twelve- Nell vs Nnoritora

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story! Special thanks to Champion Alex and ultima-owner (from for helping me come up with the name and information about Sasuke's inner demon. You guys are the best.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

twelve- Nell vs Nnoritora

Ichigo and Naruto leapt back to Hueco Mundo but this time they were not alone. Gaara had also been pulled into the leap. Never before had something like this happened. There was a very good chance that Gaara and Shukaku could prove useful in the mission to rescue Orihime from the Espada. The three landed hard before both Ichigo's and Naruto's combined group. While the two substitutes soul reapers/ninja were gone, Naruto's group had found their way out of Los Noches meeting up with Ichigo's group. It was there that Isshin explained where Ichigo and Naruto went. Sasuke's eyes widened when he saw Gaara with the two teens.

"Welcome back you two. But, who is that with you?" Isshin asked.

"Gaara. A sand ninja and Jinchuriki like Naruto. He holds the one tail raccoon Shukaku within him." Sasuke answered. Gaara let out a low moan as his vision began to clear. He leapt back suddenly as the sand around him began to rise when he saw Komamura.

"Its all right Gaara..... He is a friend. In a way he is kind of related to Kyuubi." Naruto stated as he leapt before Gaara to stop him from attacking Komamura. The sand dropped back down to the ground as a sheepish look crossed his face.

"Sorry about that." Gaara stated softly. Ichigo introduced Gaara to everyone as Nell tugged gently on his pant leg.

"I didn't forget about you Nell. Are you certain that you want to do this?"

"Yes. I feel that I can help you guys out. Besides I owe you for helping me out and I want to kill Nnoritora with my own hands." replied Nell.

*We are ready if you are King. Lets do this.* Shiro stated mentally. Ichigo took a long deep breath as he let it out slowly. Ichigo allowed his powers to surface allowing everyone within the

group to feel it. Ichigo's powers flowed into Nell once he placed his hands onto the small girl. No physical transformation seemed to happen. No one had noticed Nell's hollow mask had healed. Nell could feel it, her powers returing to her along with some new ones.

Ichigo pulled back nearly drained of energy as his father had caught him in his arms.

"Its done." Ichigo stated.

"But nothing happened. There was no change to her. Are you certain Ichigo?" asked Isshin. Both Sasuke's and Naruto's eyes changed revealing the Sharningan and Sage eyes.

"Trust us Mr. Kurosaki, Ichigo had returned what Nell had lost." both teens stated in unison. Suddenly both teens noticed something coming at them. "Move!" they shouted as everyone scrambled out of the way. A large staff-like scythe came crashing down causing the ground to quake.

"Damn I missed!" chuckled a male voice. The group noticed an Arrancar approaching them as they could hear a light low moan. It seemed that Grimmjow was regaining consciousness. "You are pathic Grimmjow. You couldn't beat a lowly soul reaper. You don't diserve to call yourself an Espada. Perhaps I shall just end your life." spoke the unknown Espada. As he spoke everyone could see the number five branded on his tongue.

"Nnoritora." Nell spat in a low voice. The large staff scythe retracted back to Nnoritora's hands. Nnoritora leapt into the air swinging his zanpakuto at the barely conscious Grimmjow. Ichigo moved so quick that no one registered that he had moved. Ichigo stopped Nnoritora's weapon from hitting Grimmjow.

"Kurosaki?" Grimmjow questioned weakly panting as he laid there to wounded to even move.

"Out of my way soul reaper." hissed Nnoritora.

"No...... I will not let you kill him." Ichigo snapped back. Ichigo could feel Gaara's sand moving Grimmjow out of harms way.

*Are you certain that this is a wise move Ichigo?* Kyuubi asked mentally.

*I can sense some goodness in him. He's just been mislead and lied too. We can use someone like him.* Ichigo replied. Ichigo could see a golden cero [doom blast] form at the tip of Nnoritora's tongue forcing Ichigo to curse out violently. Suddenly a strange figure dashed forward as they gobbled up Nnoritora's cero when it was fired only to spit it back at him.

"If you don't mind, I will take care of Nnoritora." stated a female voice. Standing a few feet before Ichigo was Nell in her full adult form. The number three was tattooed onto her back.

"Nelliel TuOdelschwank. I knew that you were too kind hearted to be an Espada. I should have killed you when I had the chance." Nnoritora spat out.

"Well good luck doing that now Nnoritora. I will make certain that you pay for killing Pesche and Dondachakka." Nell hissed back.

