Chapter 4: Questionably competent

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

*It is now formed, our three adventurers, on their quest to defeat the Dark Lord...*

Jojo: Money !

*Our brave...*

Giratina: Money !

*S... S- Selfless heroes...*

Sans: MONEY !!

*Oh for fuck's sake ! Could you at least allow me to try and give you an image of proper heroes ?!*

Jojo: Can you see the number of enemies we've encountered so far ?

Sans: That's the number of fucks we give right now.

Giratina: Hey, I see the chest !

Giratina: That sure is some big-ass chest...

Sans: Who knows what amount of treasures could be in here ? Quick, open it !


Jojo: ... ... ... Okay. Okay... So, a chest in the middle of nowhere, in which we could easily all fit... Contained but a single frying pan... ?

Giratina: Well, I sure ain't complaining. I call dibs !

Jojo: I don't think any of use could use it... And speaking of using it...

*Encountered three Goblins !*

Sans: Does that mean we give three fucks now ?

Jojo: Maybe. HAH !

*First assist: Praise !*

Giratina: Not half-bad, heh ?

Jojo: And trust me, you've seen nothing yet !

Sans: Okay, so taking the path to the right wasn't as profitable as we expected. We take the left one now ?

Jojo: Kinda forced. We need to if we want to rescue all the faces.

*Encountered two Cumulus !*

Giratina: Hey... These are kinda cute tho. Okay, time to kill.

Jojo: Just wait a sec.


Jojo: I wonder why we don't just beat the crap out of them right away.

Sans: It's the rules in that kind of setups. We're in a turn-by-turn game-like world here.

Jojo: Aah, what great weather for an adventure.

Sans: That's not you.

Jojo: Listen, I'm trying to lighten up the mood here, and frankly speaking, you're not helping. I'd much rather go adventure with that kind of weather.

Sans: Indeed, great weather for adventuring. But not just that.

Jojo: For what else then ?

Sans: Going home.

Jojo: ... I feel you. The faster we turn Dark Lord into Dork Lord, the faster we can go back. So please stop lagging behind.


Giratina: Again ? Is that who and what I think it is ?

Sans: Probably. Royal Flush.

Giratina: Damn it !

*Ho ho ! Don't be shy, go and welcome your new teammate !*

Staff: Huff... Huff... I finally made it. Say, would any of you guys happen to see a little girl with blond hair, a white dress and little wings ?

Jojo: Not really. Was she a friend of yours before you got Isekaied ?

Staff: Nah, I adopted her after I was isekaied.

Sans: Okay, how much of a pitch do you need ?

Staff: Not much, the voice in my head explained the situation to me.

Giratina: You mean the narrator.

Staff: Oh, is that his name ? But yeah, I had a pitch. Dark Lord, faces to rescue, I know it. It will make for a nice break before I get to these vassal heroes.

Jojo: Vassal heroes ?

Giratina: The break might take quite the long time. Seriously, you'd think we would know a big blue button in the middle of nowhere is weird and we shouldn't touch it...

Jojo: My mentor and teacher was dumb enough to touch an electric outlet in the middle of the desert, so...

Staff: Blue button ? Is that how you guys got here ?

Sans: Not you ?

Staff: No. Was fighting that giant turtle controlled by a hero from a mirror world. Passed a portal to go after him, and then I got here.

Jojo: Huh. Looks like I'm not the only one who got here just because. So what should we call you ?

Staff: I'm Y/n L/n, the Staff Hero !

Giratina: So Staff, got it.

Staff: What ?

Jojo: We're all "Y/n L/n" here, so we have to go with nicknames. Jojo, Giratina, and Sans.

Staff: Oh, Ok.

*Staff joined your team !*

Jojo: Alright ! So now our party, somehow solely comprised of four different versions of the same person gathered from across the multiverse, is finally complete after Staff's arrival !

Staff: i'm sure we'll rub along just great !

Jojo: Ahem. As much as I wouldn't like to make a speech, the thing is, I believe we all are in a hurry here. So in accordance to my better judgement, I'll just says that: Bottoms up ! To our future and hopefully short adventures !

All: Cheers !!


Sans: Okay... So what do we do with all that Ham now ? No one likes it.

Jojo: Maybe if we keep it long enough, we can use it as a biological weapon ?

Giratina: Probably more effective than most of what we already have...

Jojo: Okay, ready to save yet another face ?

Staff: You bet we... We... We...

Jojo: Uh ?

Staff: Ah... Ahh... Ahahaahaaa... K- Ka...

Kakyoin: Hi ! Hello ! I'm Kakyoin !

Jojo: Oh. Right, you too...

Kakyoin: What ?

Jojo: Nothing.

Staff: Abagagaga...

Jojo: Don't mind him. So, what's your deal ?

Kakyoin: Well, you see... I've heard of these little figurines you can sometimes find... You can't consider yourself a real gamer without one !

Jojo: Never heard of that before.

Kakyoin: Well, if you find one, could you show it to me ? Please ?

Jojo: Sure, whatever... ... ... Okay, what's happening to you ?

Staff: That... That was Kakyoin ! Kakyoin ! The real one !!

