are you in a fight ?

Jojo: Err... That might've been a miscalculation of mine...

Jojo: And this will haunt my nightmares forever...

Rance-Sama: Well then, i'll be seeing you... if you survive, that is ! Mwaaa ha ha haaa !!

Jojo: Uhh... Any chance I can talk you out of this ?

Slime: *Gurgle*

Jojo: Okay then, Plan B it is. OHH NOOOOOO !! AHHHHHHHhhhhh Ah ?


Jojo: Okay where am I this time ?!

*Jojo, can you hear me ?*

Jojo: Aren't you that narrator guy from earlier ?

*... ... N- Noooooo...*

Jojo: You really sound like him though.

*Okay listen, you may not believe what I am about to tell you... But I am a god. Please, just hear what I have to say.*

Jojo: I am a chosen one, and you will grant me the power I need to win and beat the Dark lord, isn't it ?

*... Well, if you decided to be an ass about it, guess we can just cut to the chase then. Hurrrrrgh- HAAAAH !!*


*Now, just select the one you want and be done with that.*

Jojo: Sounds like you're just as done with all this bullshit as I am.

*Piss off.*

Jojo: Okay well, here I go.

Jojo: Would you look at that... That armor don't look half-bad...

*Ho ho ho ! This shall be enough for you to deal with the Dark Lord's fiends ! Now fight, O Jojo ! Give them what for !*

Jojo: Well then, here goes nothing !

*Encountered: Mini Kenpachi Slime*

Jojo: Hey, that's funny. It's kinda like a video game- Oorf !

Slime: *Gurgle*

Jojo: Nimble little fuck... GET THAT !!


Jojo: HA ! How does that taste, huh ?!

Jojo: Get in losers, we're cruising for fiends ! And... Slime jelly ? Is that, like, food ? Why did I got... was that actually from that slime ? Ew...

*Excellent work, young Jojo !*

Jojo: I'm like, forty at this point, but whatever. It wasn't anything to sweat over.

*Now that child should be safe as well. Ho ho ho, things are looking up ! Now, return to Greenhorne town.*


Kenpachi: Weeheeee ! Yippee, I'm back !

Unohana: Oh, my poor sweet Kenpachi ! Are you Ok ? You're not hurt, are you ?

Kenpachi: I'm fine !

Unohana: Oh, thanks the stars ! And thank YOU, kind traveler ! Please, take this ! It's a thank-you gift !

*Ho ho ho ! Wonderful, just wonderful !*

Jojo: Yep. Money !

*N- No... the satisfaction of doing some good in the world...Now then, Jojo, my child... I have another task for you.*

Jojo: First off, I am not a child, and certainly not yours. Second, yes, I will go bust the Dark Lord's ass into next week.

*... Working with you is going to be a pain. Now, go after the Dark Lord, Jojo the warrior ! I expect great things from you ! Ho ho ho !*

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