Chapter 2: First pain in the ass/Companion

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Jojo: Let's see what's awaiting me now...

Jojo: "Easin Hills", huh ? Kinda... No, don't question that name. Anyways, onward ! For Miitopia ! Ah ?!

*Encountered a Rock Moth !*

Jojo: Oh... You again. Perfect. You will perish here by my blade ! Yaa !!


Jojo: AH ! How payback tastes sweet here !

*Ho ho ho. You're sure having fun, aren't you ? I'm sure you've seen the face flying off the monster, have you ? Whoever owned that face has you to thank for freeing it ! Just like that young scamp you met earlier... Put another way, defeating monsters helps people get their faces back.*

Jojo: You keep saying "Face", but that was just a pair of eyes...

*Hush now. Just keep defeating monsters, and help as many people as you can ! Can you do that for me, Jojo ? Ho ho ho !*

Jojo: That's what I do...

*Jojo gained a level !*


*Gained Butterfly Honey*

Jojo: Haa... Ouch... Why would leveling up bring so much pain... ? At least I've got something to eat for dinner... I sure hope it's at least edible... Hah ?

Jojo: Two for the price of one, huh ? This will be fun.

*Ho ho ho ! Looks like you're in a bit of a cinch.*

Jojo: Yeah, nah... I can pull this off.

*Worry not. Help is on the way !*

Jojo: N- No, I'm good... It's just two butterflies, there's no need to...

*Amicus, amici... AMIGO !!*

Jojo: Do you even listen what I'm saying ?! You're worse than that automatic assistant I got last year !

Giratina: How... How did I get here ? Huh ? Hey, you there !

Jojo: Hm ?

Giratina: Do you know where this is ?

Jojo: Uhh... Listen kid, right now, I've got higher priorities. But if anything, some "Divine spirit" kinda summoned you here to help me, so... How about we squash these Rock moths, then I'll try explaining this situation to you ?

Giratina: Sounds good to me.

*Encountered 2 Rock Moths !*

Giratina: Yaaaaaaa !!

Jojo: Are you... Just whacking the enemy over with a frying pan ?

Giratina: Hey, don't give me that look. It's the first thing close to a weapon I got my hands onto, so might as well use it.

Jojo: Okay... Well, allow me.


*Team won the battle !*

Giratina: Phew... Okay, I'm all ears now. What do you know ?

Jojo: Sadly, not much more than you. But I do know our situations are pretty similar. We are stuck here for whatever reason, any power you may have had before disappeared, and the only way I can think that could potentially help us go back is defeating some kind of demon lord that loves to steal people's faces.

Giratina: ... Did you hit your head or something ?

Jojo: Yes. I wanted to check that I wasn't dreaming. Turns out I'm not. Also, I don't think we have fingers.

Giratina: So our weapons are glued to our hands, great. On that note, any idea why I got here as a cook while you've got the sword, armor, and everything that goes with it ?

Jojo: Nope. Well, I did choose, but I've got no clue as to why you're like that.

Giratina: Tch. Stuck here, powerless, needs to beat big bad guy to get out... Yeah, normal Sunday for me. I'm in.

Jojo: Good. Didn't even need to convince you... Speaking of, what's the name ?

Giratina: Y/n. Y/n "Giratina" L/n. Yours ?

Jojo: Huuuuuh... Y- Y/n... Y/n L/n...

Giratina: Oh ? Nice to meet another me. Multiverse's truly a big place, isn't it ?

Jojo: I see... Looks like I ain't the only one used to travel like that. let's just keep things simple, so call me Jojo.

*Ho ho ho, so you're still in one piece, eh ? You and Giratina should become good friends as you journey.*

Giratina: Who dat ?

Jojo: Just the Divine Spirit I mentioned earlier. He's also the narrator, for some reason.

*The deeper your friendship, the better you will do in your quest ! Bon voyage ! Ho ho ho !*

Giratina: Well, that was an event. ... Since we're apparently gonna be together for a while, let's get along. Honestly, it's my first time meeting an alternate me.

Jojo: Not for me. Already met two... Kinda ate them.

Giratina: ... Wut ?

Jojo: Not literally. You could say I inherited their will.

Giratina: I see... But, how did you even get here ?

Jojo: Beats me. Well, I was doing experiments with some sort of "trans-dimensional" that I created. Ended up here, and it was gone. You ?

Giratina: Clicked a big blue button. Literally. I saw a big blue button on a table, decided to click it, and there I am.

Jojo: Based.

Giratina: More like hell. But you said that "Divine narrator" was the one who summoned me here... Did he place that button ?

Jojo: Who knows ? But that said, we better get going. That Dark Lord won't be kicking its own butt.

Giratina: Lead the way.

Giratina: Hm ? Hey, I think there's something on the ground...

Jojo: Why would a banana be here on the ground ? Did someone lost it or something ?

Giratina: Dunno, but it doesn't seems old. I'll keep it.

*Giratina got 1 HP Banana !*

Giratina: What was that ?

Jojo: Yes, I suppose this slipped my mind... Uhh, this world kinda acts like a video-game, and leveling up is extraordinarily painful.

Giratina: Hence why we can find perfectly-preserved Bananas just lying around. Better get used to that, my friend.

Jojo: I've been telling me that since I got here. You're not ready.

Giratina: You're just going on an empty stomach. Can I offer you a nice Banana in these tryin' times ?

Jojo: ... Yeah.

Giratina: You know, on second thought, this might be quite fun.

Jojo: I guess so.