Jojo: Not exactly real one, you know ? Just someone with the same face and name.

Staff: How can you be so insensitive ?!

Jojo: Before I got here, It's been like 3 days since the last time I saw him.

Staff: Three days... S- Saw him... J- Jojo...

Jojo: Yes ?

Staff: ... ... ... Aaahnnn~ !!

Giratina: What the fuck happened to him ?!

Jojo: Okay, from what I could understand... In his universe, what happened to me is a manga. And he is quite the fan of it.

Sans: Congratulations, you've got yourself a fanboy.

Jojo: Give me a break...

Staff: Aahhhhhhh...

Giratina: Who know how much of a pain it will be working with that guy...

Giratina: Stop playing with the enemy !!

Sans: You're like a god damn child we need to watch over constantly !!

Jojo: Shut up. All of you. Something's coming.

Jojo: Listen, if you want to distract those clouds, I won't keep it against you.

Staff: I can fend for myself ! Fire !!

Giratina: It's just a damn rock, what could it d-


Giratina: Arg... No...




*Ho ho ho. You've run out of HP completely ? If you do, you're done for, and can't continue to fight. But ! You can use the Life sprinkles to revive ! But they are extremely precious ! So don't waste them ! Ho ho ho !*

Giratina: ... ... BAH !! I'm live !!

Jojo: You sure ? I can test it out.

Giratina: Keep that sword away !

Sans: Well, kind of an uneventful battle.

Giratina: I died !

Sans: That's not a remarkable event.

Giratina: You...

*Jojo Gained a level ! Giratina gained a level ! Staff gained a level ! Sans gained a level*


Jojo: Well, at the very least, it it becoming gradually less painful to level up as we progress.

Sans: It doesn't even make sense that it hurts. It's supposed to be a reward !

Jojo: Maybe that's why they went to such lengths to find us ? Because no one else wanted to. Speaking of, where did the other two go ?

Sans: To see a movie, I think. With one of these tickets we got.

Jojo: They have cinemas here ?

Sans: Don't ask me.

Staff: *Sniffle*

Giratina: Huuuh... You okay there buddy ?

Staff: It's just so... So touching...

Giratina: Oh, right...

Staff: Bwaaaaaaah !

Giratina: 'It's still just the trailers...'

Jojo: So how was it ?

Giratina: I don't wanna talk about it.

Sans: Well, our turn now. Let's go fishing.

Sans: How big do you think it was ?

Jojo: No idea, fucker broke my line before I could get a look.

Giratina: Hey, which one did we get last time ?

Jojo: This one.


Tosen: About time. Ah, got my face back ! I got mixed up with a bad'un... Well, you're not a bad sort, I suppose. Fine, you deserve at least something.

Jojo: Thank you... 'Asshole'.

Giratina: What an absolute piece of...

Jojo: Yeah, he was kind of the same when I met him. Looks like not only their names and faces, but even their personalities are quite similar.

Sans: So how much do we have left to recover ?

Jojo: Just two. Probably somewhere through the grove or cave.

Staff: Then what are we waiting for then ? Let's go get them !

Sans: Urgh, I'm staaarving !

Giratina: Me too... And to think I'm the chef...

Staff: Om nom nom nom...

Sans: Whatever you're eating, as long as it's not Goblin Ham, I want a bite too.

Staff: Nah, I've got nothing. I'm just pretending to eat.

Giratina: You... What ?

Staff: Through sheer willpower and focus, I can trick my stomach into feeling full.

Giratina: ... That's it, he has gone mental. I knew this trek was too much.

Sans: We better find an inn and something to grub before he starts eating his own arms...

Rangiku: Aiiieee !


Jojo: Okay, let's go, and- Wait, what are you doing ?

Sans: Don't mind me, it looks dodgy out there...

Jojo: What does that even ARG !!

Sans: Thank you~

Jojo: You... Don't worry, you're next on my list now ! Ha !!


Jojo: Overdrive !!

Staff: So with that, there's only one face left to get. The caves, right ?

Sans: Most likely. But for now, let's bring this one back.


Rangiku: T- Too bright... Look ! It's back ! It's all thanks to this adventurer.

Gin: Thank you so much. Looking good !

Rangiku: Much better !

Giratina: Riverdeep caverns... The last face to get... Bwaaaaaaah...

Sans: These banshees are a pain to deal with...

Staff: Just put him in timeout for a bit. He'll get better eventually.

Jojo: You guys are just weak-minded.

Sans: Well, excuse us for not being complete sociopaths like you.

Jojo: I've seen and done enough shit in my life to become immune, there's a difference.

Giratina: Hey, I've been wondering...

Staff: What ?

Giratina: Do you have a war cry you use in battle ?

Staff: Hum... Not that I can remember from the top of my head... But I guess there is something...

Giratina: What is it ?

Staff: Hr-hm... ... Hinjaku HINJAKU !!

Giratina: Oh, that's nice.

Jojo: ... ... Never ever pronounce these words in front of me again. Or else you'll become the new source of Goblin Ham.

Staff: *Glups* O- Okay...

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