four- Ichigo vs. Grimmjow

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover “Monsters with Souls” featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven’t read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

 Four- Ichigo vs. Grimmjow

Meanwhile in another part of the forest, Ichigo had pushed Grimmjow far enough away from the village.  Grimmjow broke free of Ichigo’s grasp as a large feral grin crossed the sixth Arrancar’s face. “I can understand why Lord Aizen is so keen on having you.  You are already a part of us.  Just surrender to your inner hollow and come join us.” stated Grimmjow.  Ichigo could hear Shiro laughing in the back of his mind. *Is he kidding?  You and I don’t work that way.* Shiro stated. “Sorry but it doesn’t work that way with him and I.  I won’t ever join Aizen in destroying the world.” snapped Ichigo.  Grimmjow pulled his zanpakuto out of its sheath as he charged at Ichigo wildly.  Both zanpakuto’s clashed in a shower of sparks as Grimmjow managed to free one of his hands as a red orb materialized in his palm. “Cero [doom blast]!” snapped Grimmjow as he was aiming for Ichigo’s face.  Ichigo protected himself from the blast with his zanpakuto as he could feel Shiro’s and Tensa Zangetsu’s powers flowing into him.  Ichigo then flash stepped away from Grimmjow putting some distance between him and the Arrancar.     *Thanks Shiro and Tensa Zangetsu.  This opponent is going to be harder to deal with.* Ichigo stated as he held his zanpakuto hard in his hands.  Ichigo knew that his jutsu’s would give him a slight edge against Grimmjow.  Ichigo took a long deep breath as he let it out slowly.  Grimmjow kept a close eye on Ichigo as the teen seemed to relax. “Are you ready to take me seriously?” asked Grimmjow.  Ichigo said nothing as he charged at Grimmjow.  A large feral grin stretched across his face.  “That’s what I’ve been waiting for.  I want to crush you with everything that I’ve got.  I will force you to join us once you see just how powerful we are.” Grimmjow laughed wildly.  He never saw one of Ichigo’s hands leave the hilt of his sword as his one free hand ran through a series of hand signs. “Chidori Getsuga Tensho [thousand birds’ moon fang heaven piercer]!”  Lightning sprung from Ichigo’s fingers combining with his black and red spiritual energy.  Grimmjow screamed out in pain as the attack hit him at close range.  It left a huge dark scar running down the center of his chest.  Grimmjow tried to blast him with a cero at close range only to have his arm cut off (the one Tosen cuts of).  Grimmjow panted wildly as blood poured out of his wound. ‘Aizen said that he was strong.  But I didn’t think that he would be this strong.’ Grimmow thought to himself. “What’s a matter Grimmjow?  Tired all ready?” Ichigo asked earning a sharp growl from the Arrancar. “Not quite!” Grimmjow hissed.  The sixth Arrancar charged at Ichigo as their zanpakuto’s clashed once again.  It seemed that Ichigo was playing with him which frustrated Grimmjow even further. “Damn you shinigami [death god]!”     Grimmjow clutched his sword by his side as he lept away from Ichigo.  Suddenly there was a person standing right behind him as he placed his hand onto Grimmjow’s shoulder.  Grimmjow turned in shock. “Sheath your sword Grimmjow.” stated the man.  Ichigo recognized him to be Tosen, one of the captains that had defected with Aizen. “Tosen……  Why are you here?!” Grimmjow snarled. “Why……  I think that you know the reason why.” replied Tosen.  Ichigo still stood in defensive mod incase that the two decided to team up to fight him.  “You have invaded the world of the living without permission as you have cause one of our high ranking Arrancars to come back severally injured.  Lord Aizen is not pleased.  Let’s return back to Hueco Mundo.” stated Tosen.  A rift opened up as Grimmjow followed the former soul reaper captain. “Where do you think you are going?” asked Ichgio. “Be grateful that Tosen had just saved your life.  I think that you wouldn’t be able to defeat me while I’m in my released form.  I will return and next time you are dead meat!” replied Grimmjow as the rift closed in front of him once he was inside.     Ichigo reached up undoing his hollow mask as he could sense Naruto approaching. “Ichigo?” “I am alright Naruto.  Just my foe decided to retreat before we could finish our fight.  I have a very bad feeling that they also decided to attack back home.” stated Ichigo. “We will head back to Karakura after we have reported to the hokage.  I don’t think that this is over yet.” replied Naruto.  Ichigo nodded his head agree with what the ninja had said as the two flash stepped back towards the village.

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