eight- battle agaisnt the privaron

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Author’s notes:  sorry that it took me a while to complete this scene as fight scenes aren’t my strongest as I tried really hard to make this as believable as the series but keep it original since I added in Naruto characters into the fray.  I would like for my readers to help me come up with a name for Sasuke’s inner demon.  So please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think and what you believe Sasuke’s inner demon form should look like and what its name shall be.  I will give the most creative person props for coming up with the idea.  Thanks once again for bearing with me as I will try to hopefully have the next fight just as entertaining as this one.  So please give me a while for me to have the next chapter up as quickly as possible.  Thanks!

Eight- battle against the privaron

Sanji reached for his zanpakuto as Arrancar number 107 Gantenbainne Mosqueda charged at the group.  Sasuke activated his Sharingan to carefully analize Gantenbainne’s abilities.  Naruto also pulled out his zanpakuto.  Gantenbainne moved in close to the group firing off a cero.  Naruto cursed to himself softly as he could feel Kyuubi merge his presence with his host.  Naruto moved quickly as both he and Kyuubi gathered their energy.

“Tailed Beast: Biju Bomb!” Naruto and Kyuubi cried out in unison.  The Biju Bomb was very similar to a hollow’s cero as it was the perfect counter.  The two attacks hit almost simulaniously causing everyone to be thrown back.  This caused Gantenbainne to laugh.

“To think that one of you have an attack similar to our cero.  But let’s see how you you react to this.” stated Gantenbainne.  It looked like his hands were glowing.  “Uno Dos Cientos [one two hundreds]!” Gantenbainne snapped as he charged to do one on one battle with Naruto.  Naruto meet him head on using taijutsu moves to counter Gantenbainne’s punches.  Sasuke could feel his curse mark burning against his neck as he watched Naruto and Gantenbainne go at it.  The two of them seemed evenly matched.  The two leapt back away from each other as they panted.  A wide smirk crossed Gantenbainne’s face.  “Well played my friend.  But what if I do this?” Gantenbainne asked as he released his zanpakuto.  “This is my release of my zanpakuto, Dragra [dragon fist]!”

“Naruto get out of there!” Sasuke shouted.

“Too late.  Rugir Del Dragon [roar of the dragon]!” snapped Gantenbainne as his fists collided with Naruto causing the teen to cough up blood as Sanji growled sharply.

“Bankai!” Sanji snarled as his sword transformed into a giant armored warrior.  “Kokujo Tengen Myoo [Divine Retribution]!” growled Sanji as he directed his zanpakuto to attack the Arrancar.  In one fluid movement Sanji attacked the Arrancar and retrieved Naruto.  Gantenbainne laughed as he used his Rugir Del Dragon [roar of the dragon] to destroy Sanji’s bankai.

Markings looking like tribal flames stretched across Sasuke’s body.  Sasuke could hear a dark voice speaking to him in the back of his mind.

*Don’t fight it.  Allow it to happen.  Don’t hold back.* the voice stated.  Sasuke could feel the marks spreading across his body as he transformed into the second level of his cursed form.  Sasuke stepped before both Sanji and Naruto spreading open his wings.  This caused Gantenbainne to look at Sasuke in confusion.

“Captain Komamura stay back.  Allow me to handle this.” Sasuke stated.  The ninja didn’t get a reply as he could feel Sanji retreat to a safe distance with Naruto.

“You are out of your league boy if you think that you can take me on.” stated Gantenbainne.

“What?  Are you afraid that a ninja would prove more than you can handle?” asked Sasuke.  This caused Gantenbainne to growl darkly as he charged at Sasuke.  Sasuke meet him head on.

“Uno Dos Cientous [one two hundreds]!” growled Gantenbainne.

Sasuke’s hands became surrounded by intense fire without having him run his hands through a series of hand signs.

