Chapter 3: The great, strong, handsome, beautiful sage

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And he smells really good too.

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Giratina: Okay... We beat up the monster, and the face flew off in the distance... Now what ?

Jojo: Follow me.


Urahara: Phew... Oh ! Is my face back on ? That's a relief... Sticking a poor fella's face on a monster, who'd even do that ?! Anyway, thank you.

Giratina: Dude... That's insane.

Jojo: I know, right ?

*Ho ho ho ! Don't worry ! That process of getting your face back is perfectly harme-*

Both: Money !

Jojo: Oh, sorry, were you saying something ?

*... Nah.*

Giratina: I sense the narrator is in a bad mood...

Jojo: Yeah... No idea why though.

*... Go on ahead. More awaits you.*

Jojo: Yeah, yeah... Here goes...

Giratina: I must say, this is more fun than I was expecting.

Jojo: When you level up again, you won't be saying that.

Giratina: You just had to remind me, did you ?

Jojo: What are you doing ?

Giratina: Shut up and watch. You're not the only one who can one-shot those butterflies.


Giratina: Here ya go ! And I was worried for a moment...

*Giratina gained a level !*


Jojo: Hello, my name is karma, the bad bitch.

Giratina: Shut... the fuck... Up...

Jojo: Could you at least compare to last time ? Did it really hurt less ?

Giratina: K... Kinda... Felt like my limbs were tore away, but without the vinegar this time...

Jojo: What an improvement.

Giratina: I wanna go at the inn...

Jojo: Sorry, you said something ? I wasn't listening... Looking at this cloud.

Giratina: What cloud ?

Jojo: This one, look. It looks like a Slime Jelly.

Giratina: This one ? Looks more to me like some Goblin Ham... Blegh

Jojo: Blegh... Seriously, how is that managing to make me hungry ?

Giratina: Then there's two of us... So ridiculously hungry.

Jojo: Hey...

Giratina: Hm ?

Jojo: Easy path or tough path ?

Giratina: What kind of question even is that ?

Jojo: There's a sign and a split path. So, easy or tough ?

Giratina: let's take tough. What's the worst that could happen ?

One goblin genocide later:

Giratina: Well, that went smoother than expected.

Jojo: You... You are NOT allowed to talk ! Not when you didn't took any amount of damage !

Giratina: Yeah, I'm still baffled that every single one of them decided to target you instead of me. But look at the bright side.

Jojo: What bright side ?

*Jojo gained a level !*

Giratina: Sweet sweet payback.


Giratina: Hey...

Giratina: You... You okay there ?

Jojo: I now have an immense urge to jump and shove my sword into something. We better get to an in before I decide to test it on you.

Giratina: Roger that.

Giratina: Okay, but the chest was kinda worth it, right ?

Jojo: Who knows even what was on the easy path ?

Giratina: Same but easier...

Jojo: ... ... ... Hm ?

*Ding- Ding*

Giratina: ... We weren't waiting for someone...

*Ho ho ! Seems you've got company !*

Jojo: Okay... Who is it this time ?

*It's a new team member ! Defeating the Dark Lord would be difficult with only two of you. So I called a new team member to come and join you. Give him a warm welcome, ho ho !*

Sans: Nice to finally meet someone ! I've been wandering around for hours before finally finding this inn.

Jojo: ... ...

Giratina: ... ... Looks like there's more than just two of us...

Sans: What ?

Giratina: Let me guess. You're named "Y/n L/n" and got here after clicking some sort of of big blue button ?

Sans: How... Do you know ?

Giratina: Same happened to me. Also, we're both named that, so we've got to go with nicknames. He's Jojo, and I'm Giratina. You ?

Sans: Uhh... Sans ? I guess ? Do you know...

Jojo: Some sort of alternate universe that resemble a video-game.

Sans: Oh, we got Isekaid ? And I was worried for a moment.

Giratina: Because not anymore... ?

Sans: Yeah, I'm kind of a regular for these. Been there and all. So, if you need help, just ask away.

Jojo: Okay... So, I think I'm the warrior, and Giratina somehow was given a pan and makes food.

Sans: I see... So we've got a healer and Tank/DPS... Well, I'm a thief. I'm the support.

Giratina: Physical or emotional ?

Sans: Depends on the context. Well, I'm looking forward to traveling with you !

*Be sure you make Sans feel welcome to the team. By the way, I thought I'd called another member... I wonder what became of them. Well, i'm sure they'll show up eventually. For now, you're a party of three. Ho ho ho !*

Sans: That divine spirit sure is more polite and useful than Aqua...

Giratina: We just call him the narrator. Hey, you hungry ? We've got a bunch of Ham with us.

Sans: Ham ? Guess I'll try some.


Jojo: What is wrong with that Goblin Ham, seriously ? No one like it...

Sans: G- Goblin Ham ?!

Giratina: I dunno, man... Hey, try the honey while you're at it.

Sans: ... Blegh.

Giratina: You too ?! Listen, I know I'm the chef, but if none of you can enjoy what we get, we won't go far !

Jojo: Speaking of going, we've got a Lvl 1 here, so I'd be much more at ease if he could train a little.

