seven- Nell and Los Noches

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover “Monsters with Souls” featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven’t read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Seven- Nell and Los Noches

Hueco Mundo seemed devoid of life in general.  What little they found were lizards complete with hollow holes and masks.  These creatures never attacked the group.  The trees that were growing looked more like crystals rather than skinny fossilized trees.  In the distance the group could see a large white dome.

“Pakun is that where they are keeping Orihime?” asked Ichigo.

“That is where we are picking up the scent from.” replied the pug.  Suddenly the team of ninja hounds came to a stop as loud snarls arose from their muzzles.  Their ears were pinned back as they could sense something ahead.  Even Kyuubi and Shiro could sense it.

*An Arrancar.  I can smell blood as it is fairly fresh.  But something seems off about this Arrancar’s presence.* stated Kyuubi.  Naruto proceeded to tell everyone what Kyuubi had said.

“They we should precede with caution.  We don’t know if this is one of the Arrancars that attacked.” stated Komamura.  Everyone nodded their heads that they understood as Pakun lead the group to a large crater.

“What in the world happened here?” asked Haku.  No one knew how to answer the ice ninja’s question.  Komamura ears twitched wildly.

“Someone’s alive down there.  I can hear faint crying.  I believe a child is down there.” stated Komamura.  Isshin was the first to move as Yamato followed him into the crater.  They found two bodies of bloody and bruised Arrancars as one appeared to be protecting something.  It seemed to be barely alive.

“Mr. Kurosaki over here.” Yamato called out as the Arrancar wearing an ant mask and a sumo’s loin cloth moved.  In his arms he held a small female human child Arrancar who was crying.  She had short to the shoulder length aqua green hair, a cracked human skull mask sat on her head.

“Pesche…… please don’t die!  Don’t leave Nell!” screamed the child.  Pesche looked up to see both Yamato and Isshin as he moved his body to allow the two men to retrieve Nell from him.

“Soul reaper, could you please take Nell-sama and protect her.  She isn’t like the other Arrancars.” stated Pesche.

“No….. Pesche….. You can’t die!” cried Nell.  Isshin took Nell from Pesche as the young child clung to Isshin’s robes sobbing madly.

“Have no worries.  She will be well looked after.” Isshin stated.  Pesche smiled weakly as he closed his eyes one last and final time.  Nell sobbed heavily into Isshin’s robes as he and Yamato climbed out of the crater.  Yamato ran through a series of hand signs.

“Wood Release: Four Pillar House Jutsu.” Called out Yamato as wood arose creating a tomb for the two dead Arrancar.  Isshin placed Nell down as Haku gave her a small rag to dry her tears.

“Please don’t cry Nell.  Your two friends are resting well.  They did their best to try to protect you from harm.  You should honor their memory.” stated Haku.  Nell blew her nose as she looked up at the ninja.

“Pesche and Dondachaka are in a better place?” she asked.  Ichigo knelt down before the small Arrancar.

“That’s right.” stated Ichigo which caused Nell to smile.  Her light greenish-brown eyes widened when she saw several soul reapers along with ninja.’

“Why you guys all here?” Nell asked.

“We are here to rescue a friend of mine.  She seems to be in that white dome.” Ichigo stated.

“That be Los Noches.  The high ranking Arrancars and Espada live there.” stated Nell.

“Then that is the place we are looking for.  Orihime has to be in there.  Along with the traitor Aizen.” stated Naruto.  The group took off quickly as Kakashi ended his summons causing the ninja hounds to vanish.

The group stood outside of Los Noches looking for a way inside.

“This is building is made out of Seki Seki rock as it made to withstand spiritual pressure.” Renji stated.

“Then it is good thing that we have ninja to punch a way through.” Ichigo stated.  Haku stepped forth running his hands through several hand signs.

“Ice Release: Ice Wall Jutsu (original created attack)!” Haku stated as he placed his hands onto Los Noches causing ice to spread out from underneath his hands freezing up a good portion of the wall.  With one light tap the ice broke allowing the group into Los Noches.  They could see a flight of stair heading up.  The group came upon a large basement as they could see four door ways heading up in different directions.

“It seems that from here wa have to split up.  I think three man squads should be survice.” Naruto stated.  Yamato and Kakashi reached into their pouches pulling out a pair of wireless headsets.  The ninja helped explain how the sets worked and helped the soul reapers and humans put them on. 

“Team one will be Sanji, Sasuke, and Naruto.  Team two will be dad, Uryu, and me.  Nell will stay with us.  Team three will be Kakashi, Rukia, and Chad.  Finally team four will be Yamato, Renji, and Haku.  We will be on channel five.” stated Ichigo.  Everyone nodded their heads understanding as they brok off into their teams each picking a doorway.  After a brief audio check and a motovational team pep rally made by Renji (the speech he gave in the series before everyone split into different directions), the groups departed heading in totally different directions keeping in constant contact.

