nineteen- round two

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Nineteen- round two

Tendo watched with wide eyes as the eight tailed version of the nine tailed fox broke free of his jutsu. The demon fox let out a terrible roar that sent chills up and down Tendo's spine.

*This is the power we need. We must capture the nine tails no matter what the cost.* Nagato thought to the last version of Pain that was still standing (Tendo). But soon the fox stopped moving as it transformed back into Naruto.

'Did he master the nine tails?' Tendo asked himself. Naruto could feel the Catastrophic Planetary Construction begin to crumble beneath him so he lept to the ground as the rock crashed down to the ground.

"That was a close one. For a second there I thought that we were all going to die." Stated Katsuyu.

"Sorry for worrying you. I didn't hurt anybody when I went into a nine tails mode?" Naruto asked.

"No..... Everyone is fine." replied a voice almost directly behind Pain. Tendo turned around quickly to see Ichigo with a full hollow mask on. By his side stood a clone but it took on a more hollowfied version of Ichigo's vasto lorde form. Naruto knew almost instantly that the clone was Shiro as somehow Ichigo found a way to have his inner hollow take control of a shadow clone. A smile stretched across Naruto's face as he flared up his biju chakra causing Kyuubi to fully manifest.

'Impossible. How could someone managed to creep up upon me? How is it even possible for this Jinchuriki to have this much power?' Pain thought to himself. Kyuubi let out and deep snarl as he glared down Pain.

"You are going to pay for what you have put us through." growled Kyuubi.

"Even so can you finally comprehend Pain? You truly can't comprehend someone else's motivation unless you know the same pain as they do."

"Shut the hell up!" growled Shiro. "It's you who doesn't understand. You have no idea of the things we have seen or even what we have been through."

"It's all right Shiro. He doesn't have to know. Perhaps it is time that we have a face to face talk with your puppet master."

"So you have figured it out. I will not give up his location no matter what you do to me." replied Tendo.

"Then I guess that we have no choice but to find him ourselves." stated Ichigo as he grabbed the chakra rod that Tendo held in his hands. Ichigo's eyes took on the sage mode behind the vizard mask.

"Impossible.... No one should be able to sneak up on the Rinnegan. Who in the world are you and what in the hell are you?" asked Tendo.

"Ichigo Kurosaki.... Substitute soul reaper and ninja." answered Ichigo as he broke the rod and kicked Pain over to a nearby rubble. Tendo hit it hard knocking the wind out of him.

*That had to hurt!* stated Shiro mentally. Ichigo clutched the rod in his hand as he used the sage mode to reverse track to where the puppet master was. This seemed to surprise Nagato as he could feel Ichigo's eyes on him.

"Found him!" Ichigo stated as he tossed the rod aside. The puppet master was within a tall tree that happened to be made from paper. "Let's end this once and for all Naruto!" stated Ichigo causing the blond ninja to smile as he created several shadow clones to help him form the Rasen-shuriken.

*Ichigo, we can only produce two more Rasen-shuriken as all of my backup clones had disappeared when I went into a nine tails state.* Naruto told his teammate mentally.

*Then save your power. You and Kyuubi get to deal the final blow to this puppet corpse. Let Shiro and I handle this as we have more than enough power.* Ichigo replied. Naruto nodded his head but he didn't allow Kyuubi to vanish but he did allow the shadow clones and Rasen-shuriken to disperse. This caused Tendo to look at them wondering what was going on.

"I will not allow you to pass." growled Tendo.

*Be careful of his push and pull jutsu. Once fired you only have five seconds before he can use it again.* Kyuubi stated.

*Got it!* replied Shiro and Ichigo in unison.

Shiro allowed a cero [doom blast] to form at the end of his horns before he hot it at Tendo.

"All Mighty Push!" snapped out Tendo but, he was pushed back by Shiro's cero [doom blast]. 'Damn it! These two are just as strong as the nine tails Jinchuriki.' Tendo thought to himself. The ninja didn't notice two shadow clones of Ichigo approached him from both sides armed with the Lightning Blade jutsu. Tendo extended out two chakra rods out and cut down the two clones but Ichigo was ready for that as he used Kuroi Getsuga [black moon fang] energy to wrap around Tendo trapping the Akatsuki member.

"Naruto..... Kyuubi.... Now!" yelled out Ichigo. Kyuubi and Naruto produced a large Biju bomb as the nine tailed fox used his tails to spring Naruto close range.

"Give it up!" yelled Tendo as he tried to escape Ichigo's zanpakuto attack.

"No way that I will give up and give in. So stop trying to make me give up!" yelled out Naruto as he slammed the Biju bomb into Tendo. Soon the last Pain body crumpled at Naruto's feet as the bodies of both Shiro and Kyuubi vanished from sight.

Tears began to streak down wildly from Naruto's eyes and down his face as Ichigo went up to him and held the young teen close.

"Hinata..... The village..... The villagers...... Did I.....?"

"No everyone is alright. Captain Yamato pulled everyone back when you lost control."

"Thank heavens. But no doubt, everyone is going to see me as a monster."

*You're not a monster Kit. If anyone is a monster it's both Aizen and Madara. They are a true monsters. Let's end this as I want to confront the supposed leader of the Akatsuki.*

*Now let's not do anything too rough to him Kyuubi. We have a surprise for this man.* Shiro stated. This caused the Biju and Jinchuriki to raise their eyebrows in question. But they had faith that Ichigo knew what he was doing.

"All right then, let's bring this to a close." Naruto stated as the two traveled to the sight of where the Pain's puppet master was at. It was time to face the man face to face and finally end this once and for all.

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