???: Pin... Pin- Pin !

Jojo: Is that... A goblin ?

*Encountered: A Rock Moth and Goblin !*

Jojo: Ouch... Ouch !

Giratina: Thanks for taking the hits.

Jojo: Whatever. HA !!

Giratina: Wow... Oneshot much ?

Jojo: Sometimes it pays being cautious... Ouch !!

Giratina: Bwahahaha !! Cautious, you say ?

Jojo: Shut up.

*Team Jojo Win !*

Jojo: safe and sound... Even though my back hurt. Got my revenge still.

*Obtained: Goblin ham+Butterfly Honey*

Giratina: D.. Did you really carve that goblin with your sword just to make that...

Jojo: Nah, just looted the bodies... Phew...

Giratina: Tired ?

Jojo: I guess... The sun's already setting down...

Giratina: Now that you mention it... I'm starting to wonder how long I can last.

Jojo: Get ready to set out the tent... Wait... What's that ?

*The team found an inn !*

Giratina: ... How did we not see it until now ?

Jojo: Listen, i'm not gonna complain. let's get our heads down for a kip !

Giratina: Well, praise be to the deity of well-placed inns !

Jojo: 'Why did we do that ?'

The next Morning:

Giratina: Ah, good morning.

Jojo: Mgnnm... 'Morning...

Giratina: Rough night ?

Jojo: You snore.

Giratina: ... Sorry, but that was you.

Jojo: ... Whatever. What's to eat ?

Giratina: Whatever we got on the way here. Want some goblin Ham ?

Jojo: ... Blegh.

Giratina: Yeah, not a fan either. Jelly ?

Jojo: ... Blegh.

Giratina: You're a delicate tongue. Well, I'll take the honey then.

Jojo: You do you. I'll get things ready for departure.

Giratina: Hey, is that... A new sword ?

Jojo: Yep. Brand new, bronze sword. Fine material, if I do say so myself.

Giratina: You know I had my eyes on a new uniform ?

Jojo: Well, you were too busy with the honey, so I went ahead.

Giratina: It didn't even taste that good... Are we ready to go ?

Jojo: Right behind you.

*Giratina gained a level !*


Jojo: Told you it was painful. You okay ?

Giratina: I... I feel as if a number of cooking recipes have just been forced into my brain...

*Ho ho ho ! That's what happens when you learn new skills ! And don't worry, the pain will wear down the further you progress... Probably.*

Giratina: this doesn't sound very promising...


Giratina: Ow !

Jojo: Not so funny when it happens to you, is it ?

Giratina: Shut up. You're not getting any ?

Jojo: Any of... ?

Giratina: De-LI-cious !

Jojo: You're overacting.

Giratina: Maybe. But at least I've got a full belly.

Giratina: Hey, while I'm at it, mind if I ask a quick question ?

Jojo: What ?

Giratina: What are we looking for right now ?

Jojo: Faces. The Dark Lord stole the faces of some people, so we're gonna get them back.

Giratina: He steals faces ?

Jojo: Apparently, that's his thing. I don't judge, I've met a guy who likes to collect women's severed hands.

Giratina: ... You're kidding, right ?

Jojo: I wish I was... So yeah, looking for faces.

Giratina: Attached to monsters on top of it, I take ?

Jojo: You learn fast. If we don't find it, it will find us.

Jojo: Well, speak of the devil.

Urahara: Huh ? What ?


Giratina: Okay, this is both funny as hell and incredibly terrifying.

Jojo: Would you mind keeping these for later ?

Giratina: I know, we'll bust this thing down and- OWCH !!

Jojo: Uh... You okay there pal ?

Giratina: ... Been better...


*Ho ho ho, seems like you've awakened a new power ! If you lose HP, you won't be able to fight much longer. Use some HP sprinkles to recover before you're KO'd. Be warned though, the sprinkles only have a limited number of uses, so make sure you use them wisely ! Ho ho ho !*

Jojo: It's... Literally a salt shaker. Well, um... here you go, I guess ? Does it sting ?

Giratina: No... But I do feel ready to squash this butterfly now ! Haaaaa !!

Jojo: That's the spirit !!

*Team Jojo Wins !*

Jojo: That home-cooked meal sure is nothing to trash about.

Giratina: Told you. But, now what...

*Obtained: Butterfly Honey (rare)*

Jojo: Rare...

Giratina: Probably because that was a boss of sort. Stronger enemies means better rewards. This really is like a video game, after all. And now, about the face...

Jojo: It surely got back to its owner, nothing to stress over that. Let's get going to the next inn.

Giratina: Who even built all these inns ? There's no clients whatsoever except us. And we don't even have to pay. How do they do business ?

Jojo: Beats me.

Giratina: Okay... Okay, I'll admit it. You were right about the Goblin Ham... Blegh.

Jojo: Told you. But how can you appreciate the honey... It's just so sappy...

Giratina: What about it. No big difference between the normal and rare one, though.

Jojo: Hm-Hm... How did they find us here to deliver this letter...

Jojo: ... An outing ticket... ? ... Hey, wanna go to the cafe ?

Giratina: Aren't we kind of in a hurry though ?

Jojo: Yes, but do you wanna go ?

Giratina: You bet I am. Let's fucking go.

Jojo: But man, that monster was quite tough, wasn't it ?

Giratina: We only won because of you, Jojo.

Jojo: ... Too much sugar in that drink ?

Giratina: You're amazing. I truly admires you.

Jojo: Yeah, definitely too much. Let's get back.

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