Chapter sixteen

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The elevator doors open to flash.

For a second I was shocked, nobody is supposed to be on this floor.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked the shock was wearing off quickly.

"Yeah right like you're supposed to be up here either." Flash sneered at me.

Think of a lie!! Come on Batman taught you to come up with covers on the spot. Of coarse those covers usually entailed the fact that he and I are famous 'morons'

"I am supposed to be up here, Dr. Banner asked me to come up here to get something for him"

Eugene 'Flash' Thomson narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Bruce banner would never ask you to do anything I mean why would he?"

Never have I ever been so glad that flash didn't know anything about me so he couldn't really throw insults at me.

"Umm well I intern for him, and peter interns for tony stark"

"Well then if you're so smart then why are you at our school?" Flash asked with a smug smile on his face.


"What did you just say to me?" He demanded

"I moved here from....... far away and I got a job working for banner, I met peter, and I didn't really have anywhere else to go to school so I went to midtown because peter goes there."

"Mister Grayson, it appears that Peter has recovered" FRIDAY announced.

Flash scoffed.

"Recovered from what? Too Embarrassed that he wasn't actually an intern here?"

"Flash please just stay here"

After rolling his eyes he consented and I texted the group chat. 

Me - Guys we have a problem, a guy named flash somehow managed to get a badge and made it all the way to Tony's floor, and peter just recovered from his overload, I have the situation handled for now but....

I felt a presence behind me and before I could react my phone was stolen out of my hands. Flash read my message and scrolled through some of the group chat before I finally managed to snatch it back.

"What the heck? Are those real avengers numbers, and is your mom actually black widow?" Flash asked in disbelief.

I sighed, maybe I could salvage this? But at the risk of dragging peter down with me? I have no idea how to spin this without peter getting dragged through the mud with me.

"Flash I need you to swear to me that what I'm about to tell you won't leave between the two of us ok? I can't have news crews on me Alright? Plus you'll pretty much have one of the coolest people low-key friends with you, of coarse you can't tell anyone we're friends but you are being let into an extremely well guarded secret circle and I'm depending on you to keep it ok?"

Flash nodded for once.

"I swear I won't tell anyone"

"If you do I'll be your worst nightmare and that excludes the avengers, you have to continue being the kind of person you are currently, nobody changes that fast"

A solemn nod.

"Ok, the reason nobody knows me is because I'm actually a child hero from a different universe, and I'm robin, I was the huge power surge in Central Park, and I met the avengers, through them I met peter, and we kept me a secret, enrolling me with peter, mama Nat, is in fact black widow but she is an entirely adopted mom, as for the rest of the avengers I indeed know them and you were right, I never really did have an internship, technically but peter does"

Flash raised an eyebrow? "You really expect me to believe that? Please, everyone knows there's no such thing as an alternate universe"

"You're right, I am really black widow's son"

"Oh I knew it" flash exclaimed.

"But you still can't tell anyone Alright?"

"I swear to you man, you literally just became the coolest person I've ever met" he finished.

I rolled my eyes and managed to get him out the door.

Hopefully this dreaded field trip would be over very soon.

I walked to Peter's room, and knocked gently on the door.

A soft "come in" sounded from the other side of the door.

"Hey pete, hows it going?"

"I don't know, I think my overload came from all the stress you know, like just being bullied, and the avengers being the overprotective people they are finding out about it, and then people were shouting and I just, I'm really freaking out."

I sat down on the bed knowing exactly what peter was going through. "Listen peter, remember how I told you about how my mentor, is super overprotective and if he ever got to this universe he'd tear it apart looking for him?" Peter nodded. "Well he's even more protective than the avengers are, and I was bullied at school quite a bit, because well,  I went to a rich school and kids there were mad because my adoptive father who is also my mentor is the richest guy in the city, and they hated that I wasn't born into money so they would shove me around and call me names, and I had to hide it from my mentor because if I told him, he'd actually go like a mad Natasha Romanoff, hulk, and tony all rolled into one terrifying nightmare. So I never told him and I know that can be stressful sometimes, so if you need to talk, let me know, Kay?"

Peter nodded and we headed down to the field trip together.

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