”Amaterasu!” called out Sasuke hitting Gaintenbainne faster than the Arrancar expected.  Parts of Gantenbainne’s resurrection started to break under Sasuke’s fiery punches.  This caused Gantenbainne to curse violently as he leapt back away. 

“Cero [doom bullet]!” Gantenbainne snapped.  Sasuke’s hands rapidly ran through a series of hand signs as he took a long deep breath. 

“Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire!” Sasuke called out releasing a large fire blast from his mouth.  The curse mark on Sasuke’s nexk pulsed violently as the fireball changed color from red to black.  The fireball seemed to eat up Gantenbainne’s Cero before slamming into the Arrancar.

*End it!* the voice stated in the back of Sasuke’s mind as he rushed forward drawing his sword.  Lightning danced across the blade as he slammed the sword into Gantenbainne.

“Chirdor: Sharp Spear!” growled Sasuke as he sent a thousand volts of electricity into the Arrancar.  Gantenbianne’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell to the ground dead.  Sasuke pulled his sword out returning it to its holder.  The curse mark faded returning Sasuke back to normal.  Sasuke began to feel weak and light headed that he collapsed suddenly.  ‘Who are you?’ Sasuke asked.

*I am you Sasuke or at least a demonic version of you.  Rest for now.  We will talk later.* replied the voice as Sasuke slipped into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile Dordoni Alessandro Del Sociccio stared at Kakashi as he revealed his Sharingan Eye.

“Dude…… what’s wrong with your eye?” asked Dordoni.

“That is for me to know and for you to find out.” Kakashi replied smiling.  Dordoni laughed as he shrugged his shoulders.  In a blink of an eye Dordoni rushed at Kakashi.

“Baron Puntapies Alto [baron high kicks]!” Dordoni snapped as he aimed to kick Kakashi.  The Arrancar never noticed Kakashi’s Sharingan swirl as he managed to activate the First Gate of Opening while performing taijutsu to match Dordoni’s kicks perfectly.  This caused Dordoni to curse violently.  “Damn you.  Try this one on for size.  Cero [doom blast]!”  Both of Kakashi’s eyes widened as he had to use a substitution jutsu to escape from the blast.

“Kakashi!” yelled out Rukia.  Kakashi appeared suddenly behind Dordoni.  Chad clamped his hand onto Rukia’s shoulder as with his other hand he pointed to the ninja standing right behind the Arrancar.

“Darn if that blast came any closer and I wouldn’t be around anymore.” stated Kakashi.  Dordoni turned around in shock as he turned his head to see a tree stump where Kakashi once stood.

“How?!” Dordoni asked in shock.

“Sorry but a ninja never reveals his secrets to the enemy.” Kakashi replied with a smirk on his face even though it was hidden by his face mask.

“Damn you!” growled Dordoni as he pulled out his zanpakuto.  “Whirl….. Giralda [weather vane]!” snapped Dordoni as his form changed.  Kakashi leapt back over towards Ruki and Chad.

“I am going to need some help in order to defeat him.  Are you two game?” Kakashi asked.  Chad nodded his head silently as Rukia pulled out her zanpakuto.  “I will keep him distracted long enough for you two to attack.” Kakashi whispered.  Both Ruki and Chad nodded their heads that they understood.

Kakashi dashed forward as his hands rapidly ran through a series of hand signs.

“Ave Mellizos [twin bird skid]!” snapped out Dordoni as two cyclones in the forms of birds moved to strike Kakashi.

“Tsugino Mai, Hakuren [nexk dance, white ripple]!” Rukia shouted out as her zanpakuto managed to freeze the attack heading for the ninja.

“El Directo [one strike of the giant]!” grunted Chad as his attack managed to destroy Dordoni’s frozen attack.  Kakashi now had lighting surrounding his hand.

“Lightning Blade!” snapped Kakashi as he striked Dordoni at close range.  The attack seemed to do hardly anything to the Arrancar.

“Bala [bullet]!” he snapped swinging his arm at Kakashi.  Unfortunately all Dordoni struck was a shadow clone.

