Chapter 11: Kids Neksdor

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Jojo: I wonder who that could be this time...

Robin: Is this the right place ? I was told to come here...

Jojo: ... Natsu, you know her ?

Natsu: Never seen her before.

Jojo: Okay... So, are you here looking for someone called Y/n ?

Robin: How... How did you know ?

Jojo: The Sans one or the Staff one ?

Robin: Why the question ? Is there more with that name ?

Jojo: A few. i'm one myself, and the others have been spirited away by the dark lord we're on our way to get them back wanna tag along ?

Robin: Please remember to breathe. But yes, I'm trying to get him back, uh... he has white hair and a glowing blue eye.

Jojo: Yep, that checks it. He's one of them. Pleased to have you onboard, miss... ?

Robin: Robin. Nico Robin.

Jojo: Jojo here, and that's Natsu in the cat suit over there.

*Robin joined your team !*

Jojo: And so the journey continue... the same questions continue to be asked, without an answer... Such interrogations only befitting of the greatest minds...

Robin: I didn't know you were versed in philosophy.

Jojo: Hm ? No, don't mind me. Just asking myself if someone will ever really like the goblin ham.

Robin: Is that so... Risky shortcut ? Perhaps we should-

Natsu: NO !! No matter what you do... DO NOT !! Do not go that way !! It's horrible !

Robin: ... Huh... ?

Jojo: Griffin-induced PTSD. I'd also advise for the safe path. But for now...

???: Just a minute there !! Who has a never-ending thirst for fun and games ?

Gajeel: Me, the one and only quizmaster, that's who ! Shoobidoowah !


Jojo: So he's from his place, noted.

Robin: His place ?

Jojo: Just a second, Imma explain this to you when it's done.

Gajeel: You look like someone quite sharp... Do you want to try my quiz, "who is it" ?

Jojo: Yeah, let's go with that.

Gajeel: Congratulations ! You beat me, fair and square.

*You got 5 HP bananas*

Gajeel: Be seeing you !

Robin: So, now that this is over...

Jojo: Ah, right. You guys need to be prepared for that, there's a good chance you'll end up meeting with familiar faces. But that's the point, they're only faces. They're not the real ones.

Natsu: wait, so that wasn't Gajeel ?

Jojo: Not as far as I know. But it seems that they hold some personality traits. Like, there was this stripper guard back at the castle...

Natsu: Ah, that ice pervert.

Robin: A friend of yours ?

Natsu: An acquaintance, at best. And a royal pain in my ass.

Jojo: ... I have the distinct feeling working with you guys will be more enjoyable than I originally thought...

???: Mr.Jojo !!

Joseph: Hello there ! They call me the prodigious postman !

Jojo: ... 'Mr.Joestar, what did they do to you... ?'

Joseph: I've got a letter addressed to a certain Mr.Jojo here. That would be you, yes ?

Jojo: ... Hard work for sure...

Robin: So that was one of your acquaintance ?

Jojo: Quite. My old mentor, before he was old. And some old friends.

Natsu: ... How did we even got there to begin with ?

Jojo: Now you're asking too much, even for me. Let's move on.

Robin: Why are you looking at me ?

Natsu: That's been bugging me since this morning... Why the hell is that a fork ?

Robin: Now I have no idea... Maybe to eat large slices of that ham ?

Natsu: that doesn't make any sense...

Jojo: Listen, I have a squeaky hammer, and I use it to magically heal your wounds. Leave all logic behind, it will not help you. You are a cat.

Natsu: ... You also are literally a basket made of wicker

Jojo: See ? This is a world where wicker is stronger than silk. Get used to it.

Natsu: ... Do i also need to get used to sand getting stuck ?

Robin: I think we can endure your ranting about that for a bit longer.

Natsu: Great... ... ... Hm, I have no idea what I should yell...

Jojo: ... war cry ?

Robin: Good idea. Don't you have a war cry you could shout out in these occasions ?

Natsu: Hmm... ... FIRE KITTY IRON PAW !!

Robin: That sure is something.

Jojo: As long as you don't shout it too often or too close to our ears.

Robin: Ready... ?

Jojo: Ready ? For wha- OW !! What the- !! YOU !!

Robin: Fufu. These goblins sure are sneaky, aren't they ?

Natsu: if you wanted to give him your turn, you could've just ask, I'm sure.

Robin: It's funnier this way. When you're an imp, you have to act as one. Hm ?

