nine- Grimmjow's rematch

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

nine- Grimmjow's rematch

As the group pertaining of Ichigo, Isshin, Uryum and Nell moved on, they knew that they had to be on guard.  There was no telling who they encountered.  As the group traveled, Nell thought over Ichigo’s offer to regain her former form.  Nell owed no loyalty to her fellow Espada and Arrancars.  She couldn’t find it within herself to hate soul reapers just because she was a hollow.  Ichigo seemed to have this presence about him that was very similar to her own.  His spiritual pressure alone was frightening as it almost ranked as high as a Vasto Lorde.  The only reason why Ichigo and his friends where hear was to rescue Ichigo’s girlfriend Orihime Inoue.  According to the substitute her powers laid an important part of Aizen’s plans.  Nell who used to be a former third Espada was greatly injured by the fifth Espada Nnoritora Gilga all because he couldn’t stand the fact that a woman was stronger and ranked higher than him.  Thus Nnoritora attacked Nell cracking her mask enough that her powers caused her to revert to a child form. She believed Ichigo when he told her that he could help her regain her true form.

The group came upon some very large pillars as they whole group could sense that they were not alone.  Suddenly out of the corner of Ichigo’s eyes he could see a large Cero [doom blast] heading straight for the group.  Without warning Ichigo pulled his zanpakuto off his back causing the ribbon to come alive revealing his large sword.  Blue and white energy pulsed around Ichigo as he channeled his spiritual energy into the sword.

“Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piercer]!” Ichigo snapped as he swung his sword releasing the energy into a crescent moon blast that collided with the cero. The two attacks collided throwing everyone back several feet.  Dark rich laughter arose forcing everyone to look up to see Grimmjow looking down at them. A wide feral smile stretched across the sixth Espada’s face.

“Just the person I was hoping to face against.  I owe you for last time for cutting off my arm.  Thanks to your girlfriend, my arm is back and better than ever.”  Suddenly a spiritual bow flew at Grimmjow who easily dodged.  Grimmjow moved until he stood in front of Uryu drawing his sword.  Isshin moved quickly to stop Grimmjow as the former soul reaper captain blocked Grimmjow’s zanpakuto with his own.  “Get out of my way old man!” hissed Grimmjow.  Grimmjow was suddenly whipped around as Ichigo punched him hard in the face causing Grimmjow to fly back several feet.

“Dad please take Uryu and Nell and get to a safe distance.  This fight is between
Grimmjow and me.” Ichigo stated.  Isshin said nothing as he grabbed Nell and Uryu flash stepping away.  Ichigo quickly released his bankai as his sword transformed into a black katana as his top jacket transformed as it also changed as it looked like Zangetsu’s jacket.  Ichigo rushed with Tensa Zangetsu [heavy chain slaying moon] in hand as Grimmjow also rushed forward with his sword in hand as the two collided.

Sparks flew as the two swords as the two swords rang out.  Ichigo managed to push Grimmjow back a bit.  Grimmjow freed one of his hands as a cero [doom blast] began to form in his palm.  Ichigo blocked it with Tensa Zangetsu only to have Grimmjow throw his sword imbedding it into a pillar as a cero appeared in his other hand.  A loud resounding book echoed out as it looked like the cero hit Ichigo close range.  Grimmjow laughed wildly.

“This is what I’ve been waiting for.  To crush you with everything that I’ve got!” laughed Grimmjow.  As the blast cleared it showed Ichigo unharmed as lightning danced around his body.  This caused Grimmjow to growl low and deep.

*That was close.  Thank heavens we learned that I can use jutsu’s in the mindscape to help you out if needed.* Shiro stated mentally.

*Thanks Shiro.  We are going to need every bit of power to defeat him in order to find out where Orihime is.* Ichigo stated mentally.  Grimmjow made a slashing motion across his neck.

“I am going to wipe that smug look off of your face.” stated Grimmjow as he leapt up towards the pillar that his sword was imbedded in.  Grimmjow retrieved his sword leaping down to the ground trying to cut Ichigo.  Ichigo easily dodged as the two moved quickly against the sand as their swords collided in a shower of sparks and loud ringing noises as the two parried blow for blow. “Tell me what you came here for Ichigo?” asked Grimmjow.

“I came to get Orihime back and to stop Aizen from what he has planned.” replied Ichigo.

“Do you want to know what I think the true reason is?  I think you actually came here to fight.  It’s because you’re a soul reaper and I’m a hollow.  We have to fight to the death.  It’s been that way for a thousand years.  What better reason is there than that?” asked Grimmjow.

The two charged at each other as Grimmjow tried to fire another cero [doom blast] at Ichigo.  Ichigo unleashed a Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piercer].  Ichigo’s attack got over powered as for a slight moment it looked like Grimmjow had gained the upper hand.

“You are pretty good Ichigo but, I really want to end this fight.  Let’s see how you handle the ultimate cero….. the one that only Espadas are allowed to use.  Gran Rey Cero [hollow kings lightning]!” yelled out Grimmjow.  Ichigo could see his father, Uryu, and Nell standing on top of a nearby pillar.

*King!* yelled out Shiro.

*I know Shiro!* replied Ichigo as in a blink of an eye he equipped his hollow mask and empowered his chakra and spiritual pressure into his zanpakuto.  Ichigo cut the cero almost like it was nothing.

“Son?” questioned Isshin.  Ichigo turned to his father revealing the hollow mask on his face caused Isshin to gasp suddenly.

“Sorry if I scare you right now dad.  Don’t worry I will try to end this fight quickly.  Uryu can you use your Quincy powers to resurrect a shield?” Ichigo asked in a dark voice.

“Sure thing Ichigo.”  Suddenly Grimmjow’s rich laughter arose.