Sanji, Sasuke, and Naruto headed up their stairs as the wolf captain’s ears twitched wildly as he could hear Sasuke talking lightly to Naruto.

“So he is related to that demon who is sealed within you.” Sasuke stated.  Naruto nodded his head yes.  “I guess everyone’s prespective about the nine tails was wrong.  And to think that my brother somehow knew.”

“Have you spoken to Itachi since you learned the truth about what happened to your clan?” Naruto asked.

“Yeah…. I forgave him for not telling me as I know understand the reasons why.  He has been giving us intell about the Akatsuki and their plans.  Even though the Mangekyou Sharningan is slowly killing him. He is risking it to help out the village that he still calls home.”

“Well its good to hear that you have managed to forgive him and get in touch with him.  How is that curse mark?  Has it been bothering you since Ichigo cleansed it?”

“I haven’t had any troubles with it as I discovered that much like how you and Ichigo can change forms giving you a power boost.  The curse mark does the same thing but I can’t maintain it for long periods as it eats up too much of my chakra.” replied Sasuke.

“Perhaps with some specialized training you could maintain it for longer periods of time.”

“But there is the small problem of that there is no one who can teach me how to fully control or maintain my chakra.”

“We could help you with that Sasuke.” Komamura stated.  Sasuke’s eyes widened considerably.

“You would be willing to help me out Captain Komamura?” Sasuke asked.

“But of course.  If it will help in the battles that lay ahead then I see no problemms with helping you train.” replied Komamura.

“Thank you so much Captain Komamura.” replied Sasuke bowing his head.  A smirk stretched across Naruto’s face as the group finally reached the top of the stairs only to find an Arrancar waiting for them.

“Welcome gentlemen.  I am privaron number 107, Gantenbainne Mosqueda.  Unfortunately for you I can not allow you to continu any further.”

Meanwhile, Ichigo’s group reached the top of their stair case as they found themselves outside in the bright sun.

“Where in the world are we?  How in the world did we get outside?” asked Uryu.

“We are within the inner part of Los Noches.  The main towers lay up ahead.” Nell stated.  The group except for maybe Ichigo looked at Nell in shock.

“Nell how do you know this?” asked Isshin.

*It is because she is a former Arrancar.  Some how her powers got sealed.* Shiro stated.

*Shiro is there a way to unseal them?* Ichigo asked.

*It depends on if Nell wants to unseal them.  We have enough power to help her do it.* replied the hollow.

“Nell what if I told you that there was a way for you to regain your former form and powers?” Ichigo asked.  This caused Nell to look at the susitute with wide eyes.

“You can do that son?” Isshin asked.

“Come on dad.  You have no idea of what I am capable of.” Ichigo replied with a wide smirk stretched across his face.

Meanwhile with group three, Rukia felt so out of place.  Chad spoke very little while Kakashi had his face in his small porn book. 

‘I should have went with Renji.  I can’t stand when people are this damn quite.  I don’t even know if they can fight.  I am pretty sure that both Captain Komamura and Captain Kurosaki trust the judgement of the subsitute Naruto and Ichigo.  Hopefully these two will prove more useful than they seem.’ Rukia thought to herself as she followed behind both Kakashi and Chad as the group reached the top of the stairs only to find an Arrancar waiting to them.

“Ah finally it seems I have been waiting forever for you to arrive.  Welcome my friends.  I am privaron number 103, Dordoni Alessandro Del Sociccio.  Unfortuantely under direct orders of Lord Aizen, I can not allow you to go any further.” Stated the Arrancar.  This caused Rukia to pull out her zanpakuto only to be stopped by Kakashi.

“Miss Kuchiki allow me the honors of fighting him.  Both you and Chad can back me up.” stated Kakashi as he put away his porn book.  Once the book was away Kakashi reached up lifting up his headplate that covered his Sharningan eye.

“Unfortunately we can’t allow you to stop us as we are on a very important mission.” replied Kakashi as he prepared for battle.

Meanwhile team four consisting of Yamato, Renji, and Haku reached the top of their stairs to find themselves in a room filled with large pillars.  A large blade in the shape of a yoyo caused the three men to scatter. “Welcome gentlemen to your grave.  I am privaron number 105, Circci Sanderwicci.  By orders of Lord Aizen, I must stop you from advancing any further.” stated the female Arrancar.  All three men moved to pull our their weapons as Circci attacked again with her strange looking weapon. “Roar…..  Zabimaru!” yelled out Renji as he activated the shiki form to his zanpakuto.  He whipped his sword stopping Circci’s weapon. “Give it up soul reaper.  You are no match for me.” laughed Circci as she pulled back her weapon. 

‘She is right.  Both her and I deal with long ranged weapons.  Hopefully Captain Yamato and Haku can get close enough to strike her.’ Renji thought to himself as he watched as the two ninja moved to attack the female Arrancar.

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