six- Hueco Mundo

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover “Monsters with Souls” featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven’t read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Six- Hueco Mundo

Once the plan was in effect, Isshin asked Naruto if he knew of any strong ninja who could be a part of the team.  Both Ichigo and Naruto could think of at least two jonin captains and two chunin rank ninja’s.  Even though both Naruto and Ichigo were ranked as genin, they were much stronger than that.

“Yeah there are at least four that we can think of.  Two are jonin ranked which are captains and the other two are chunin level ninja as they ranked high enough to be considered as lieutenants as they are put in charge when a jonin isn’t available.” replied Naruto.

“Good.  We need to alert them to what is going on and have them ready to join us in Hueco Mundo.”  Ichigo smiled as he bit into his fingertips rapidly running his hands through a series of hand signs.

“Summoning Jutsu!” Ichigo called out as he slammed his hands onto the table.  Smoke erupted from his hands as sitting on the table was a red and black frog the size of a small dog.

“Yo Ichigo.  What’s up?” asked the frog.

“Hey Gamagechi we have a special summons for captains Yamato and Kakashi.  We also need for Haku and Sasuke to join them.  They are going to help us in the hollow world of Hueco Mundo.” Ichigo stated. Gamagechi looked at the subsitute soul reaper in shock.

“Are you certain?  They aren’t soul reapers so they wouldn’t be able to help you out.” stated Gamagechi.  Naruto flashed his trademark foxy grin.

“Gamagechi trust us.  Those four have barely scratched the surface of what they are capable of.” Nartuo stated.

“All right I will alert Jiraiya to gather them together.  But one question how are they going to get there?” questioned Gamagechi.

“I will use the Senkaimon to bring them through.” stated Isshin as he kind of looked surprised to see a talking frog on his table.  But then again he should never question the things that his son and Naruto are able to do. 

“Alright I will relay the message.  When should they be ready?”

“Tomorrow by noon.” Replied Isshin.  Gamagechi nodded his head that he understood as he made a single hand sign disappearing from sight.  Isshin looked at Ichigo and Naruto shaking his head.

“Alright boys start talking.  What in the world was that?” Isshin asked loudly.

“Sorry dad but that was my summons.  I have made a contract with the toads while Naruto has a fox contract (yes I gave Ichi the frog contract while I created a fox contract just for Naruto for this story).  It is part of a jutsu that we had learned while we were in training.” Ichigo replied with a sheepish grin.

“It could have been worse.  He could have summoned Gamabunta.  Then your house wouldn’t be standing anymore.” added Naruto.

“Why is it that nothing that you two do surprises me anymore?  So tell me about the four that I am going to meet.” asked Isshin with a soft sigh.  Broad smiles stretched across Naruto’s and Ichigo’s lips as they filled in Isshin about the four ninja that he was going to meet.

The following day both Ichigo and Naruto brought Yuzu and Karin to Tessai’s shop.  Not that they didn’t think their mod souls weren’t capable of keeping an eye on the girls but with Isshin being with them, they needed a safe place for their bodies.  It was a mutual meeting ground since Chad and Uryu didn’t have spiritual bodies as they had to go through a special gate to be able to go to Hueco Mundo.  Isshin had traveled to the Soul Society then to Naruto’s home world to get the four ninja that would be coming with them.  The Senkaimon opened up before them as five people came through.  Kakashi as usual had his orange porn book open before his masked face.  Both Haku and Sasuke were walking behind Captain Yamato. 

“So this is where you two disappear to when you leave Konaha.” stated Yamato in awe.

“Sorry captain that we don’t have enough time to give you the grand tour but we have to go into the enemies territory to rescue a friend.” stated Naruto.

“Are you certain that we won’t get in your way or be too much trouble?” asked Sasuke with his arms crossed across his chest.

“We chose you four as we have seen and witnessed first hand what you are capable of.  Your unique jutsu’s and skills shall be able to help us out.  Plus each of you have been developing abilities that are in close similarity to the soul reapers that will enable you to battle on equal grounds with these Arrancars.” replied Ichigo.  This caused Kakashi to put away his book as he looked at the two teens in slight shock.

“How did you know?  You hardly are at Konaha at times.” asked Kakashi.

“Let’s just say with what little time we are there is more than enough to witness a few things.” both Naruto and Ichigo replied in unison. The four ninja seemed to except the two teens word.  Ichigo and Naruto then introduced them to the rest of the team that was there.

“The other three soul reapers are going to meet us in Hueco Mundo.  Both Ichigo and Naruto are the ones in charge of this mission despite there being four captains.  Our mission is to rescue Orihime Inoe as she was taken by the Arrancar.  She also is a human with a unique ability to heal.  She is also Ichigo’s girlfriend.” stated Isshin.  Both Kakashi and Yamato nodded their heads that they understood as Tessai muttered a spell causing the gate before them to open up.

“This gate will allow the rest of you who are not soul reapers to travel to Hueco Mundo.  I wish you all the best of luck.” stated Tessai.  Both Ichigo and Naruto allowed themselves to use their soul badges to transform into their soul reapers forms after the rest of the team went through.

When the two substitute shinigami left the gate they could see the other three soul reapers waiting for them.  The two older ninja were going for their kunai when they saw Komamura the wolf head captain simply smiled when he saw Naruto as he went over to the young blond scooping him up into a bone crushing hug.

“My lord Kit…. It is good to see you!” stated the captain. Ichigo placed his hands onto both Kakashi’s and Yamato’s shoulders.

“I know what you are thinking but that is not Kyuubi even though he is somewhat related to the fox demon that is within Naruto.” stated Ichigo causing the two captains to relax as they put their weapons away.

“It is good to see you too Sanji.” Naruto stated as he patted Komamura on the back as the wolf captain placed Naruto back down.  Ichigo and Naruto introduced everyone to each other.

“Well Ichigo….. Naruto…… this is your mission.  Where do we go?” asked Isshin.  Ichigo turned towards Kakashi.

“Kakashi-sensei can you summon your ninja hounds?” asked Ichigo.  Kakashi raised his eyebrows in question as he used his kunai to draw some blood while his hands ran through a series of hand signs.  Kakashi laid his hands down onto the white sand having it erupt in a puff of smoke as a group of ninja hounds appeared.

“What’s up Kakashi?  Where in the world are we?” asked a small pug.

“Hueco Mundo…. Pakun.  Ichigo needed you guys for a task.” replied Kakashi as Ichigo stepped forward pulling out a handkerchief that had Orhime’s initials on it.

“Pakun can you guys lead us to where this scent is?” asked Ichigo.

“Certainly.” replied Pakun as the ninja hounds sniffed the handkerchief and then the air and ground.  “Just follow us.” replied Pakun as the dogs took off with the group of ninja’s and soul reapers following behind them.


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