eighteen- reunion long over due

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Eighteen- reunion long over due

Naruto's blue eyes came back into focus as he found both his father the fourth hokage Minato Namikaze and his adoptive brother Ichigo Kurosaki pulling Naruto away from Kyuubi. Shirosaki stood protectively before the nine tails just in case Ichigo and Minato couldn't snap Naruto out of it.

"Ichigo.....? Dad.....?" he questioned in shock.

"It seems that the seal I had placed on you started unraveling causing you to go into an eight tails state." stated Minato.

"That was a bit too close for comfort Naruto. Even in my mindscape I could feel you losing control. But let me assure you that Hinata is safe. Orihime and Sakura are healing her." Ichigo stated.

"But how are you both here?" Naruto asked.

"Kyuubi called for us mentally when he sensed your unraveling." replied Shiro.

"As I told you before when we last fought that a part of my chakra along with your mother's is sealed within you." added Minato.

"Shiro, how is he?" Ichigo asked his hollow.

"I will be alright Ichigo. Thank you for coming." stated Kyuubi before he turned his attention to Minato. "It is good to see you again fourth hokage." stated the fox. Minato looked at the nine tails in shock as he was much different from how he remembered.

"You seem a bit different from how I remember you nine tails. Is it because my son has tamed you or is it because you regret what happened sixteen years ago?" Minato asked.

"I didn't asked to be forcefully ripped out of Kushina or to be taken control of by Madara. Or at least a person who believed that he was Madara Uchiha."growled Kyuubi.

"Dad..... Kyuubi..... Please don't fight!" Naruto yelled out panting wildly.

"Naruto it is all right. Just breathe.... Relax..... Calm down." Ichigo stated. Naruto did as Ichigo instructed as he began to calm down. Once fully relaxed he apologized for his earlier out burst.

"What was that all about?" Minato asked.

"Parts of Kyuubi has rubbed off on Naruto that at times he does go into a demonic rage if he doesn't keep control of his emotions." answered Ichigo.

"So that's your name..... Kushina never knew it as I don't think anyone knew it." stated Minato.

"The only reason to why Naruto knows it is because I told him. I have a very close bond with him because I was sort of born a part of him. I have told him the truth about everything and even showed him memories of you and Kushina. Speaking of which....." Kyuubi trailed off. A long red haired woman approached the men unsure of why she was called here. The mindscape that used to house Kyuubi had changed greatly. Her golden eyes widened when she saw Kyuubi loose along with her husband Minato and a young teen that looked like Minato. Before anyone had a chance to explain Kushina's hands rapidly ran through a series of hand signs. Chakra chains erupted from her body heading for Kyuubi.

Shiro who was still close by Kyuubi took out his zanpakuto and slashed at the chains as they flew. But more kept coming.

"Getsuga Tensho [moon fang heaven piercer]!" Shiro snapped out as he destroyed all the chains instantly. Before Kushina could attack again, both Naruto and Minato grabbed Kushina pulling her away from the nine tails. Kushina thrashed in their hold.

"Kushina...... Stop it!" snapped Minato.

"Please mom...... Nothing was Kyuubi's fault. Please don't hurt him." cried Naruto. Kushina began to relax in her husband's hold wondering what was going on. "Ichigo...... Shiro, could you take Kyuubi elsewhere while I talk to my folks?" Naruto asked.

"Certainly Naruto." replied Ichigo as he, Shiro, and Kyuubi left the area. Minato let go of his hold on his wife as he turned her around quickly kissing her. Naruto turned beat red as he turned away allowing his parents to share their intermit lip lock. After a few minutes Naruto cleared his

"Minato..... Is that?" Kushina asked as the former fourth hokage nodded his head. Kushina tackled Naruto in a tight hug. "My baby boy! God look at you, so grown up. What a fine young man you have become. You look so much like your father." Kushina gushed.

"Mom...... Can't breathe....." gasped Naruto. Kushina let go of her hold on Naruto apologizing.

Naruto explained everything to his parents about Kyuubi and how the fox has treated him and how the fox has always tried to help them out. He explained about Ichigo and his inner hollow Shiro. Ichig was someone who not only Naruto could relate too but also helped him out.

"Ichigo's family took me in when I lept dimensions and gave me things I never had since living in Konaha. While in Ichigo's dimension, I have developed the same abilities as him as we are not only soul reapers but also ninja's. We have the title of Sage also under our belt." Naruto also explained what hollows and what soul reapers were. He explained how he and Ichigo first met and everything that they have both been through. He even told his folks about what happened to Jiraiya and the village. "I don't know what to do to stop Pain. Or even how to stop the one who calls himself Madara Uchiha and even Aizen from destroying both realms."

"Well for one thing you aren't alone." stated Minato as he pointed towards Ichigo, Shiro, and Kyuubi. "These beings have been by your side all this time. Even though Ichigo and his hollow aren't from our dimension, they are willing to fight by your side to protect world along with our own. You are a strong and powerful kid Naruto. I know that the leaf village will rebuild no matter what happens. You have to have faith in the people who are fighting alongside of you not only from this realm but the other one you have been too. You have strong allies Naruto as they are willing to fight to stop this evil." stated Minato. Tears began to stream down Naruto's face as he knew that this was the last time that he would ever see his folks and get to talk them.

"Naruto know that no matter what we are so proud of you. Kyuubi please look after my son."

"Of course Kushina. I am so sorry that I have never opened to you and for the things that I have done to you in the past." Kyuubi whimpered lightly. Kushina went up to the nine tailed fox as she gently patted his side. The great Biju lord dipped his muzzle to his former host to allow the human to hug him. Tears streamed down Kushina's face.

"Nothing that happened back then was your fault Kyuubi. I am just happy that you have been there for Naruto." she stated taking a step back away from the fox to join her husband before giving one final hug to her son.

"Naruto I know that you are possibly angry with me for sealing Kyuubi into you. And Kyuubi you are possibly mad at me for sealing you into Naruto." stated Minato bluntly.

"We aren't mad and/or angry with you Minato. You knew that I was being used by that masked Akatsuki as he planned to destroy the village. Naruto in a way has mastered my power in a way that no other has ever done before. We will find a way to stop this masked mad man and Aizen." stated Kyuubi. This statement caused Minato to smile.

"I know that you guys will. Before my chakra fades completely allow me to rebuild the seal for one last time." stated Minato as he touched the exposed seal on Naruto's stomach. He pressed his hands turning it roughly allowing the seal to be reformed.

"Lord Namikaze....." stated Ichigo. Minato and Kushina turned towards Ichigo bowing their heads to the teen.

"Thank you Ichigo Kurosaki for helping out our son and for being a true friend as well as a brother when he needed one." both Kushina and Minato stated in unison.

"Of course." replied Ichigo as both he and Naruto watched as the two vanished. "Are you ready to kick some ass Naruto?" asked Ichigo. Naruto wiped away his tears nodding his head.

"Come on Kit..... Let's do this! Let's make them proud of you!" stated Kyuubi. Naruto looked up at Ichigo, Shiro, and Kyuubi as he grinned wildly.

"Yeah...... Let's end this once and for all!" Naruto stated.

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