Chapter seventeen

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The field trip ended and it was about a week after, the avengers and I were lounging on the couches, me next to mama Nat, Bucky next to her, Steve next to him, peter was on the other couch next to tony and pepper.

Wanda, vision, Rodney, Sam, and Hawkeye occupied the long couch.

We were watching Star Wars, it was Peter's choice.

The credits started rolling when the mission alert started blaring. 

Everyone jumped up, and raced to their respective rooms to get dressed for the mission.

. . .
On the plane
. . .

"We're headed toward our mission site, it looks to be a dimensional disturbance, close to what dick came through, we're to go in and do recon, assess the threat and if needed fight it." Steve announced.

Nods echoed around the cabin, as we flew to Central Park. 

The quinjet landed, and one by one we exited.

I saw who it was that landed and I just started running until I was held back. I looked and saw Bucky holding me, keeping me from approaching. 

"Buck that's batman" I exclaimed, trying to get to my father.

He released me and I ran toward the dark knight.

He turned just as I slammed into him, hugging him for the first time in months.

Bruce was obviously surprised for a split second before getting down on one knee so he could hug me better.

I buried my face in his shoulder, and we just sat there giving each other the silent comfort that we were both ok.

When we broke apart, I turned around and looked to see the avengers looking at us, with a little bit of shock, some anger, and just a little bit more awe.

"We should talk about this back at the tower" I suggested, everyone nodded, heading onto the quinjet.

. . .
At the tower
. . .

We were gathered in the common room, masks had been cast aside except for the exception of Batman.

Steve was the first one to talk.

"So you're Batman?"


"And you figured out a way back from your universe?" He asked awkwardly

"I take it robin had revealed more than I anticipated"

I sighed of course that was his main concern, he wanted to know how much danger I've put myself in.

"Dick has revealed that you trained him to be a superhero regardless of his age, letting him fight psychos and letting him be in general danger. What the heck is wrong with you, he's fifteen!!" Bucky yelled.

"Hey I chose to be Robin! He doesn't let me do anything, if he hadn't made me his partner, I'd have gone out anyway and been a hero regardless of what he said."

The heroes minus Batman just kind of looked at me in shock.

"Besides you let me go with peter"

"That's different" tony

"If we didn't want you to go out, you wouldn't have" Steve said while crossing his arms.

Batman grunted. It was his version of 'mhm sure' he knows that the only one who can kind of keep me from going out is him and that's only if I choose to.

"See even your mentor agrees with us" Hawkeye added.

"Oh that wasn't agreement, that was his grunt for 'yeah sure' I mean he can barely keep me in when I want to go out, and he's Batman. He's the one who trained me so multiply my skill level by a terrifying determination and about a bajillion and all that's Batman"

The avengers looked skeptical, and Bruce put a hand on my shoulder as a warning.

"Oooh bats, I've matched each of the avengers up with at least one person from our universe."

I gestured to each person as I told Bruce who they were most like.

"Mama Nat is like a mix of Talia and Selena, Hawkeye is like a member of the league of shadows meets GA, Tony has the personality of GA but is similar to you in like intelligence, Steve is basically Superman just minus everything but his superstength, Bruce Banner is sorta like flash in personality and intelligence, Bucky is Kal and Connor but with assassin abilities and a super powered arm, Wanda is like zatana, peter has the powers of black spider but the personality of Megan, pepper is like poison ivy but she is like cat woman in a momma bear sorta way, Rodney is like Hal, Sam is like hawk man but he's more modern, and Vision could be twins with Martian manhunter." I finished with a proud smirk. The avengers shared confused glances at each other.

"How did you get here anyway? We haven't even figured out that technology yet" tony asked.

"I figured it out" he totally guessed.

"Figured it out? Well it couldn't have been easy" Bruce banner inquired.

"I figured it out" Bruce's growly voice all but ground out.

"Not a man of many words I see" Clint joked.

"Believe me Clint, he's being more conversational than he is with most justice leaguers. He mostly just grunts and growls at people."

Bruce sent the infamous batglare my direction. I pouted leaning back in the couch and crossing my arms.

"Okay now I'm officially shocked, first you just look at him and he's quiet, and who's the justice league."

"It's my world's equivalent of the avengers." I offered.

"Oh the mentors that you were talking about" Steve said, a look of understanding dawning in his face.

"Yeah and on that note a team of teen heroes, what were you thinking" pepper asked, having joined the discussion five minutes ago.

Batman shot a glance at me. "Guilty! me, and two other teen heroes may or may not have gone behind the league's backs and discovered a secret villain base And then blew it up in the process. Bats was salty about it for like two weeks, I had to copy case files by hand from the cave computer, which took forever because someone over here takes extensive notes." I pouted.

"We need to go home dick" Batman said.

"So you're just leaving?" Mama Nat asked. She looked so betrayed.

I looked at Bruce and he looked at me, we had a silent conversation in what Wally has lovingly dubbed 'batspeak'.

'Bruce, is there anyway we can come back at all or give them a device to get to us?'

'I could make another one but it'd take some time, it took two months to even make the first one and this is a one way trip'

I bit my lip, then nodded.

"Alright well this is a one way trip and you aren't coming back for a couple of months but does anyone wanna come with me?" I asked my newfound family.

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