Chapter 10: Coarse, rough, gets everywhere...

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

*A gruesome loss has struck our heroes ! In the midst of the night, the Dark lord raided the inn they were resting in, and kidnapped three of them ! Now the last of them must save his friends, in addition to defeating the great evil that is the dark lord ! He must be absolutely devastated by these events...*


Jojo: Weee... Phew. Okay, the time to party has ended now. It's time to go on, rescue people and bust ass, in no particular order.

*You finally remembered you had companions ?!*

Jojo: Listen, okay ? I never asked you to give me a team. I just work better by myself, that's how I function. I get the job done alright in the end. But I'll admit, as much as these guys were pains to deal with, I enjoyed our time together. Of course I'll save them, silly.

*... You really have a weird way to show people you appreciate them.*

Jojo: There isn't a problem in sight from where I'm standing. And hey, they're Me's. they'll figure a way out.

Jojo: Ahhh... A brand new kingdom to explore. But first things first, now that i'm a priest, there are several things that I should plan, like absolutely not going back to the castle and give DIO head. Then I will steal a bone from him, then I will infiltrate a prison, then I will hire a blind sniper and some other criminals...

*... Let's just comeback when he's done...*

*2 hours later*

Jojo: ... And then I will rotate faster and enter the space shuttle, and attain godhood before getting rekt by oxygen... Okay, maybe not last step, but I've got everything planned now ! We can go on. Onto Neksdor ! Here goes... Scorpions... ? S- Scaredy-scorpions ? Well it's dead now.

Jojo: Ugh... I didn't expect it to be a desert of all things... And that vestment doesn't do a great job at preventing heat... I could use a seat right now...

Jojo: ... Oh ! Now that's what I was looking for !

Jojo: Gh... Now that's the pressure point I needed ! Ready to go at it again !

*You really seem... More enthusiast than usual...*

Jojo: I don't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep ! Out of my way, cacti stack, I'm on a roll !! ... ... ... Okay, I was scared at some point that the level-up pain would come back, but it's not... All for the better.

Jojo: Well... This isn't starting to look bad at all. I'm really enjoying my time here, so let's just hope nothing come in and-


Jojo: H- Huh... ?

Jojo: What... is this... Don't tell me...

*Ho ho ho ! It is tough traveling alone, after all !*

Jojo: What word do you not understand in solitary hero ?!

*Shush now ! I have kept you waiting, But I've called a new team member to come and join you. Trust me, you need companions. It's not even a question of making things easier, but making them actually feasible.*

Jojo: ... Gah, fine ! I'll try and get along with them, I guess... It wasn't so bad after all... Who are they ?

Jojo: ... ... ... ... 'I never asked for a furry friend...'

Natsu: Hello ! Man, am I glad to finally see someone here.

Jojo: ... I swear to god if your name is something like 'Y/n', we're gonna have some things to discuss...

Natsu: Funny you're mentioning that, I'm looking for someone with that name... Did you see him ?

Jojo: ... Gonna have to be a tad more specific on that, 'cause there's at least 4 of us around, me included.

Natsu: You're Y/n... Man, how long has it been ? Since... Uhhh...

Jojo: We never met before.

Natsu: Oh thank god ! I really thought you changed your hair, face, gained like 15 centimeters and got jacked all of a sudden... Then where is he ?

Jojo: Which one ? Sans ? Staff ? Giratina ?

Natsu: Oh, right, this one ! Where is he ?

Jojo: Spirited away by the Dark Lord, unfortunately. I was on my way to kick faces and rescue ass... No, wait, it's the other way around...

Natsu: Let me come with ! If he really got kidnapped... Again... There's no way I'm not busting a new one to that Dark lord !

Jojo: ... What, with your little claws right there ?

Natsu: Claws ? No, that's Happy's job. Where is he anyways ? Did you see a blue cat somewhere ?

Jojo: ... As a matter f fact... I have...

Natsu: Ah, good ! Where is he ? He's my friend, and I need him... Why are you pointing at me ?

Jojo: ... Take this mirror please...


Jojo: ... That's it, he burned a fuse...

Natsu: Wait, so you're telling me... Happy and I fused when we got here ?!

*Unfortunately, this transport isn't suited for several people at a time...Incidents tend to happen... I'm sorry...*

Natsu: So Happy didn't eat me after all... Phew. Don't worry about me, i'm strong With me here, this'll be a piece of cake !

Jojo: ...'Wonder if he knows about the reset in abilities...' So I should expect two more on the way, is that it ?

*Ho ho ho ! You are most correct, my child. They should be here soon. On the meantime, make sure you get along ! Ho ho ho !*

Jojo: ... Alright, so... This is Speedwagon, our horse.

Natsu: Buh... Not really a fan of transportation...

Jojo: Well then, I hope you like running, and run fast. On the meantime, ham.

Natsu: ... Hmm... not bad. Why's it green though ?

Jojo: No reason.

Karadock: Where did it go... ? This is very odd. I can't find it anywhere ! It has to be around here...

Jojo: Oh ? Great sage Karadock ?

Karadock: Oh, it's you ! I heard about your exploits back in Greenhorne. You saved a whole kingdom, that's no small feat. Excellent work!

Jojo: hehe, well... We... Kinda got paid back for that... In more ways than one...

Karadock: is that so... By the by, you've not seen a lamp around here, have you ?

Jojo: the only thing I'm seeing is a very angry cat.


Jojo: So apart that, nope.

Karadock I see... the thing is, I lost quite the important lamp. Quite a dangerous lamp indeed. If you lay eyes upon it, then please don't touch it, whatever you do. Be careful now.

Jojo: ... ... Bah, better not bother him with my problems. You done there ?


Jojo: Fine, fine, 5 more minutes.

Natsu: really, working on sand is harder than you think...

Jojo: Look on the bright side, it'll make you work those core muscles even more.

Natsu: That's not balancing the fact it's getting stuck under my suit...

Jojo: ... safe route... Risky shortcut... What do we...

Natsu: We bust through fairy tail style !! LET'S GO !!

Jojo: Fine, fine... This is just the beginning, how bad can it b-


Natsu: What ?! GAH !

*Team Jojo lost*

Jojo: Urg...

Natsu: Gah...

Jojo: ... Okay, so we come back when we're level 20 and fucking demolish these ?

Natsu: Absolutely.

Jojo: ... What am I supposed to do with that... And why is there "horny" written on the side ? And why is there more goblins here ?

Natsu: My turn to shine ! FIRE KITTY... IRON PAW !!


Natsu: Excuse me what ?!

Jojo: Excuse me, what ?!

Natsu: Fire was supposed to come out ! That was the point ! Why ?!

Jojo: Oh right... All your abilities got erased after you came here, and until you go back home. So now, you're just a cat.

Natsu: ... GAH ! That, the sand and the heat, I'm melting ! Out there ! Someone turn off the sun, at least !

Jojo: Right, that I can do. Leave it to my fabulous magic powers ! Mmmmmmmmmm... BOOM ! There ! It's done !

Natsu: What was that ? Nothing happened...

Jojo: It's a long-term spell, it takes about 6 hours for it to take effect.

Natsu: Woah... Amazing... ... ... ... Hey, wait a sec ! That's just sunset !! Get back here you fraud !

Natsu: Nah.

Jojo: Take it !

Natsu: Don't need it. Don't wanna.

Jojo: I said take the heal, you dumb stubborn asshole ! You're gonna get killed !

Natsu: I got that under control.

Jojo: F*CK !


Jojo: Oh... Again, huh... Wonder who it could be.

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