"As if that is going to scare me." laughed Nnoritora. Nell moved so quickly as she kicked Nnoritora in the head sending him flying. Nell drew out her sword as she charged at Nnoritora. Nnoritora spat out blood as he readied for Nell's attack. But Nell moved much faster than sondio [sound] as her zanpakuto clashed in a shower of sparks with Nnoritora's zanpakuto. 'There is no way...... she is much stronger and faster than ever before. I refuse to get beaten by her again.' Nnoritora thought to himself as he tried to hit Nell with a bala [bullet]. Nell responded with her own bala as the two simultaneously. Nnoritora was pushed back by the force of Nell's bala. "You bitch!" Nnoritora spat out firing a cero. Nell gobbled it up just like she did with the last one.

"Cero Doble [double zero]!" snapped Nell releasing a cero that was double in strength and size. The cero hit Nnoritora causing a large explosion. The group shuttered at the display of strength Nell possessed as Nnoritora came out of the blast a bit burnt as you could easily tell that he was pissed. Nnoritora roared out loud as he was determined to kill Nell.

"Prey...... Santa Teresa [praying mantis]!" Nnoritora snapped out as he released into that of his true form. Nell seemed to roll her eyes as she held out her zanpakuto before her.

"Declare....... Gamuza [centaur]!" Nell snapped out releasing to her true form.

The two glared at each other before they moved to strike at each other. The two collided in a shower of sparks as their swords rang out over the battle field. As both Nell and Nnoritora battled, Isshin and Komamura worked on healing Grimmjow's wounds.

"Why are you helping me?" Grimmjow questioned. Everyone looked at Ichigo for the answer.

"Because Grimmjow, you are not totally bad. Yes it frustrates you that I am far stronger than you. But the one who is deceiving you the most is Aizen. He is just using you to get what he wants. He has no plans in letting you guys live once he achieves his goals. During our fights, I can sense some goodness in you. Help us Grimmjow to defeat Aizen." Ichigo replied. Grimmjow laid there thinking over what Ichigo had said. Grimmjow had to admit that even though Ichigo's power and nature frustrated him,

Aizen was the one who pissed him off the most.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, what you say is true. I am willing to help you bring Aizen down. But after we defeat Aizen, I will be your enemy once again." stated Grimmjow. This brought a smile to Ichigo's face.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." replied Ichigo.

Everyone turned their attention back to the fight between Nell and Nnoritora. The two leapt back away from each other as they were covered not only in blood by scars. Nell's lance began to glow in her hands.

"This ends now Nnoritora. Lanzador Verde [green lancer]!" snapped out Nell as she threw her lance at Nnoritora. Once of Nnoritora's zanpakuto shattered completely as the lance pierced his skin sending the fifth Espada flying back into a broken pillar. Nell moved in before Nnoritora had a chance to strike back.

"You fucking bitch! Indice Radar [mark radar]!" Nnoritora snapped out. A new powers and word began to echo in the back of Nell's mind.

"Centauro Temblor [centaur quake]!" snapped out Nell as she stomped her hoves onto the ground causing the ground to quake. The ground erupted upwards meeting with Nnoritora's attack protecting Nell. Power began to charge into Nell's hands as it combined both the power of the cero and bala together. Both energies began to glow green. "Esmeralda Explosion [emerald blast]!" The combined blast hit Nnoritora hard. "That was for Pesche and Dondochakka." Nell growled as she stomped closer to Nnoritora who was bleeding badly. Even in released form he couldn't heal his wounds that Nell had inflicted. "And this one is from me and everything that you have put me through. Rot in hell Nnoritora. Esmeralda Explosion [emerald blast]!" Nell snapped out firing the attack at close range instantly killing Nnoritora. Nell smiled as she returned back to her normal adult form.

Nell walked up to the group as Ichigo just smiled at her. Nell suddenly grabbed the substitute soul reaper/ninja in a tight hug.

"Thank you..... Thank you....... Thank you Ichigo!" she beamed.

"Not a problem Nell." Ichigo gasped.

"Nell you might want to let him go. Ichigo can't breathe." Isshin stated. Nell blushed as she let Ichigo go as he gasped for air.

"Sorry. I forgot how strong I was. It has been a while since I have been in my true adult form.

Especially since Nnoritora tried to kill me."

"That's understandable." replied Isshin. Grimmjow slowly rose to his feet as everyone watched him carefully as he ran his hand through his blue locks of hair.

"If we plan to get your girl back, we should get going." Grimmjow stated. Everyone agreed as they set out to find and rescue Orihime.

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