Chapter 12: Heroes/Her-Hoes

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

???: H- Help ! Someone !!

Jojo: Well... It looks like we weren't exactly looking at the right place after all...

Robin: ... That voice is extremely familiar...

Robin: I knew it. Miss Navigator.

Nami: Oh, the humanity... The genie of the lamp attacked us ! And he made off with all my hard-earned gold ! ... You guys looks like battle-hardened warriors...

Jojo: Uhhh... i'm a cleric, you know...

Nami: You wouldn't let a poor, defenseless girl like me alone to get my treasure back from the genie's claws, would you~ ?

Jojo: Are you trying to seduce me into doing your bidding ? Can anyone here deal with this ?

Robin: Leave that to me.

Nami So, would you mind getting my gold back for me, please ?

Robin: Of course. i'm sure these ingots and gems feel lonely without you. Who knows what this evil genie could be doing right now.

Nami: I like you, miss. Please, hurry ! You'll be rewarded ! Thanks ever so much ! His hideout's in the underground maze. Just keep an eye out when you leave town, you can't miss it. Best of luck !

Natsu: What exactly did you do ?

Robin: Made sure we'd get rewarded.

Jojo: Well, let's go.

Natsu: Ahhh, no more sand... Finally out of these stupid hills... Wait, wait ! I've left something back at the inn !

Robin: What did you forget ?

Natsu: My diary...

Robin: I didn't know you kept a diary !

Natsu: Well, my friend Lucy's writing a book, so I thought I'd give it a try too ! I've been keeping it for ages ! And it's still got the nice plastic wrap on it and all !

Robin: Wait... You don't... Actually write anything in it ?

Natsu: In my brand new diary ? Are you supposed to ?

Robin: ... Let's just go. Before I start calling you captain by mistake...


Jojo: Oh. Looks like the final one finally arrived.

Natsu: What makes you think that ?

*Knock knock*

Jojo: I just left a note on the door.

Jojo: Good day. Which one are you looking for ?

Naofumi: The one who uses magic...

Jojo: Welcome aboard.

Naofumi: ... okay, what the hell was that note ?

*If you're called Y/n, or looking for someone called Y/n, knock twice then enter. Also, beware of the cat.*

Naofumi: What the hell was that for ?

Jojo: I am called Y/n, there's three more, counting the one you're after, and here's the cat, he gets angry fast.

Natsu: Hey !

Naofumi: ... And here I thought the team I previously had was something weird... Why should I trust you lot ?

Jojo: I am nicknamed "Jojo", and from what I could get from your friend, I am from a rather enjoyable series.

Naofumi: ... He fangasmed, didn't he ?

Jojo: On more than one occasion, unfortunately.

Naofumi: haaaa... Pleased to meet you. I'm Naofumi, and as you could guess, I'm looking for your fanboy.

Jojo: Good. That makes four of us now. Natsu, Robin, Naofumi.

Naofumi: Hm, by the way... Where are we headed exactly ?

Jojo: In the general direction of the East, after the Dark lord who spirited away the three you guys are looking for. That scum.

Robin: ... You guys didn't get along so greatly, did you ?

Jojo: How did you notice ? But all jokes apart, the guy's been running around, stealing faces left and right, so we kinda need to stop him.

Natsu: Will that make us go home ?

Jojo: ... Narrator ?

*Ho ho ho ! You are correct ! Your purpose here is defeating the dark lord, and doing so will allow you to return !*

Jojo: Then yes, I suppose.

Naofumi: This world is stupid.

Robin: I think it's quite fun.

Naofumi: ... Are we gonna be okay ?


Natsu: What is he doing ?

Robin: He tried these "Doner kebabs" I got from Sanji... I think he likes it.

Natsu: What even are these... OM NOM NOM NOM NOM !!

Robin: ... And here I am, enjoying a simple toast...

Naofumi: So, we've got... A cleric, a cat, an imp, and a scientist... one of these really sounds weird to the ear.

Natsu: Yeah, imp sound like it's an enemy.

Naofumi: ... yeah, let's just go with that for now...

Karadock: Well, now... Fancy meeting you here.

Jojo: I was hoping to see you... There's genie running amok as we speak...

Karadock: Hmm, that's what I was fearing... the seal has been broken... that's less than ideal.

Jojo: About that... We, uh... kinda found that lamp. But I swear we aren't the ones who released the genie. The lamp was simply forced on our hands afterwards.

Karadock: Well, conveniently, that is the very lamp I'm after. It can be used to seal the villain. The process is quite simple, just hold the lamp and recite the incantation.

Jojo: Incantation ?

Karadock: Mmhmm. It's the genie's name. Just keep saying his name over and over.

Jojo: Oh, repeat his name, eh ? 'What was his name, again ?'

Karadock: Correct. I know you can do it.

Naofumi: What's this story about a genie ? I thought we were after the Dark Lord ?

Jojo: This is an annoying subplot brought forth because a moron going by the name of Motoyasu couldn't keep his hands to himself.

Naofumi: Motoyasu ? ... Whatever, it's only the third time he unleashed a calamity... maybe fourth... Will we seal the genie ?

Jojo: As long as we make the spell...

Naofumi: The genie's name, is it ? What was his name again ?

Jojo: The thing is, I'm not even sure if we knew it to begin with...

Naofumi: Uhhh... Mmmaybe we should try and gather more info, before throwing ourselves at battle ?

Jojo: Yeah, good idea. Let's go back to town for a moment.

Robin: The... the name of the genie ?

Naofumi: Yeah, apparently we can't seal him back into the lamp without it. Just another pain to deal with.

???: Good sir !

Naofumi: What now ?! I'm not in the m-

Raphtalia: Sir ! My father is very ill !

Rayleigh: *Cough hack cough*

Naofumi: ... Raphtalia, what are you doing here and who on Earth is this man ?!

Robin: Dark King Rayleigh...

Raphtalia: please would you buy an MP sweet from us ? Only 500G !

Naofumi: What ?! No !!

Raphtalia: Waaaaaaaaa !!

Rayleigh: *Cough hack cough*

Naofumi: ... Okay what the hell ?!

Robin: I suppose we forgot to tell you... their faces and names, even personalities, but they are not the real ones.

Naofumi: That was crazy...

Jojo: You don't say. I've already met quite a lot of them on my way here. It was quite a shock at the beginning, but now I think it's just funny to see them all here.

Naofumi: Fun, heh...

Malty: Did you even listen to a word I said ?

Jotaro: Oh, give me a break !

Jojo: ... O- Okay... can the two of you excuse us for the time being ?

Naofumi: We... We kinda need to go... A bit farther.

Natsu: ... What are they doing ?

Robin: If I knew...




Malty: I said, this genie of the lamp's being a real nuisance, isn't he !

Jotaro: Is he ? It's none of my business !

Malty: You just don't care about any of this, do you ?

Jotaro: Look, just stop getting on my case !

Jojo: Weee... weehee... Haa...

Naofumi: Ho... Ohoh... ow, my diaphragm...

Robin: ... As funny as it may have been for you, we still have no information on the genie...

Natsu: Yeah, chasing Laxus will be a pain now.

Robin: Wait... Laxus ? Is that the genie's name ?

Natsu: Well, yes... ... ... Did I say something weird ?


Jojo: You knew all along ?! Why didn't you tell anything ?!

Natsu: No one asked !! I thought we were trying to know where he is !!

Naofumi: We already know where he is !! We're trying to get the spell to trap him !!

Natsu: Ohhh... Well, my bad.

Jojo: ... Naofumi, hold him down... Robin, open his collar... I'm getting a bucket of sand...

Natsu: ... ...A-

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