five- return to Karakura

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover “Monsters with Souls” featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven’t read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

 Five- return to Karakura

When both Naruto and Ichigo returned back to Konaha they saw that the damage caused by the hollows were very little as no one had lost their lives to the hollows.  Any remaining hollow bodies began to slowly vanish away into the wind.

“Is everyone alright?” asked Tsunade as she came down into the village to see the damage first hand.

“Everyone is fine Lady Tsunade.  Whatever those two things were, they seemed to be controlling the hollows.  Usually hollows never attack in large groups like that.” stated Kisuke.

“They called themselves Arrancars.  They are hollows whom had gained the powers of a soul reaper.  They are a part of Aizen’s army.” stated Shiro through Ichigo.

“We also believe that they may have struck back home in Ichigo’s dimension.  We need to return back to Karakura to find out what had happened.” Naruto stated.

“Meanwhile, I will go back to the Soul Society to see if they know anything about what we had faced against.” stated Yourichi.

“Understood.  Report back if you guys learn anything.  Have a safe trip Ichigo and Naruto.” stated Tsunade.  Before Naruto could leap dimensions with Ichigo, Hinata went up to her boyfriend planting a very hard and aggressive kiss onto Naruto’s lips.

“Hurry back Naruto.  And please stay safe.” Hinata stated causing Naruto to blush.  The two substitute’s lept dimensions leaving Konaha behind them as they traveled through time and space heading back to Ichigo’s home dimension.

The two landed back at the Kurosaki Clinic as they were back within Ichigo’s room (a room which they shared).  Kon and Kurama looked relieved to see the two boys as the mod souls whom controlled their actual bodies mirrored their physical looks despite the change in time between the two dimesions.

“Welcome back Ichigo……  Naruto…..” stated the two mod souls in unison.  Both Naruto and Ichigo grabbed their substitute soul badges that they had in their robes as they pressed it against their actual bodies forcing the two mod soul pills to pop out this way they could take back control over their physical bodies.  Laying on the beds was Kon’s and Kurama’s plush toy bodies.  The two teens put the pills into their respective toys causing them to come to life.

“Has anything unusual happened while we were gone?” asked Ichigo as he stretched out his physical body.  The look on Kon’s face spoke volumes as Ichigo looked at the plush lion toy.  “Kon…..”

“Sorry Ichigo.  We tried to stop them from taking her but even the soul reapers couldn’t stop them.  They were far too strong.” stated Kurama.

“What in the world are you talking about Kurama?” Naruto asked the plush fox toy.

“Orihime.  These beings that looked like soul reapers except they had on white uniforms came and attacked.  Two of them took Orihime with them.  Even though the soul reapers managed to kill some low level ranking ones.  Two of the high ranking ones took Orihime.” stated Kon.  This caused Ichigo to curse out violently.  Naruto could feel both Ichigo’s and Shiro’s spiritual pressure sky rocket. 

“Easy Ichigo.  We will go and get Orihime back.  But there is no doubt that this is probably a trap.” Naruto stated as he could see one of Ichigo’s eyes change into Shiro’s.

“I don’t care if it is a trap or not.  I will go to this Hueco Mundo and get Orihime back.” Ichigo stated angrily.

“Don’t worry Ichigo we will get Orihime back.  I promise.” stated Naruto calmly.  Ichigo began to calm down as his eye returned back to normal.

Both Ichigo and Naruot went downstairs to find both Yuzu and Karin doing their homework.

“Need any help with that?” asked Ichigo.

“No thanks Kon.  I think that we have it covered.” replied Karin.  Both Naruto and Ichigo laughed which caused the two girls to look at them with wide eyes.

“Naruto…….  Ichigo……?” they both asked in unison.  Both Naruto and Ichigo smiled causing both Karin and Yuzu to jump out of their seats as they hugged the two older teens.  “When did you two get back?” they asked.

“Just a couple of seconds ago.  How have you two been doing?” asked Ichigo.

“We have been pretty good.  Both Kon and Kurama protected us well while you were gone.” stated Karin.

“Tell us about your trip.  How was training?” asked Yuzu.  Suddenly the two teens stomach rumbled loudly causing both Ichigo and Naruto to blush. “I will make you both something to eat while you tell us about what’s going on back in Konaha.” stated Yuzu.  Both Naruto and Ichigo sat down at the table while Yuzu got up to make them something to eat.  While the small girl was cooking, Ichigo and Naruto explained about their journey to other lands meeting the other Jinchuriki that the Akatsuki hadn’t captured, learning about their bankai’s, learning the sage arts, learning new jutsu’s, Jiraiya causing trouble and hitting on not only Yourichi but other women.

“Just before we left, a large army of hollows and two Arrancars attacked.  We managed to kill all of the hollows and severely injure two Arrancars before we came back here.” stated Naruto.   Suddenly a senkaimon gate opened up as Ichigo’s father stepped through the gate.  It was the first time that both teens ever saw Isshin in his soul form.

“Dad?” Ichigo asked in shock.  Isshin’s eyes meet his sons.

“Ichigo….. Naruto…… You’re back.  Yourichi told us about what happened back in Konaha during the captain’s meeting.  Give me a second will you while I get back into my gigai.”  Both Naruto and Ichigo nodded their heads as Isshin left the room.  Yuzu placed two plates down before Naruto and Ichigo.

“When did dad……?” Ichigo began to ask.

“Take on soul reaper duties?” asked a familiar voice.  Ichigo looked down to see the two mod souls Kon and Kurama had come downstairs.  Yuzu went over picking up the two toys placing them both down onto the table.  Ichigo nodded his head as he began to eat some of his food that Yuzu made.  “It was while you two were gone.  Things both here and in the soul society have been chaotic.” answered Kon.

“How so?” asked Naruto.

“Strange beings that looked like soul reapers but felt like hollows not only attacked Karakura but also the Seireitei.  I was asked by head captain Yamamoto to reassume my duties as a soul reaper captain.  I would have told them no but the girls told me that I should do it as it would help you both out in the upcoming battle.  I assume that Kon and Kurama told you about what happened to Orihime.” stated Isshin as both teens nodded their heads.

“I plan on getting her back no matter what.” Ichigo stated.

“I knew that you would feel that way so I talked to head captain Yamamoto in about sending a team in to Hueco Mundo to weaken their army and retrieve Orihime.” stated Isshin.

“Who is on this team?” asked Naruto.

“There will be two captains, two lieutenants, you two, and two humans.  The two humans are your friends Yasatora Sado and Uryu Ishida.  The two lieutenants will be Rukia Kuchiki from squad thirteen and Renji Abarai from squad six.  For the two captains it will be myself and Sanji Komamura from squad of squad seven.  We will leave first thing tomorrow.” replied Isshin.  Both Naruto and Ichigo nodded their heads that they understood the plan.

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