“Tough fellow aren’t you?” asked Kakashi.  Ruki had stepped up close revealing her zanpakuto was in its shiki form as it was all white.

“Some No Mai, Tuskihiro [1st dance, white moon]!”  A pillar of ice surrounded Dordoni freezing him in his tracks.  They all noticed the ice beginning to break.  “That’s not going to hold him for long.” stated Rukia.  Kakashi began gathering up chakra in the palm of his hands as it took the form of a spiraling wing orb.  Chad had also activated his Brazo Izquierda Del Diablo [left arm of the devil].  Both Chad and Kakashi moved at the same time as Dordoni managed to break free from the ice pillar.

“Rasagan!” snapped Kakashi.

“Lu Muerte [one strike of the demon]!” snapped Chad.  Both attacks hit Dordoni causing him to collapse in a bloody mess.  Kakashi pulled his leaf headband back over his Sharingan Eye.

“Shall we move on?” asked Kakashi as Rukia sheathed her zanpakuto while Chad powered down his armor on his arms.  Both Chad and Rukia nodded their heads as the group continued on.

Meanwhile Yamato, Haku, and Renuji were fighting against Circci Sanderwicci.  Renji’s Zabimaru kept Circci’s yoyo looking zanpakuto from hitting the two ninja.

“Stand still will ya!  Ala Cortadola Hachador [sever great ax]!” snapped Circci as she swung her yoyo zanpakuto at the group.  Renji countered with Zabimaru allowing the two ninja to dive for cover.  Some of the pillars laid destroyed because of both Circci’s and Renji’s attacks.  Yamato’s wood style and water style justus were completely useless in this area as all he could use was his earth style.  But then again they would prove useless against the female Arrancar.  The groups only chance was for Haku to use his kekkigenkai ice attacks.  So far Haku couldn’t get close enough to use his ice jutsu.  “Damn persistant bugs.  I have had enough!  Cero [doom blast]!” Renji cursed violently as he pulled his zanpakuto close to his body.

“Bankai!” Renji snapped out.  A whirlwind of spiritual energy surrounded Renji protecting him and the group from the Cero. When the spiritual energy cleared it revealed Renji’s zanpakuto had changed form.  The snake head let out a fierce roar.  “Hihio Zabimaru [baboon king]!”

“Cutting it kind of close aren’t you Renji?” asked Yamato.

“Sorry this bitch is definitely trying to kill us in every way possible.” Renji replied.

“Keep trying to keep her occupied.  I have to get close enough to use my ice jutsu on her.” Haku stated as the ice ninja tried dashing forward again.  His hands were rapidly running through a series of hand signs.  Circci seemed to have had enough with this groups persistent attacks.

“Rip off…..  Golondrina [swallow]!” Circci snapped as she released her zanpakuto.  Circci’s form changed dramatically as she flapped her large blade like wings.  “Ala Cortadola Dispersion [severing wing dispersion]!” she snapped out.  The blades snapped out cutting down everything within its path including Haku.  “Ha….. Got one of you miserable little buggers.” she laughed.

“Did you now?  Are you certain about that?” questioned a voice behind her.  Circci turned her head slightly to see Haku right behind her.  The look of shock stretched across her face as she turned her head to see the ice version of Haku shatter.  She turned back to Haku who simply smiled.  “Ice Clone Jutsu.  It took me a while to get it right.  Frankily I am tired of this game and we truly have to move on.  So this is the end of you Circci Sanderwicci.  Ice Prison Jutsu!” called out Haku as ice arouse all around Circci even before she could do anything.  Ice froze her to the core of her being leaving behind a lovely frozen statue.  Haku leapt down next to the group with a smile on his face as Renji sheathed and powered down his zanpakuto.  “Shall we continue on?” Haku asked.  Renji turned towards Yamato.

“Remind me never to piss him off.” Renji stated as Yamato nodded his head in agreement.

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