Sanji: Om nom nom... This is...! It's a perfect medley of summer vegetables and meat ! A symphony in my mouth ! The meat juices are almost painfully flavorful ! IT'S A VIVID OASIS IN THE DESERT OF MY MOUTH !! Oh, good day... L- LOVELY LADY !!

Robin: ... Even so far, our cook always stays the same...

Sanji: I am the roaming gourmet, Sanji. Lady, you MUST taste this hautest of haute cuisine, it'll move you to the ecstasies of emotion ! I must share this bliss with you !

Sanji: Bon appetit !!

Robin: ...'Never change, Sanji.'

Motoyasu: Sigh.. Princess darkness...

???: Hello there.

Lamp: I am but a humble spirit, guardian of this great desert. I was minding my own business when an evil mage trapped me in this lamp ! Would you kindly let me out ?

Motoyasu: ... hrm, I don't know...

Lamp: I'll grant you any wish you want. Your heart's desire ! All you need to do is rub the lamp.

Motoyasu: *Squeak squeak*

Lamp: Nearly there... Keep going !

Motoyasu: ... *Squeaksqueaksqueaksqueak-*



Laxus: Wharharharhar ! Free at last !!

Motoyasu: Ahem. So, about my wish ?

Laxus: What, you were foolish enough to actually believe all that ? Right, then... maybe I'll tear up in town like old times ! Wharharharhar ! Later !

Jojo: ... I believe we've met before, haven't we ?

Motoyasu: Oh. It's you. I- I'm just minding my own business ! I wasn't doing anything wrong !

Jojo: really ? You have the distinct look of someone who just messed up big time and really regrets it.

Motoyasu: Keep your mouth shut! Here, keep this.

Motoyasu: Now leave me be !

Jojo: So he gave us this lamp... Hey, didn't the great sage tell us about a lamp he had lost ?

Natsu: I don't remember it well. I was more focused on getting all that sand off me.

Jojo: Yes, I could hear that. On the meantime, I think he told us not to touch it, under any circumstances...

Robin: If anything happened, it's probably cause by that prince back there.

Natsu: You think something bad will happen ?

Jojo: If even the Great Sage Karadock was worried, then it must be pretty serious. We should probably gather information at the next town...

Jojo: Okay, remember gang, we're here for info, so please try not to spend too much time examining everyone here. Try looking for someone who looks like they need help.

Natsu: Roger.

Robin: Understood.

Jojo: Alright team. Spread !

Natsu: he says that, but how do you see that... Huh ?

Makarov: You there, lad ! Hear an old man out, will you ?

Natsu: man, that's true... he looks just like gramps...

Makarov: Ohh, our land was in an awful plight ! It was terrifying ! The genie of the lamp awoke from his slumber... the so-and-so went by the name of Laxus. Ran amok stealing our belonging, he... Did... Young one, this story is not supposed to make you strangle yourself with laughter !!


Makarov: Younglings these days, I swear... The great sage Karadock was something else, him... Sucked Laxus right back into his lamp ! he'll not see the light of day again for some time, I reckon ! I just hope he learned his lesson...

Jojo: I just hope one of us at least can find something useful...

Jojo: ... 'Been a while since I've seen one of you guys'.

Orihime: Shallaranran~... Welcome to Neksdor ! Shallaranran ! Sing with me now ! A one, and a two...

Jojo: That's nice and all, but, you see, we're looking for someone... Did anything weird happen here lately ?

Orihime: Not that I know about, for sure. Come on, just dance and forget all your worries. Shallaran, shallaran, shallawallaran~ !

Jojo: ... 'Not exactly helping, but it' fun...'

Robin: A desert... really reminding me of that time we met for the second time, in Alabasta...

???: Gah !

Robin: ... Mr.Swordsman, I see...

Zoro: Well I never ! This was supposed to be the path to the Bigg Forest, how did I end up in this desert ?! I swear, these indications suck. This is exceedingly strange.

Robin: ... Hello ?

Zoro: I should have been right on top of it... hrrrmmmm...

Robin: ... 'He's just too focused to notice anything... Not that he'd be of much help, if he's just like the real one...'

Jojo: So, did you get anything useful ?

Robin: Unfortunately, nothing, be it about that dark Lord, or anything else, to be honest...

Jojo: Yeah, same here. It would seem this town hasn't been attacked yet. Natsu ?

Natsu: Pfff... Pffffrrr... Khkhkhkkk...

Jojo: So nothing...

Robin: What do we do now ?

???: Ahhh !! H- Help ! Someone !

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