Giratina: Yeah, there's that too.

Sans: Well, if I have to...

Jojo: hey...

Sans: Hm ?

Jojo: Am I right in saying those aren't the clothes you had when we met ?

Sans: You would be indeed correct.

Jojo: Not even a day in and you're already using the funds, huh ? Well, you kinda need the defense, I guess.

Sans: You do realize there's two of us who got new clothes, right ?

Jojo: Is that so...

*Sans gained a level !*


Jojo: A sweeping attack, that could be very useful...

Giratina: Did you really need to half-knock me out just because I bought a new uniform ?

Jojo: No, because you did it by yourself. We don't know how long it will take us, you know ?


Giratina: Speaking of, how long will it take us ? I mean, how long have we been here ?

Jojo: Honestly, I... I don't know. Time has been really inconsistent since I got here... I don't even know if it's been just hours or days.

Giratina: I better get back quick, or Erza will be worried...

Jojo: Who ?

Giratina: My girlfriend.


Jojo: I swear, the lungs on that guy...

Sans: Haa... Haa...

Giratina: I know it hurts, but that much is new.

Jojo: leave him be, so he can recover. Or help me open this chest, while you're at it.



Giratina: YOU EAT IT !!



Jojo: GAAARGKHGLB !! ... Blegh.

Sans: Okay, I don't know who in their right mind decided to invent that Ham, but I'd really like to give them a piece of mine.

Giratina: Probably a Goblin.

Jojo: That would explain quite a lot actually...

Jojo: Okay, new weapons ?

Sans: Check.

Giratina: Why a toy dagger ? You were supposed to buy something better.

Sans: And it is. You've gotta know, the looks and stats aren't the same.

Jojo: Okay... Armor is on. let's go.

Sans: wait... Something's off.

Giratina: So you felt it too ? That obnoxious feeling...

Jojo: I see... It would seem that's something else we share...

All 3: The bullshit-o-meter is tingling.

Rance-Sama: Hmm ? Well, look who it is ! You just keep turning up like a bad penny !

Giratina: So that's the Dark Lord ?

Sans: The what now ?

Giratina: The guy that's been running around and stealing faces left and right.

Sans: Why aren't his hair and eyebrows the same color ?

Jojo: I've never though about this... Maybe it's a Dark Lord thing, who knows ?

Sans: Most of them have helmets on, maybe so we can't see ? Would that be the reason they're so evil ?

Jojo: Because they can't show their eyebrows ? Kinda petty, if you ask me.

Giratina: But then again, aren't these guys supposed to be petty to begin with ?

Sans: Please don't send me that way, I've always hated philosophy.

Rance-Sama: ENOUGH !!

Jojo: Oh, right. Um, heroic speech... Dark Lord Rance-Sama ! Prepare to taste defeat !

Rance-Sama: Pffffft... Aaaaahh ha ha haaaa ! Oh that was a good one ! Well, since you want it so much, let's dance !

Jojo: Erm...

Giratina: yeah, kinda forgot we're only like, level 3 here.

Sans: Lucky you.

???: Hold it right there !!

Rance-Sama: What ?! Who dares... ?

???: Hmm. So you're this Dark Lord I've been hearing so much about. You won't be getting your way for much longer...

Karadock: Not if I have anything to say about it !

Rance-Sama: Didn't anyone ever tell you nobody likes a party pooper ? I might just let you live... This time ! Bye for now ! Mwaa ha ha haaaa !!

Jojo: Okay, breathe in, breath out...

Sans: Oh, that's what I was forgetting to do... Bwah !!

Karadock: How do you do ?

Giratina: Could've been better. And you are ?

Karadock: They call me Karadock, I'm a traveling mage.

Jojo: Jojo.

Giratina: Giratina.

Sans: Sans.

Karadock: ... ... Intriguing. So you're on a quest to defeat the Dark Lord ?

Giratina: We... We were a little forced at the start. But yes, that's what we're going for.

Sans: And after what just happened...

Karadock: You feel like you're not strong enough ? I sense a strange power within you, though. You might not think it's much now, but continue your journey and you'll go from strength to strength ! So just hang in there.

Jojo: That's what I do best !

Giratina: That's what we do best !

Sans: 'I wish I had a way to play the USSR anthem right now...'

Karadock: If fortune is on our side, we'll meet again. Until then !

Jojo: That great sage Karadock... I wonder who he is... Somehow, I've got the feeling that I already know him, from long ago...

Sans: You too, huh. Same here, kinda like I've always known him...

Giratina: He's got that kind of presence around him... Not just power... There's something else.

Jojo: Let's not focus on that for now. We're on a mission, and we'll accomplish it ! Are you with me, Gentlemen ?!

Giratina: Huuuh...

Sans: Okay, we're on, but... Please...

Giratina: Don't start calling us "Gentlemen". It makes us feel old.

Jojo: Okay, okay... But here's something that might interest you a bit more.

Giratina: What ?

Jojo: A split path. And, I think the right one leads to a chest.

Giratina: ...

Sans: ...

Jojo: ...

All 3: MONEY- !!

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