“This is exactly what I have been waiting for!” Grimmjow stated as he placed his hand onto his zanpakuto’s blade.  “Grind….. Pantera [panther king]!” growled Grimmjow.

*Careful King, he’s releasing.* Shiro whispered.

*I know Shiro.  Once I defeat him, I will find out where’s Orihime and save her.  Hopefully our skills and powers are strong enough to fight the sixth highest ranking Espada.* Ichigo replied.  By the time the dust cleared it revealed Grimmjow in his full released state as he looked more like a cat.  Grimmjow tilted his head back releasing a loud sonic roar.  Grimmjow jumped up to where Ichigo stood in the sky aiming to kick the teen in the face.  Ichigo countered using taijutsu moves but Grimmjow proved to be much quicker in his released state as he punched Ichigo down to the ground.

“Come on….. You can’t be finished yet.” stated Grimmjow.  He never noticed that that Ichigo appeared right behind him.

“Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piercer]!” snapped out Ichigo unleashing a blast close range.  The attack looked like it hit Grimmjow but his laughter roared out.

“Yes that is the spirit Ichigo.  Those eyes, I can’t stand them!” laughed Grimmjow.  “And here I thought that this fight would be boring.” stated Grimmjow as he thrusted his claws at Ichigo. Ichigo easily caught Grimmjow’s hand just inches away from his face.  Blue lighting began to leap up around Ichigo’s hand.

“You know what would be really boring?  If you weren’t in your released state.  So you better stay that way!” growled Ichigo as his grip tightened around Grimmjow’s hand.  “Chidori!” Ichigo snapped causing Grimmjow to scream in pain.  Grimmjow managed to free himself from Ichigo’s grip kicking the substitute away from him.  The two traded a variety of blows as Ichigo managed to cut the top part of Grimmjow’s chest.  To anybody watching it almost looked like two Espada’s fighting each other.  Isshin found it hard to believe that his son was this strong as his powers ranked almost as high as a captains as his hollowfication was almost like he an Espada.  He understood the reasons to why Ichigo fought and how much Ichigo was willing to put on the line to stop the collapse of not only his realm but also Naruto’s as well.  Grimmjow was panting a bit as so was Ichigo.

“Damn it seems that you’re one tough kid as it seems that you can take the pain.” stated Grimmjow.

“It appears to me that you can handle it as well.  If I win this fight, you are going to tell me where Orihime is.”

“That is if you can defeat me.” growled Grimmjow.

The two rushed at each other trading blows as every so often Ichigo seemed to pull off a jutsu or two.  But Grimmjow seemed almost impossible to kill.  Ichigo managed to cut Grimmjow on the cheek and slice down his torso.  Parts of Ichigo’s hollow mask had broken apart revealing his face as he still had Shiro’es eyes.  Grimmjow placed his hand onto Ichigo’s zanpakuto growling darkly.

“It is not over yet.  Do you honestly think that you have won?  That you have defeated me?” asked Grimmjow.

“Thunder Saber!” Ichigo stated channeling lightning into his zanpakuto.  The lightning lept along the blade straight into Grimmjow.  Ichigo wasn’t done yet.  “Kuroi Getsuga [black moon fang]!” Ichigo snapped out as the attack was twice as strong as his Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piercer].  The attack hit Grimmjow close range giving Ichigo an opportunity to back away from the Arrancar.

“I hate those damn eyes of yours.  They keep on mocking me.  No matter how badly the battle is, somewhere deep inside you believe that you can win and that you’re superior to me.” growled Grimmjow as he rushed at Ichigo with his claws fully extended.   “I can’t stand that!” Grimmjow roared.  This caused Ichigo to laugh.

“Then you must really hate to admit that a human can be your equal or even stronger than you.” laughed Ichigo.

“It doesn’t matter to me.  Human, soul reaper, and/or Arrancar.  Anybody who looks down on me will be crushed!” growled Grimmjow as he leapt up into the air behind Ichigo.  Grimmjow’s claws were glowing with energy.  “This is my ultimate attack, Desgarron [rending claw of the panther king]!” The energy streaked across the sky like ribbons of light.  Ichigo brought up his Tensa Zangetsu to block the attack.

*Shiro….. Tensa I could use some help here.* Ichigo called out mentally.  Ichigo could feel their powers flowing into his being as Ichigo placed his foot down into the air stopping in his tracks because Grimmjow’s attack was pushing him back.  Ichigo brought the tip of Tensa Zangetsu up cutting into Grimmjow’s attack causing one of the claw attacks to shatter missing his father, Uyru, and Nell.

“Unfortunately I can’t allow you to win Grimmjow.  I will rescue Orihime and stop Aizen from his plans to destroy the two realms.” Ichigo stated as he rushed towards Grimmjow cutting through the Desgarron [rending claw of the panther king].  Grimmjow looked at Ichigo in pure shock that a human would have this much power.  Ichigo’s sword pierced Grimmjow’s hierro [iron skin] near the heart causing Grimmjow to curse Ichigo before falling.  Ichigo quickly caught Grimmjow’s hand bringing him down to the ground.  The rest of Ichigo’s hollow mask broke off from his face as he was physically and mentally drained.  The fight with Grimmjow proved to be harder for the substitute as he was grateful that he had spent the time training with Naruto, Jiraiya, and Yourichi.  Once Ichigo hit the sand, he wobbled for a bit as suddenly a pair of arms stabilized him.

“Are you all right son?” asked Isshin.

“Yeah….. Just a bit weak.  Let’s hope that we don’t run into another Espada as I don’t have the strength to deal with it.” replied Ichigo.

“Ichigo.” stated Nell softly.  Ichigo turned towards the former Arrancar.  “I would like to regain my former form and powers.  I feel that I could be a help to you and your group.” she stated.  Ichigo just slowly nodded his head that he understood.

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