seventeen- lose control

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Seventeen- lose control

After killing off two of the versions of Pain both Naruto’s moved to attack Tendo.  Tendo simply flexed both arms out to his side.

Almighty Push! Tendo stated causing both Naruto’s to fly away from him.  The clone of Naruto disappeared into smoke as the real Naruto was caught by Gaara’s sand.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Yeah.....  What kind of jutsu was that?” he asked.  Katsuyu slid out of Naruto’s cloak.

“It’s the central Pain’s power.  Most of our village was destroyed by that Pain’s jutsu.  The more he uses it, the longer he takes before he can use another jutsu.  According to Choji, the minimum interval between his jutsu is about five seconds.  So you have to strike during that window.” stated the slug summon.

Meanwhile, Hinata was watching through her Byakugan as Naruto was fighting Pain.  She could see three figures along with the Sand’s Kazakage.

‘Naruto please be careful.’ she thought to herself.  A part of her wanted to go and fight alongside with Naruto but according to Katsuyu, Naruto wanted no one to help him with this fight.  It was tearing her up inside not being able to help Naruto as he was putting his life on line to defend the village and villagers that has shunned him because of what he holds inside of his body.

At that moment, Tendo extended his arm out towards Naruto.

Universal Pull! he stated causing Naruto to fly towards him.  Tendo grabbed Naruto by the neck slamming the Jinchuriki to the ground.  He stabbed Naruto through the hands to the ground with a chakra rod allowing him to sense the other pain that laid behind the scenes pulling the strings.

“Naruto!” screamed out Gaara as he began to move to help his friend.

“No…… Get back!  Gaara get out of here!  We don’t need you to be taken as well.” Naruto yelled out.

*We arent leaving you!* Shukaku called out mentally.

*Go please little brother.  Dont forget they are after you as well.* Kyuubi growled back.  The three Arrancars pulled Gaara back away as Tendo leaned over Naruto.

“It is time to tame you nine tails.  We will get the one tail once we have you in custody.” stated Tendo.

“Why are you doing this?” Naruto asked.

“Why should I bother telling you?  You are merely my weapon to use to create peace and bring about justice.” stated Pain.

“Peace….?  Justice…..?  That doesn’t give you the right to kill my master and teacher.  To hurt my friends. And to destroy this village.  How dare you preach about peace after all that you have done!” growled Naruto as he tried to move the chakra rod from out of his hands but he couldn’t make it budge.

“Then what is your goal?” asked Pain.

“To stop both the Akatsuki and Aizen from destroying the two realms!” yelled Naruto.

“I see…..  You and I aren’t so different.  We are both motivated by justice.  But I don’t see people as anything other than petty creatures that will never be able to understand each other.” stated Pain.

“You’re wrong about that!” growled Naruto.

“We will see about that.  Now it’s time for you to give me the nine tails power.” stated Pain as he stabbed Naruto with the chakra rods that drained him of chakra.  “I have avoided any vital spots and kept them shallow.  But you will no longer be able to move on your own.  Now it is time that we were on our way.”

*Damn it!* growled Kyuubi.

Suddenly Naruto’s eyes widened when he saw Hinata rushing to attack Pain.  Tendo moved avoiding Hinata’s attack.  Hinata managed to kick off some of the rods that kept Naruto pinned.

“I won’t let you hurt Naruto.” she stated in defiance.

“No…… Hinata!  Get away, you don’t stand a chance against’ this guy!” yelled out Naruto.

“I am here because I want to be here Naruto.  I am not afraid to die in order to defend you.  It’s because I love you Naruto.” Hinata stated as she activated her Byakugan before she charged at Pain.  Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists! she roared out.

Almighty Push! snapped out Pain as he used his jutsu to push Hinata away from him.  Hinata went down hard.  Pain held a chakra rod above her unmoving body as he looked at Naruto.

NO! Naruto and Kyuubi screamed out in unison.  But Pain didn’t listen as he allowed the chakra rod to stab into Hinata.

Naruto and Kyuubi knew that Hinata was dead.  In their combined anger they unleashed the six tailed form.  Kyuubi Naruto growled in both anger and hatred.

“You must truly hate me now.  Do you still think that people can ever truly understand each other?”  asked Pain.  Kyuubi Naruto let out a loud sonic roar that shook the leaf alerting everyone that Naruto had lost control over the demon that was housed within him.  Even the crystal seal given to him by Yamato broke and shattered because of his rage and anger.  Kyuubi Naruto moved to attack Pain as he was stopped by Pain’s push jutsu.  Kyuubi Naruto allowed four of his tails to stab into the ground as he allowed a sonic roar to rip through sending Tendo flying back because of the recoil.  A Biju Bomb began to gather at the end of his mouth as Pain allowed his pull jutsu to smack into Kyuubi Naruto’s head causing the bomb to go into a different direction.  The Biju Bomb exploded allowing the villagers to witness the explosion even though they were a good distance away.  When the blast cleared it revealed Pain’s cloak torn as he no longer had his headband on.  ‘It seems that the nine tails power is more magnificent than I realized.’ Tendo thought to himself.  Pain’s puppet master knew that he had to bring Kyuubi Naruto closer to where he was at.  So Tendo lept away with Kyuubi Naruto following him.

Tendo looked over his shoulder to see Kyuubi Naruto was close on his heels.

*Should be far enough away.  Let us activate that jutsu.* Nagato thought to Tendo. 

Catastrophic Planetary Construction!” stated Pain as he created a black ball in between the palms of his hands.  Tendo threw the black ball jutsu back towards Kyuubi Naruto.  The jutsu acted like a black hole as it pulled up the ground, trees, and surrounding area as it closed in around Kyuubi Naruto.  Kyuubi Naruto let out Biju Bomb after Biju Bomb to try to escape from being trapped and captured.  But soon Kyuubi Naruto laid trapped by the jutsu created by Pain.

Within Naruto’s mindscape, Naruto was clutching his head crying and screaming out loud.  He didn’t want to live any more or go through the hurt.  Why was he fighting as everyone saw him as a monster and a weapon.  Was it worth it?  Naruto’s soul reaper uniform ripped off showing the seal that laid on his stomach which began to bleed as it looked almost like a hollow’s hole.  Kyuubi laid trapped within his den as Naruto’s mindscape changed trapping the large beast.  An eyeless and emotionless Naruto approached Kyuubi as he touched the seal collar that laid around the nine tails neck.  The seal began to glow at Naruto’s touch.

“Please Kit.  Don’t do this!  Please snap out of it! Stop please!” Kyuubi called out to his host but Naruto said nothing as he reached out for the seal.  Kyuubi whimpered as he couldn’t do anything to stop Naruto.  Just as Naruto was going to rip off the seal he was stopped by three people who wouldn’t allow him to lose himself.

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